Diet and Nutrition

Cheryl Forberg Discusses “The Biggest Loser: 6 Weeks to a Healthier You”

I had the great pleasure to sit down with superstar dietitian Cheryl Forberg, RD, who just so happens to be a professional chef and the nutrition expert behind the wildly successful weight loss on NBC’s The Biggest Loser! She talked with me about her latest book, The Biggest Loser: 6 Weeks to a Healthier You, which released yesterday. Plus, read on to see how you can win a copy for yourself!

Rebecca: Cheryl, you’ve authored several wonderful books for Biggest Loser so far and I was personally a big fan of Biggest Loser Simple Swaps, what makes The Biggest Loser: 6 Weeks to a Healthier You different than other books?

Cheryl: There are many books on the market catering to dieting and weight loss. One of the distinctions of The Biggest Loser eating plan is that the quality of the calories is as important as the quantity. Our eating plan has evolved since we began 10 seasons ago, and I’m happy to say that it’s continually improved in terms of including less and less processed food choices. (more…)

Tune In: Devin Alexander on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Wednesday, March 17 to The Dr. Oz Show when Devin Alexander drops by to educate you on the principles of healthy cooking and eating.

Dr. Oz will discuss natural ways to reduce the effects of aging and he congratulates Devin for her “good idea” when it comes to aging and health. Devin will also be sharing her scrumptious recipe for a healthier take on Chicken Parmesan.

Devin is the author of several healthier cookbooks, including “The Most Decadent Diet Ever,” the “Biggest Loser Cookbook,” a New York Times Bestseller, and the just-released “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fattening.” (more…)

Lowest Calorie Beers for St. Patrick’s Day

We all know that St. Patrick’s Day is more like “national drink some beer day.” But, what is the holiday really all about? St. Patrick, not of Irish descent, is known for establishing monasteries, churches, and schools all over the country. He used these aids to help him convert the Gaelic Irish to Christianity. He used the three-leafed shamrock to help represent the combination of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. St. Patrick died on March 17, thus this day has been commemorated as St. Patrick’s Day ever since.

Why is alcohol associated with St. Patrick’s Day? This is a generalization and a huge stereotype. In Ireland, people drink as a social past time as they do here in America. As it rains quite a bit in Ireland, so the tradition is to hit the local pub for a pint or two. Seems to me that people in America hit the local bar whether it’s rain or shine! So, with that being said, you might as well indulge in some healthy choices of beer if you are going to partake in this festive holiday. Below is a list of the healthiest choices of beer, both foreign and domestic. (more…)

Tune In: Amazing Weight Loss Stories on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Friday, March 19 to the Rachael Ray Show to hear one woman’s inspirational story about losing 164 pounds, and find out her number one tip for keeping the weight off!

Julie struggled with her weight her entire life and reached a high of 321 pounds, but it wasn’t until her mother was diagnosed with cancer that she decided to make a change.

After doing research and learning that being morbidly obese increases your risk of cancer, Julie committed herself to Weight Watchers and their Lose for Good campaign. The 32-year-old has since lost 164 pounds, and she tells Rachael the most important thing she gained from the program. (more…)

Tune In: Seven Deadly Health Habits on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Friday, March 19 to The Dr. Oz Show when he informs you of the seven deadly health habits you need to break – today.

From what you might be eating for breakfast to how you manage stress, these seven health habits might be taking years off of your life.

Plus, Dr. Oz introduces audience members to an obese man whose weight is putting him at serious risk for an early death.


Tune In: The Best and Worst Things for Your Body on The Doctors

Tune in this Thursday, March 18 to The Doctors to learn what are the best and worst things for your body.

Certain health advice like eat your fruits and veggies are common knowledge but The Doctors teach you about some not-so-obvious health habits you should or should not do in order to keep looking and feeling your best. You’ll also learn which things you once thought were unhealthy have actually proven to be healthy. (more…)

Add Avocados to Your Balanced Diet

As a dietitian, people always want to know what they can do to eat well. Healthful eating is easy if you focus on choosing foods that have good nutrition for the calories. By filling your shopping cart with a variety of vegetables and fruits, you can be sure you are getting a good nutritional “bang for your buck.”

