Diet and Nutrition

Tune-In: Hungry Girl’s Crave Busters on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in Wednesday, April 7 to the Rachael Ray Show when the Hungry Girl stops by with a healthy answer to all of your junk food cravings with recipes that will satisfy your stomach without busting your waistline.

From French toast to buffet breakfasts, Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien shows you how you can have all the things you crave, but without the guilt!

We’re not sure what the Hungry Girl is whipping up, but we think it is a peanut-butter-licious recipe that swaps regular peanut butter for Better n’ Peanut Butter, which has only 100 calories per two tablespoon serving.


Three Reasons Why It’s Important to Be a Healthy Mom

Guest blogger Mandi Reading is a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition consultant and mother of three young children. You can find her blogging every day about fitness, nutrition, mothers and their families at Trainermomma.

When I workout, I get the question quite frequently, “What are you training for?”.

The only answer I can honestly give is, “motherhood.”

I work with a lot of women and often they joke that after having their children their bodies take a nose dive and they are stuck in an endless downward spiral. I disagree. Having children is not necessarily a life sentence of love handles. Our children can play a central role to get us and keep us in shape.


International Fitness Day Fights Childhood Obesity

Guest blogger, Dina Skulte

Guest blogger Dina Skulte is a 37-year old mother of two girls who is on a mission to get fit and healthy for herself and her family. She launched Fit for Kids’ Sake in July 2025 and has lost more than 40 pounds with a total target of 70 pounds. She is passionate about health and fitness and helping end obesity around the world by coaching others and offering nutrition and family fitness services. Follow Dina’s journey at Fit For Kids Sake or on Facebook.

The growing obesity epidemic is no secret. And to be frank, the stats are pretty darn scary. I applaud first lady Michelle Obama for taking this issue head on by creating the Let’s Move! campaign and Jamie Oliver for creating the Food Revolution campaign.

However, if America is serious about fixing this growing problem, it’s up to us. It’s up to the parents of America’s youth to become accountable for the health of our children. We need to be our children’s role models, even when it comes to what we put in our mouths and how we treat our bodies. (more…)

Portion Distortion: The Last Supper Gets Super-Sized

It is said that art imitates life. And, this holds true even in depictions of the divine. A study conducted by a Cornell University professor and his brother, a Presbyterian minister and religious studies professor, has found that depictions of the famous Last Supper of Jesus Christ has seen a growth in the food portion sizes over the last 1,000 years.

But, the obesity crisis has only been a problem in the last few decades. So, what can be taken from these findings?

“The last thousand years have witnessed dramatic increases in the production, availability, safety, abundance, and affordability of food,” says Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and author of “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.”


Weight Loss Advice: Don’t Eat Like a “Typical American”

As a nutrition expert, people are always asking me for my “weight loss secrets.” The truth is, I don’t have any secrets. I think the credible information that would help most people is already out there. Things are changing ever so slowly. I see a growing trend toward simplifying weight loss strategies. Many people are saying that they aren’t dieting (yay!), they’re just making healthier food choices and only eating when hungry. (That’s a big one. Try it for one day and you will realize, you really don’t know what hunger and fullness feels like.)

One simple tip I can offer is to avoid eating like a typical American – the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). I recently appeared on TV with a client to show how she is losing weight – and inches – by avoiding the SAD eating habits of typical Americans.


Michelle May Answers “Am I Hungry?” In Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat

The National Nutrition Month interview series continues. I’m so excited about this interview! Everyone needs to listen to it. If you have ever dieted, felt uncontrollable eating or binging, think you are an emotional eater, or just have “food rules” you will benefit from hearing what Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat, has to say about dieting and weight management – and it’s not “count your calories and eat less.”

She should know about weight management, she has struggled with her own weight most of her life. She gets it. Not only that, but the book offers realistic and practical advice and encouragement for changing the way you think about eating and dieting. If you’re ready to stop the cycle of eating and repenting for your “food sins,” you will love what this book has to offer.

Listen now to our conversation to get a taste for the whole “Am I hungry?” approach. Find out how you may be sabotaging reaching your healthy weight by dieting and ignoring your body’s own hunger and fullness signs.

Let me know what you think about it in the comments section. One reader will be chosen to receive a copy of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat on April 9, 2025.

