Diet and Nutrition

Pregorexia: The New Eating Disorder Affecting Pregnant Women

pregnancy-weightThere is an unfortunate new bar being raised when it comes to pregnancy weight gain. Pregorexia is a relatively new phenomenon in which moms-to-be gain very little weight throughout their entire pregnancy and return to their pre-pregnant weight within just a few days of giving birth.

Pregorexia is affecting more and more American women who choose to eat as little as possible during pregnancy out of fear of gaining weight. With celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman, who maintained a very thin figure throughout their pregnancy and reclaimed their pre-baby body in very little time, the spotlight on such high-profile women may be putting other women at risk for developing this disorder.


Madonna Invests in Coconut Water

coconut waterMove over Gatorade and Vitamin Water. There is competition in the beverage case and the Material Girl is one of the first to hop on the newest hydration bandwagon of coconut water.

Coconut water is a wildly popular new drink that has recently hit stores all across the country like Whole Foods and other national grocery store chains.

The New York Post just reported that Madonna is investing $1.5 million in one of the largest coconut water manufacturers in the country, Vita Coco. Other celebrities like actor Matthew McConaughey and singer Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers are also rumored to soon be lending their cash to help make coconut water more mainstream.

And it’s no wonder. Coconut water is quick becoming a favorite among yoga practitioners, fitness enthusiasts and those just looking for a nutritious way to stay hydrated.


Indulge in Chocolate the Healthy Way

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, women everywhere are wondering their significant others will get them. My husband has never given me chocolate for Valentine’s Day. (I guess I’m just sweet enough already.) But don’t worry, I am sure to get my fair share of chocolate year-round.

For people trying to lose weight, thinking about sweets and Valentine’s Day can be a source of stress. The mere thought about “self control” around the tempting boxed hearts can seem to take the all the fun out of Valentine’s Day.

Watch this video to learn about why avoiding chocolate can be more harmful than indulging and get three simple tips for enjoying chocolate without feeling guilty!

How do you fit sweets into your eating plan?

Food Find: Wheaties Fuel

wheaties fuelCalling all cereal-lovers or Peyton Manning fans!

Wheaties Fuel is a new breakfast cereal developed for champions by champions. With the help of NFL stars, Peyton Manning, Kevin Garnett, and Albert Pujols and working with Dr. John Ivy, a performance nutrition expert, the Co-Creation Team designed Wheaties Fuel for the active individual; whether that activity is due to participation in athletics, work-related activities or leisure time physical pursuits.

Not just your average bowl of crunchy flakes, Wheaties Fuel is a collector’s edition cereal that combines whole-grains with vitamins and minerals to help curb hunger and keep you feeling full. Even though hasn’t tasted it, Wheaties Fuel is a combination of wheat flakes, crisp rice and is sweetened with honey and cinnamon.


Serving Sizes, Packaged Food Nutrition Labels May Get a Makeover per the FDA

nutrition labelIf you have ever read a nutrition facts label, you have probably seen the “serving size” listed right at the top. But do you know where that number comes from? (Hint, not an independent third party.) It’s actually the manufacturers themselves. Buy a big packaged muffin in the store and chances are the serving size is half a muffin. Check the cookies. The serving size is probably one or two. It’s not just junky foods either. I checked my package of alfalfa sprouts. One serving is supposedly 2/3 of the entire package. Now, I love my sprouts, but I’m lucky to get a small handful on a sandwich or salad.

So why is this an issue? Well, if you haven’t heard there’s an obesity epidemic going on in the United States. We don’t get enough exercise. We don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. We sit too much. We eat too much food we don’t bother to make ourselves. We eat a lot of stuff out of boxes and packages. Probably most important, many Americans don’t really know how to nourish ourselves and balance out our eating.

Weight management is multifaceted. But when it comes to the purpose of nutrition facts labels, it’s all about educating the consumer about how much food, calories, and nutrients are in a realistic serving. So recently, the FDA has said they need to look at what they can do to help people manage how much they eat and make sure they aren’t confused by the information provided. (more…)

Essential Kitchen Tools for Healthy Cooking

devin alexanderSo last week I introduced myself (Chef Devin Alexander) and assured you that cooking is the answer to making sure you get and stay healthy. Now you may be thinking, “That’s easier said than done, Devin.” Don’t despair, stick with me right here on in the upcoming weeks and not only will I share some healthier versions of your killer favorites (that are just as killer to your taste buds, but not to the rest of you) and I’ll show you all sorts of other novice-chef must-knows for healthy living. Not only will I fill your head with all of the must-have info, I’ll be giving away some awesome (and valuable!) stuff! So don’t miss a week with me!