I love avocados, with nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in a one-ounce (3 slice) serving, and I’m excited to be working with Avocados from Mexico. Watch this video to learn why avocados are tops on my “nutrition list” and get a few ideas for including avocados in easy-to-make meals and snacks.


A Healthy New Life: One Mom’s Wellness Makeover

A healthy new life. Why me? Why now?

Hello Everyone! My name is Shelley and I am an emotional eater and therefore a chronic dieter. Hmm, now that’s a term that until recently I never knew, but in the last few weeks so much has “turned around” in my life…

I was raised in a large family with 5 brothers and sisters and in our house at meal time if you “took it” you “ate it.” There were also many times that I can remember having a “heated” discussion at our table and my escape was to bury my face in my plate. Hand to mouth, just eating and staying quite, hoping the conversation would not turn to “me” being the one getting the criticism of the day!

As I grew I was active, swimming and playing outside as a child and teen not having what I would call a “weight issue.” When I went to college my food intake consisted of Diet Coke and small meals, and I was pretty active; I went to a large university so I did lots of daily walking. A few years later, as a “bride” I survived on what I will call the “bride’s diet” of one meal and Diet Coke through the day so that I would look ever so thin at my wedding. (more…)

Best Gluten-Free Products and a Gluten Beware List

As someone who has to avoid wheat, dairy and eggs (just to name a few) I have done a lot of research and taste testing to help ensure that while my dietary needs have to be adjusted for my well being, that I don’t have to give up all my favorite foods and equally important taste! Below I have listed some of my favorite products that have made me feel like I don’t have to give up all the goodies and meals I love so much.

1. Rice Crackers: Ka-Me rice cracker brand has delicious flavors and the crackers are perfect for any dip or even on their own. I especially like the wasabi-flavored cracker, but these are not for the faint of heart. Ka-Me Crackers

2. Gluten-Free Pasta: Tinkyada Brown Rice pasta has become a must-have in my house. With all variations from spaghetti to spirals to lasagna you can enjoy your same pasta favorites at home and not feel like you’re eating an “alternative” product. Tinkyada pasta

Try this recipe: Quinoa Pasta with Creamy Pesto and Tomatoes

3. Gluten-Free Soy Sauce: A staple in Asian cooking and for all of you sushi lovers out there like me. The San-J brand soy sauce that is certified gluten-free by the Gluten-Free Certification Association tastes exactly as regular soy sauce and is the perfect addition to my stir-fry dishes. San-J Soy Sauce

4. Bob’s Red Mill: I love this company and that there is a Bob’s Red Mill dedicated gluten-free section full of all the products you need for baking as well as mixes for cakes, breads, granola as well as product bundles and samplers. I personally love the all-purpose baking flour which helped get me back in the kitchen and making yummy cookies again. Bob’s Red Mill/Gluten-Free (more…)

What to Do After Reaching a Weight Loss Goal

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your Free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” check out her website,

Congratulations! You’ve overcome a huge hurdle in achieving your weight loss goal. It took a lot of hard work, determination and commitment to get this far, but don’t rest on your laurels just yet. Your journey isn’t over. Now comes the hard part, keeping the weight off.

Did you know that two out of three people who lose weight regain all of it and sometimes more, in as little as two years? If you don’t want this happening to you, read on to learn how to keep that weight off, for good.


The Skinny on McDonald’s Shamrock Shake

St. Patrick’s Day – A day to indulge in your favorite beer (or beers), corned beef hash or McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes.

Whereas most items at The Golden Arches can be purchased all year long, the Shamrock Shake is only available during the month of March, in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.

So what exactly is the Shamrock Shake? It’s a light green shake with a mint-meets-vanilla taste. These seasonal shakes are a seriously hot commodity among milkshake connoisseurs. And since not all McDonald’s locations offer them, die-hard fans might themselves cruising around town to find one that does.

But taste aside, how does the Shamrock Shake stack up?

Here is the nutritional information for one 16-ounce shake. (more…)