Michelle offers an “eating cycle” quiz on her website as well, which is well worth your time. Enjoy the conversation!

Wayne Vandenlangenberg’s Biggest Loser Weight Loss Story

Last night we met Wayne Vandenlangenberg, a man who at his heaviest weighed 674 pounds. He said his doctors warned him of the health concerns and even that his life expectancy was diminishing. Living life in a wheel chair, Wayne wasn’t ready to go down that easy.

He caught an episode of Biggest Loser, and after that he was hooked. Becoming so much more than a fan, he followed the lifestyle at home, changing his diet and exercise habits to reflect what he saw on the show. The changes worked. During a live weigh-in from the Biggest Loser ranch, Wayne stepped on that famous scale weighing 256 pounds. It’s a dramatic 418 pound loss than gives him a greater weight loss than any contestant in the show’s nearly 10-season history.

Listen now as we talk to Wayne about the one contestant who truly inspired him to change his life, and the topic of skin removal surgery.


Fatty Foods as Addictive as Cocaine, Study Says

Realistically, everyone knows that fatty foods are bad for health. There’s a reason that the old saying says, “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”, after all. A new study has gone a step further and the research indicates that these calorie and fat laden foods may be as addictive as cocaine in the workings of your brain.

Scientists at the Scripps University allowed lab rats to gorge on cake frosting and sweet treats, as well as bacon and sausage, with unlimited, round the clock access. They discovered that this triggered addiction-like responses in their brains. To maintain their food-induced highs, the rats consumed more and more fatty treats – and grew obese in the process. Quite possibly the most startling evidence of the true nature of addiction was uncovered when the rats’ feet were zapped with electric shocks in an effort to dissuade their constant gnawing. The rats only paused briefly, even with the intense pain. (more…)

Easter Basket Treats Don’t Have to be Diet Busters

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait for Easter. After a Lent of no treats, Easter brought a basket of chocolaty goodness and a sugar high that caused a crash reminiscent of the 1929 stock market disaster. When I had my own children, I realized that the calories in many Easter treats just weren’t worth the exercise required to work them off, and that I could craft a basket for my kids that would be just as happily received, and also better for them too.

Here are the calorie counts of some of the most popular Easter basket treats, and some lower calorie alternatives that won’t have you in spin class long after the taste has left your lips.

  • 1 Cadbury Cream Egg – 170 calories
  • Cadbury Chocolate Eggs – 12 eggs, 190 calories
  • Peeps – 4 Peeps, 130 calories
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg – 190 calories
  • 7 ounce hollow Easter bunny – 1,050 calories (more…)

Kate Geagan Discusses GoGreen GetLean

When it comes to going green, you can do a lot more than reduce, reuse, recycle. You can go green and get healthy at the same time. You’ll probably lose weight, too. That’s because when you “go green” for health, you’re eating more plants like veggies, fruits, whole grains (ever had wheatberries?), beans and legumes (like lentils), and soy (tried tempeh?). You’re also eating less meat and animal products in general. Plants are naturally low in calories, sodium, and high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. This is as close to a “magic bullet” you will get for healthy weight management. If you care about the environment, consider this: cutting back on meat can be the equivalent of trading in an SUV for a small car!

If all this sounds interesting, you have to listen now to my conversation with Kate Geagan, RD, and author of “Go Green, Get Lean: Trim Your Waistline with the Ultimate Low Carbon Footprint Diet.”

Listen to the interview below!

We discuss low carbon eating and nutrition and the health impact. You’ll hear Kate’s perspective on choosing wild or farm raised fish. The answer may be surprising (I was)!

You can learn more about Kate at her website,, or follow her on Twitter @GreenEating.

Tune In: Valerie Bertinelli and the Hungry Girl on the Joy Behar Show

Tune in this Tuesday, March 30 to the Joy Behar Show when Valerie Bertinelli is the guest host and Lisa Lillien stops by to discuss her new book, Hungry Girl 1-2-3.

Lisa Lillien, aka The Hungry Girl, is known for her creative and low-calorie takes on indulgent and decadent foods. Her latest book features a host of new recipes that are specifically designed for the healthy eater who loves to eat yummy food, but has little time to prepare it.
