Diet and Nutrition

Vote for Diet of the Year

It’s likely that many of you started a new diet in January, as part of a New Year’s Resolution. Whether you chose a branded diet program, or decided to make healthy changes to your lifestyle, we hope that you’ve been able to successfully work toward your weight loss goals this year.

In the spirit of Election Day, and as the year inches closer to the end, we want to hear from you. Which diet gets your vote for Diet of the Year? There are hundreds to choose from- we have more than 500 diet reviews here at Just as in the general election, write-ins are allowed, so leave a comment below if we’ve overlooked your fave. Or, leave us a comment and let us hear your success story.

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The Best and Worst Juices for Your Kids

Most adults, hopefully, know that water is the best choice when deciding the healthiest drink to consume. Dieters and contentious eaters realize that other fluid options do nothing but provide you with extra calories, sugar, or sodium, none of which are needed in our society’s diet. Dieting parents won’t think of consuming anything but water because they don’t want those unnecessary calories found in beverages like juice, but will quickly serve their children a tall glass of some highly sweetened beverage. Why should it be any different for your kids? Treat your kids as you treat yourself, provide them with the healthiest options possible, not only does this provide them with nutritious options, but they are learning at an early age that things (in this case juice/beverages other than water) should be consumed in moderation. (more…)

Antibody May Suppress Appetite

There’s a new possibility for suppressing appetite, and hopefully dropping weight. An antibody has been discovered that breaks down and suppresses an appetite stimulant produced by the human body.

Scientists with The Scripps Research Institute say the antibody catalyst, GHR-11E11, increases the metabolic rate in fasting mice and curbed their eating even after the rodents went 24 hours without food.

I’m not sure if this is known to translate in human subjects, but since recent reports from the World Health Organization say about 1 billion people worldwide are overweight or obese, anything is worth a shot.

It’s not being touted as a be-all, end-all cure for obesity. It will still take the usual combination of things to lose weight: optimum nutrition, exercise, and psychological components.

Filter For Good and Biggest Loser Giveaway


Go Green! Lose Weight! These are two anthems we hear being sung everywhere we go these days. A partnership between Biggest Loser and the Filter For Good campaign (by Brita and Nalgene) is making it possible to do these two things at once.

During November, you have an opportunity to win a prize that will help you accomplish both of those goals.

1. Visit and pledge to reduce plastic water bottle usage.

2. Type “” in the comments at FilterForGood, and be entered to win one of four prize packs.

3. On Dec. 1, four readers will be drawn and notified by

4. Then, sign-up for our Newsletters and don’t miss any of our monthly giveaways. We’ll giveaway five reusable grocery bags in November.

Grand Prize
One winner will receive a FilterForGood package valued at $120.99, to include:

– 1 Brita Pitcher
– 2 FilterForGood Bottles
– 1 Exclusive Biggest Loser Crew T-Shirt
– 1 The Biggest Loser Complete Calorie Counter
– 1 “Biggest Loser: The Workout Volume One
– FilterForGood magnets and coupons

Japanese Weight Loss Plan is a ‘Nag’

The Japanese are known for some pretty off-the-wall game shows. Some are just weird, some unexplainable (maybe something lost in translation), but they are all interesting for their sheer wackiness.

Something else that I find myself a little lost on is a new Japanese weight loss plan. has a pretty unique way to help you keep your eye on the prize – a virtual wife that will nag you to stay on track. I’m not sure if they offer nagging husbands for the ladies, which if not, would seem strange since most dieters are female.

The free service offers you one of four wives to choose from (and name) – a giggly maid, a cold businesswoman, a loving nurse, or a fashionable nail artist. (more…)

Calorie Tricks in Halloween Treat Favorites

You might want to think twice about ripping open that Milky Way candy bar on Halloween. Here are some interesting equivalents that will help you weigh out your decision before reaching for a sweet Halloween treat.

  • Two fun-sized Snickers bars have 160 calories and take about four bites to scarf down. Yes, they contain peanuts, but not enough to give you a solid protein slug. You can eat 160 calories in one medium-sized apple and one leveled tablespoon of peanut butter. (more…)

Trick or Treat Trail Mix Recipe

With Halloween coming up this Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about this holiday and provide a few tips. First off, candy (like most things) is OK in moderation, but it would probably be best for you and your waistline if you leave the eating candy in the bowl. However, since I am big on healthy nutrition being a lifestyle rather then a diet I think it would be beneficial for you and your children if you provided the neighborhood kids with some healthier Halloween treats. Below are a few fun healthy treats you may want to buy or make and hand out this Friday night. (more…)

Three Ways to Survive Halloween

The holiday that celebrates sugar is just a few short days away. As the temptation mounts each time we step foot into a grocery store to purchase (and indulge in) an 8-pound bag of Snickers, Milky Ways, Reese’s, lollipops and Starbursts, here are three surefire ways that will allow you to relish in the sweetness of this fun holiday, but not split the seams of your costume.

1. Plot Before You Shop

Before you step foot into the store, figure out how many bags of candy you will need, (not how many you want). And most importantly, don’t buy candy that you love. If you know that you have the capacity to lose all self-control around peanut M&Ms, do yourself a HUGE favor and opt for another choice instead. Select only the candy that you are not tempted by. If you’d prefer to eat steamed salmon and broccoli over Mounds or SweeTarts, then stock your grocery cart with just those items that won’t trigger the sugar addict in you. And remember, that kids don’t care: All they want is the treat whether it’s chocolate or SweeTarts. (more…)

4 Ways to Avoid Weight Gain from Fruit Juices

The best way to achieve your fluid needs for the day is by drinking water. Water is without a doubt the best fluid for your body, however it is normal to want to drink other things. Juice is a common ingredient in people’s diets, but there are some rules to think about in order to enjoy juice without having it influence weight gain. You may be wondering what to look for when purchasing juices, so below I have listed a few of my recommendations.

    1. 100% Juice. The first thing to remember is to only buy 100% juice products. Any other juice that’s not 100% is only good for providing you with a ton of sugar and empty calories that give you little to no nutritional value (i.e. sweetened juice and fruit-juice cocktail drinks). (more…)

    Interview with Phillip Parham, Eliminated Biggest Loser Week 7

    First it was the missus, now it’s the mister. One of the most beloved couples on Biggest Loser this season has finally left the ranch, with Phil‘s elimination last night. He really seemed to struggle the week following Amy‘s elimination- and that’s both an observation and a fact quoted by him. He arrived home in South Carolina on their 25th wedding anniversary. So his mind was obviously in a different place, being separated from her. (more…)

    5 Healthy Chili Recipes for Your Halloween Cauldron

    This Halloween, send your trick-or-treaters out to gather their goodies with a healthy, hearty meal first. Halloween night can be hectic as you try to rush home from work, put together costumes and fix dinner. Don’t settle for an unhealthy option. Afterall, the kids are going to come home with literally buckets full of sugar-filled candy.

    Chicken Chili – The chicken is a lean alternative to beef and you’ll get plenty of fiber and other nutrients from the kidney beans and vegetables. This recipe is just 2.5 Weight Watchers Points.

    Barack Obama Chili – This recipe comes from the Democratic nominee’s personal recipe collection. He says he’s been making it since college and it’s always a hit with his family. Using lean turkey, this recipe has 291 Calories per serving. (more…)