Diet and Nutrition

Avoid the Airplane Snack Trap

I recently went on vacation, and prior to heading to the airport I packed my carry-on with snacks. While munching on the plane, I realized that not everyone does this. I always see people forking over the $5 for a tube of potato chips or one of those gigantic cookies on the plane; and there are always those racing on to the plane with a bag of fast food because they barely made their connection, much less had time to choose the healthier meal.

Avoid the Airplane Snack Trap from Diets in Review on Vimeo.

I recommend packing healthy snack for the plane ride and layovers. My picks for this trip were Kashi Granola Bars, Goldfish Whole Grain Crackers and Trail Mix. I often make baggies of sliced apples or carrots and celery (stuff that travels well without being chilled). Look for snacks that have whole grains, fiber, protein, low calories and low sugar. This will keep you full and satisfied- whether you have the munchies, or you didn’t have time to grab a meal.

12 Foods that Burn Fat

Lisa Lillien, the low-cal eating guru behind the Hungry Girl website and cookbook has recently compiled a list of the nine foods that actually help our bodies burn fat! Unfortunately, these foods are not the magic bullet to all of our weight problems but by incorporating a few of these foods into your diet, you can do your metabolism a favor (even if it’s a little favor) by revving it up a few notches.apples

The nine fat burning foods are:

  1. Lean protein
  2. Whole grains
  3. Grapefruit
  4. Green tea
  5. Water
  6. Apples
  7. Cinnamon
  8. Spicy Foods
  9. Light Dairy

Each of the items have their own specific reason for boosting your body’s fat-burning capabilities. For instance, green tea not only increases your metabolism, but Lillien points out that researchers have shown that certain substances in green tea, called polyphenols, actual stimulate the break down of fat. I’ll drink to that!

cinnamon sticksSpicy foods like cayenne pepper and aromatic spices like cinnamon kick your heart rate up and balance out blood sugar levels. When our blood sugar levels are out of whack, we turn to binging on sugary foods, which inevitably drive us to eat more. According to United States Department of Agriculture, it seems that cinnamon may lower blood glucose, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in people with Type 2 diabetes. Sprinkle some cinnamon on your oatmeal, over a baked apple or in your coffee for a healthy flavor punch!

In addition to Lillien’s list, I’d like to add a few more fat-burning foods:

1) Ginger: Whether you’re eating it pickled with your sushi, crystallized in a muffin or steeped in tea, ginger boosts metabolism by expanding blood vessels and increasing your body’s internal heat.

2) Garlic: This close cousin of onions and chives boasts properties that regulate blood sugar levels and may help to prevent heart disease.garlic Sauté a few cloves in your stir-fry or add it to your pasta sauce. The culinary uses of garlic are numerous. But if you’re worried about garlic breath, chew on some fresh parsley leaves or fennel seeds following your meal to help squash any “aromatic” lingering effects.

3) Asparagus: Alkaloids contained in asparagus are responsible for breaking down fat. And the mild diuretic effect of this nutrient-dense veggie helps to flush out this waste and reduce bloat.

Happy Noshing! 

The 100 Smartest Diet Tips

The American Dietetic Association recently released a master list of the top 100 Smartest Diet Tips. Ever. Created by a team of their expert dietitians in response to some of the toughest diet dilemmas that calorie-counting Americans face, this list covers it all. From sneaky ways to get in your fruit and veggies to helpful hints on portion control, the list is exhaustive.

ADA Pyramid

What is refreshing about this list is that it is not just about food per se. Many items on the list focus on the emotionality of eating, particularly in women and how stress and anxiety play into our urge to overeat.

Many items on list were common sense: Start eating breakfast, don’t supersize anything, and switch from whole-milk dairy to reduced fat or 1 percent.

But many of them were quite original. Here are five of my favorite diet tips from the list that I try to apply to day-to-day eating routine:

1) Make the most caloric item on your plate the smallest in size and make the vegetable item your plate the largest. (As long as the veggies aren’t swimming in butter, cream, cheese or oil.)

2) Spend the extra dollar or two and buy your veggies pre-washed and pre-cut in bags. Same goes for lettuce. It makes mixing together a healthy salad a much faster alternative to wandering around the kitchen munching on  a bag of pretzels mulling over what I’m going to have for dinner. Four-hundred empty carb calories later, I’m no longer hungry and not satisfied.

3) If you’re having a dinner or holiday party, send your guests home with leftovers, especially the ooey-gooey ones. Maybe you’re the host who is too busy tending to your party guests to take a moment and eat. What happens is that once they leave and you settle into the kitchen to clean up, the plate of brownies, cheese platter and cupcakes are quicker to land in your mouth than in a piece of sealed tupperware. I love this tip and live the holiday season by it!