This week, I’m ready to tackle the kitchen. Whether you consider yourself an avid collector or a newbie when it comes to kitchen tools and gadgets, there are a few basic pieces that I highly recommend to assist you in preparing your healthy meals efficiently. I know it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re deciding which key pieces to purchase for home cooking. Or, if you’re like me, maybe your kitchen gadget collection has grown to encompass so many pieces, it might be time to pull out the essentials and move the rest into storage to free up some space. Whether you’re just getting started on building your equipment arsenal or looking to streamline your current collection, below are the key pieces for making your healthy cooking adventures effortless! (more…)

Not-So-Fat-Tuesday: Healthy Mardi Gras Tips from Biggest Loser’s Heba

heba and edToday’s guest author is Heba Salama. You’ll remember Heba, and her husband Ed Brantley, from Biggest Loser season six, during which they lost a combined total of 277 pounds. Heba became the first woman to win the at-home prize for the highest percentage of weight lost amongst all contestants eliminated during the game; Ed finished in second place. In addition to continuing to lead as examples in the fitness realm, the couple has been busily working on a new healthy cookbook due to release spring 2025 and has embarked on a fitness campaign for 2025. Learn more at

Let’s face it: any celebration is cause to hit the “diet pause button.” The simple word “celebration” usually denotes lots of calories just by reading it. But a celebration with the actual title “Fat Tuesday” must mean double trouble, or double chin. If I have learned one thing since being in the real world after The Biggest Loser, it’s definitely that none of these things have to be the case. I started to think about healthier ways to eat a King Cake. I turned to my husband, the chef, and his suggestion: make sure you run for 18 hours, and then you have earned yourself a piece. Thanks, honey. But for those of us looking for more realistic options, here are my top five tips for turning this into a great holiday you won’t feel guilty about! (more…)

Interview with Keri Glassman, Author of The O2 Diet

02 dietKeri Glassman, R.D. is the author of the super-popular new book The O2 Diet and a nationally-recognized nutrition expert. For years Keri has been a leader in advancing a “whole person” approach to health and wellness. She is also the author of The Snack Factor Diet. had an opportunity to interview Keri on her breakthrough plan that helps you lose weight and feel and look beautiful, inside and out. Here is what she had to say about her easy-to-do and incredibly healthy O2 Diet program.

Can you briefly describe what The O2 Diet is?

The O2 Diet is based on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale that measures how well a food protects against free radicals, which are the culprits behind many cancers, heart disease, and symptoms of aging. Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants has been linked to strengthening the memory, improving the skin, and aiding in weight loss. The O2 Diet is based on foods that will help you achieve your ideal weight and help you function better than you ever have. With the O2 Diet I am empowering you and giving you the tools to be your dietitian.

Why are antioxidants so important to our health?
Antioxidants are essential to our health because they help control the negative effects of free radicals on our bodies. Free radicals damage cellular structures such as DNA and cell membranes and this damage may cause cells to function poorly and mutate, which leads to many diseases and premature aging. Our body creates some antioxidants on its own, but we also need to get our antioxidants from the food we eat such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, and even some protein sources like meats, poultry, and fish. This is where the O2 Diet comes into play.


Michelle Obama’s Obesity Comments about Sasha and Malia

Michelle Obama has had a tremendous impact on American families with her push for living healthy and goal of eliminating childhood obesity in her role as first lady. She announced recently that her new initiative aimed at targeting childhood obesity is under way, and adds that her feelings on the program crystallized when she was faced with a less than favorable report from her daughters’, Sasha and Malia, pediatrician.michelle obama children

“We went to our pediatrician all the time,” Obama said, via ABC News. “I thought my kids were perfect — they are and always will be — but [the doctor] warned that he was concerned that something was getting off balance.”

Mrs. Obama says that she was too close to really see the changes in her girls and when the doctor suggested that Mrs. Obama look at her daughters’ BMI numbers, she made small diet changes. Those small changes that she made in their daily habits helped to pull the numbers back into balance.

Instead of being applauded for her efforts, Mrs. Obama has been the subject of controversy for her use of the word “diet.” Reports have said that by using her daughters as an example, she may have harmed their self-esteem. Some critics have said that she should have focused more on lifestyle change, instead of weight loss. (more…)

Eight Heart Disease Risks You Can Control

Did you know there are eight things you can do to prevent heart disease? Even better, they all support each other. You do one, and it helps you in doing another one. Check out the top eight behaviors that help prevent heart disease below.heart health

1. Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal and snack options can help you avoid heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high blood cholesterol. Limiting salt or sodium in your diet can also lower your blood pressure.

2. Manage a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease. To determine whether your weight is in a healthy range, doctors often calculate your body mass index (BMI). Calculate yours here with our free BMI calculator. (more…)

Start the Week with Meatless Monday

Farmers marketMany times when I was asked why I became a vegetarian, or pescatarian (vegetarian who eats fish), my answer was twofold. One of the first reasons was due to the treatment of animals, which in a recent film I watched were actually termed “animal cities” and that term was not meant as one of endearment. The quality of life our animals have, from cows to chickens to pigs, is horrendous. Whether being kept in pens or tight quarters where slight movements are difficult or never seeing sunlight, I could not fathom taking part in allowing this to continue so I stopped giving those stock yards and farmers my money. (more…)