4) Think yoga‘s too serene to burn calories? Think again. You can burn 250 to 350 calories during an hour-long class (that’s as much as you’d burn from an hour of walking)! Plus, you’ll improve muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance. My favorite kind of yoga is Ashtanga yoga. It combines cardiovascular work with strength and flexibility training that uses your own body weight for resistance.

5) Get calories from foods you chew, not beverages. Peeling and eating an orange is so much more satisfying than guzzling down 200 calories worth of OJ. Same goes for crunching on an apple versus sipping apple juice. Plus, you get the benefits of the fruit’s fiber when you eat it whole.

Here is the complete list of the 100 smartest diet tips. It’s thorough, simple and truly smart! Live by this 100-thick credo and you’ll never have to worry about your weight again.

The Power of Acai Berry

Dr. Nicholas Perricone has become somewhat of a celebrity/guru in the diet industry. He’s a dermatologist who has written books and has made TV appearances, including Oprah. What has set Perricone apart from the endless supply of other diet talking heads is that he espouses his views from the perspective of how your diet comes into play with your skin and maintaining a youthful appearance.dr. perricone

Dr. Perricone suggests
that your diet can slow and even reverse the aging process, from an external perspective. This can include some less-mainstream food choices. One of his so-called Super Foods is Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee).

Studies show that this berry, native to Central and South America, is packed with a powerful nutritional punch.

Acai’s pulp contains:acai

  • A high concentration of antioxidants, which help combat premature aging. It has 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 – 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.
  • A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health
  • An essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction and regeneration

You can check out all of Dr. Perricone’s Super Foods at

See our V8 Acai and Mixed Berry Food Find.

Guest Blog: Super Foods

Melissa Spiesman, CHHC, AADP, will be the Featured Guest Blogger at for September. She is the director of Nutrition for Your Life, a nutrition program that focuses on health and wellness through whole foods. Melissa develops individual integrative nutrition plans that focus on the total health of her clients. In her private practice, she regularly counsels individuals and groups on a variety of health/nutrition issues, including: cravings, weight loss and management, healthy food preparation, coping with stress, and having more energy.

Melissa received her professional training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition which is affiliated with Columbia University in New York City. She is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

Melissa is a featured contributor of is an online magazine for busy women. It’s updated every weekday with the latest fashion and beauty news, home decorating, nutrition, fitness advice and more.

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to snack on blueberries (the whole pint), my favorite breakfast and comfort food is thick and creamy, very hot oatmeal and my side dish of choice is sweet potatoes-roasted, fried, hot or cold. There were no classifications of super foods or conversations about their health benefits, but I do believe in the power of food, good food is necessary for good health and what you eat significantly impacts how you feel.

Can eating the right foods actually help prevent disease?  Scientists have identified chemicals in many nutrient dense foods that can prevent or reduce the risk of disease and many of these foods may be lacking in the standard American diet. Whole foods contain a unique combination of nutrients, vitamins and minerals which make them a better source for these compounds than supplements.

While there is a long list of SUPER FOODS, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all WHOLE FOODS. These nutritional power houses can be used as the foundation for healthy eating.  Eating a diet rich in whole foods is a diet rich in super foods.  These are MY 3 super foods:

Blueberries:blueberries and oats
Mixed into plain yogurt, blueberries offer a sweet alternative to the over sugared commercial products available. Blueberries contain the antioxidant compound anthocyanins which reduce free radicals, improve memory and cognition and can lower cholesterol.  This colorful sweet fruit is also low in calories and full of fiber.
The frozen variety is delicious blended into smoothies or in your favorite muffin mix.

Not just for breakfast anymore, oatmeal can be enjoyed as an addition to cookies, muffins and cake batter, in your own homemade granola or to add texture to a savory loaf.  Known for its cholesterol lowering effects due to its high level of soluble fiber, oatmeal is also low in fat, contains more healthy oils than any other grain and is high in protein. Oats are also low on the glycemic index, so diabetics and those with insulin resistance will benefit from their ability to stabilize blood sugar.

sweet potatoesSweet Potatoes/Squash:
Pumpkins and sweet potatoes have drifted beyond their traditional place as autumn holiday staples.   These hearty vegetables are an excellent source of beta carotene the antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A in the body and gives these super foods their bright color.  They are rich in calcium and support healthy skin. The lutein and lycopene found in orange colored produce can also reduce the risk for macular degeneration.  The sweet satisfying flavor of these rich vegetables will help curb sugar cravings.  For a change in texture and color, puree these vegetables into soups or as an addition to oatmeal cookie dough for an extra boost of sweetness.

Using simple whole food nutrition you can ensure a healthy life, and by eating well you can reduce the risk of disease.

Guest Blog Series: Look for the following badge on your favorite health sites to see if they have been a featured guest blogger on

Diets in Review - Weight Loss and Health Blog

See other posts in the Guest Blog series. If you would like to apply to be featured as a guest blogger, please contact us.

Coping, Covering, and Confronting

Last week, I introduced how nutrition and fitness can have a positive impact on mental health. In the same way, physical health and mental health can have a negative relationship. At one time or another, we have all reached for something sweet to eat in the midst of a stressful situation. Yes, we find it comfostress eatingrting to ‘reward’ ourselves, but we actually need more physical energy when stressed (whether the stress is emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual) and sugar gives us that quick burst of energy. Nearly all our coping skills are developed because at one point they served their purpose well. Unfortunately, anything done in excess can eventually inhibit functioning. Seeking sugar or other comfort foods in response to any stressor is also less than nutritional. Although it may give a quick burst of energy, it doesn’t provide the enduring energy needed to address the stressor; it’s a quick fix, not a solution. Too much of this quick fix will actually decrease energy long term.

There is another side of this also. Sometimes food and even weight have served another purpose in your life, helping you to avoid certain thoughts or situations. Extra weight can be a protection from change, growth, or achievement. It can be as simple as feeling unable to compete with an athletic sibling or as complicated as avoiding one’s sexuality after a traumatic experience; the extra weight is the reason why you can’t compete or the protection from an uncomfortable situation. It’s like “the funny fat guy” that uses humor to cover his own discomfort with his appearance. Much of the time these reasons are unconscious (you didn’t purposefully gain weight), but the reasons can be recognized when one is willing to take an honest look at him/herself.

If weight has helped you avoid something difficult or painful, you may find that something you’ve been avoiding is suddenly in your face when trying to live a healthier life. Physical health and mental health are so interconnected that to be healthier in one you need to be healthier in the other as well.

What habits help you cope with stress that may be interfering with your fitness and nutrition? Has extra weight helped you avoid something? Are you ready to face that something? Is that something getting in the way of achieving your fitness goals?

Vacation Exercise Tips

Going on vacation is a necessity to get away from the hectic everyday life. I just took a week vacation and it was amazing. I rented a car and just drove. road tripI visited Nashville, Indianapolis, Chicago, and St. Louis. Vacation’s are rather expensive now-a-days and its hard to find time or money to hit the local gym. I have come up with a few fitness tips that may help you get that needed exercise without the cost while you’re on the road.

Top Ten Vacation Fitness Tips

1. Go for a walk or jog in the morning to explore the new scenery.

2. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

3. Walk a few more blocks instead of catching a cab.

4. After your nice morning walk/jog, super-set a few push-ups, crunches, and squats to get a nice little pump in the hotel room. Try and do a couple sets of 15-20 repetitions.

5. Hit the pool for a nice little swim.

6. If driving, stop every so often to stretch or a 5-10 minute walk.

7. If flying or driving, sit in correct posture and flex (squeeze) your abs for as long as you can, repeat.

8. Stay hydrated.

9. Plan fun non-stressful activities that involve moving around and burning calories.

10. Sleep is a necessity, get enough sleep so that you can enjoy your time away.

Hamburgers, With a French Accent

Hamburgers are just as American as hot dogs and apple pie. While we are at least attempting to eat less of them, they are growing in popularity with the French.

hamburgerThat’s right, according to a report at the Mayo Clinic, burgers are all the rage in Paris. But, don’t expect ketchup and mustard to be staples on these sandwiches. Here are a few of the toppings being used by chefs in French recipes:

  • Pickles, sel de mer (sea salt) and fresh thyme
  • Wagyu (Kobe) beef with black ketchup (made with blackberries and black currants)
  • Topped with foie gras (duck or a goose liver)
  • On a sesame bun, toasted on the sesame side, brushed with butter on the soft side
  • Smoked bacon, lettuce, pickles, mustard, mayonnaise and a side of fries (for $56)

Mass distribution of the fast food hamburger started with White Castle in 1921. But, the actual origin of the first hamburger is a hot topic of debate. Most date the beginnings in the late 19th century. Some think it came from the Germans and the town of Hamburg. Some people think it originated stateside.

Here’s a little background on the debate.

Guest Blog: The Power of Change; 3 Simple Changes to Lose Weight

Julia Havey lost 130 lbs and transformed virtually every aspect of her life; going from an unhappy and obese single mother to a happily married, best-selling author and sought after speaker across the country.

Julia has authored two books “Awaken the Diet Within” and “The Vice Busting Diet” which is endorsed by the renown Dr. David L. Katz and Dr. Mehmet Oz, filmed Time Life’s only weight loss infomercial for Vice Busting Diet program and she sits on the board of Dr. Katz’s Turn the Tide foundation. Julia Havey

“It is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

What I was; morbidly obese and constantly on a diet. I changed. I lost 130 pounds in 15-months. People say “That’s so fast!”, but the reality is it equates to the recommended 2 pounds a week fat loss. The reason it seems “fast” is because we are used to going “ON” a diet, realizing some weight-loss and then going “OFF” the diet, regaining some or all of what we lost and over and over during the same 15 month period Yo-Yoing up and down on the scale. I was consistent in my actions the entire 15 months, thus my weight loss was consistent as well; losing 8 pounds a month every month. Staying consistent with the changes I made for the last 12 years has allowed me to keep most of it off!

There two things that are going to determine whether or not you succeed in your desire to lose weight:

1. Are you willing to change?
2. Will you be consistent with the changes you make?

If your answers are “YES!” then you are on your way to successful weight loss. Now, the key is to view what you are embarking on as a series of changes in your life rather than starting another yet “diet”.

The most common changes that need to be made are:

1. Eliminating high-fructose corn syrup-filled beverages and other high-in-calorie beverages; replacing them with water—yes; even the “Vitamin” waters have to go!

2. Avoiding eating fast food, processed foods and at most restaurants. The majority of their offerings are too high fat and high in calories and offer little nutrition, yet they make up the bulk of what we are eating. Pack lunch and cook at home more. A diet rich in whole grains, lean meats/protein, fresh fruits and vegetables—raw as often as possible are going to make you thinner and healthier.

3. Stop watching so much TV and surfing the net for hours. I don’t care if you walk-in- place in your living room while watching your favorite TV program, but most people get little to NO exercise in their daily routine. We have become spectators rather than participants and have the bodies to prove it.

This simple 3-step approach is called “Vice Busting” and it works for everyone. If you aren’t drinking soft drinks, don’t fast food or get some exercise, then ask yourself “What are the 3 biggest reasons or “vice” for your excess weight?” You know what they are. For me, it was daily ice-cream, fast food and going to the gym but not really sweating—going through the motions. Once I changed those three things; my life and my body changed forever–and most importantly; yours will too! readers can get a FREE “Secrets of the Fittest” audio at

Hilary Swank to Pack on the Pounds for Her Next Role

While most stars in Hollywood are under the pressure to lose weight, a few starlets are literally under contract to gain weight. All in the name of business, of course. Hillary SwankRenee Zellweger, Matt Damon, Eva Longoria-Parker and now add Hilary Swank to the list of actors who have gained a hefty chunk of weight for an upcoming role.  In preparation for French Women Don’t Get Fat, the movie adaptation of the bestselling book by Mireille Guiliano, Swank, who is also producing the movie, will pack on 20 to 30 pounds for her role as the manager of a champagne company. No stranger to transforming herself for a role, Swank radically transformed her thin figure to one of a powerhouse boxer Million Dollar Baby and to a man in Boys Don’t Cry. Now, it’s her turn to reverse roles and swap her personal trainer in for a personal chef who can dish up calorie-laden meals and carb-rich dishes to help her plump up her waistline.

In our weight-obsessed culture, it is more than refreshing to see the bravery of female celebs like Swank, Zellweger and others who aren’t too scared to watch the scales creep up for the sake of their profession. But then again, if I were given a couple million dollars, I would have no problem sitting on the couch and fattening up. Just as long as I knew that I could eventually take the weight off.I wonder how many of these folks who have gained weight for roles actually welcome the first day of their diet when they can go back to their salad-eating and exercise-filled days? I don’t know, but I’m sure that Swank, who is uber disciplined will approach her French role with her trademark zeal, dedication and enthusiasm as she noshes on pain au chocolat and hunks of brie. And I’m sure, that when her role is finished, she will have gained even further insight into how changing your physical shape also alters your non-physical shape as well.

Believing in Yourself is the First Step

There are many things that have to align to ensure you successfully manage your weight loss journey. It starts within, by believing in yourself and allowing yourself to believe that you can do it.

Bernie Salazar – Believe in Yourself from Diets in Review on Vimeo.