Diet and Nutrition

Upper division weight loss

If you follow this blog, you know I’m back in school.  Like alot of returnees, I realized that my successful career was going to eventually reach an endpoint, when I got too old to wear a bistro apron and manage people young enough to be my kids.Don’t get me wrong, I *totally* relate to the younger-than-me generation, as I refuse to grow up (fully).  So being back in school has me thinking; how can I use what I know now, and do it better than I did before?So this time, I’m taking advantage of a generous financial aid package, and am signing up for a unit of P.E. Yep, P.E.! Three days a week, I will drag my happy you-know-what down to my college gym, and grunt and groan through what the catalog description refers to as “Boot Camp.” I can  honestly say that I would never have considered going back to school to get back into shape.  But get back into shape is exactly what I intend to do.  This is one sure way to make sure those student loans pay-off for life.Stay tuned for updates.

Guest Blog: eDiets Deliciously Yours customer service woes

Diets In Review welcomes Paul Slater to the Diet Column today. He is, or was, an eDiets Deliciously Yours customer and after his own frustrating experience with the company, he started a Web site called Ediets Sucks!. There he learned that he was not alone. Other customers finding themselves caught in the same situation as Paul reached out to share their stories as well. We bring Paul’s first-hand account of his experience to you today so that you have a little more information and as a consumer can use that in making your own decisions.
eDiets Deliciously Yours

Now I’ve hit my mid-30s, it’s not only more difficult to get rid of that spare tire, it seems to sag a little more every day. It’s time to do something about it. This time properly.

I don’t have the time or patience to formally count calories, but I can follow rules, and eat what I’m told. So recently I began to think seriously about using a meal delivery service. NutriSystem is of course the most widely advertised, but I’ve never been a fan of shelf-stable food. I was looking for a healthier alternative, but still at a reasonable price. After much research online, I decided to pick the Ediets Deliciously Yours program.

The Deliciously Yours program is a new move for Ediets, although they have provided a slightly different meal delivery program in the past. You get 3 meals a day, plus a small snack, and you are expected to supplement with 3 portions of fresh fruit and two of dairy. The website provides a meal plan, but you can substitute any of the meals and snacks as you wish (albeit on a very unintuitive website). Food is fresh, and delivered once a week in a cooler by FedEx. Or at least so Ediets claims.

My first delivery was due to be delivered on a Saturday, so a day or so before I went online to get the tracking number. Surprisingly there is no way to view it. The website also was showing me food to eat for the day as though I had already had a package delivered. All in all I was starting to get a little worried. Still, a projected delivery date was still listed as Saturday, so I decided to have a little faith and wait patiently for it to arrive.

t didn’t. Not on Saturday, nor the following Monday, not even during the following week. Extremely frustrated, I tried calling them and waited on hold – for more than two hours. Eventually I was cut off. I tried calling multiple times, each with the same result. I tried e-mailing, no reply. Eventually in frustration I started my own blog – mainly in an attempt to get their attention.

It rapidly became clear that I am by no means alone. I’ve received e-mails from many other frustrated customers, pointing me to discussion groups and blogs that document similar experiences. Many, many customers have been receiving shipments at the wrong time, shipments with the wrong food, and frequently no shipments at all. And all of us being billed weekly for up to about $130 a week with no obvious way to cancel the service.

The second week I finally did receive my food. It arrived on the wrong day, some of the food was missing and one of the dishes was substituted for something that I don’t eat. But at least it arrived. And actually, I hate to admit it, it tastes really good! This is exactly the kind of meal delivery service I would use, if I felt remotely confident in the company delivering it.

Finally, after about two weeks of less than subtle prodding from me – I got a phone call from an Ediets representative called Robert. Robert admitted that the company has had significant problems since launching the new service, but assured me that those problems are now being resolved. Ediets have apparently now pretty much tripled their customer service team, and are now answering calls “within minutes”. After some negotiation, Robert also told me that I will get a refund for my missing week, additional compensation for my missing and substituted meals, and a free week for my trouble. I’m supposed to get an e-mail confirming all this, but it has yet to arrive.

Unfortunately, for me Robert’s assurances were not enough. Despite loving the food I need to be able to trust the provider to deliver it, on time and accurately. So I have cancelled my service. If you are thinking of signing up for the Deliciously Yours program – I would urge you to check closely to see if these problems have been resolved. I really hope they are, but it is difficult to see how they can be until the company publicly owns up to these issues, formally apologizes and shows how it is resolving the situation.

Meantime, I’m back to looking for a decent meal delivery service…

Thank you, Paul, for bringing your concerns to our attention. There are many meal delivery services designed to help people lose and manage weight. Others that promise prompt and fresh service include:

Bistro M.D.

Chef’s Diet

Diet to Go


Jenny Craig


Buddy-up to lose weight with Weight Watchers new book

We’ve heard it time and time again: Grabbing a partner will significantly increase your chances of sticking to your exercise or dieting routine. From having added support to feeling like your actions are accountable to another person, the buddy system is a great way to stay motivated and on track with your health goals.

When that partner is your spouse or significant other, the differences in how men and women go about losing weight not only become apparent, but may also become a contentious issue. Luckily, there are ways to bridge that gender gap so that communication stays open and support remains constant.

To gain some insight into how and why this dynamic plays out, it’s necessary to turn to biology and psychology to hammer out some of the finer points. In the book, “Weight Watchers, He Loses, She Loses,” the differences in how men and women lose weight is explored using science, market and consumer research to dispel myths and set some guidelines. If you’re interested in delving into a new diet with your partner or would like to see your partner become more healthy, this read might help guide you along. The book comes from one of the most trusted names in weight loss, as Weight Watchers been a successful program for more than 40 years.

Have you had experience in using the buddy system with a spouse to trim down or firm up? If so, let us know what your experience has been! We’d love to put the facts of biology and psychology to the real test.

Time to plant a garden

It’s spring, and everything in the Pacific Northwest is abloom. I’m thrilled, as I’m an avid gardener, and just last year, discovered the culinary pleasure of homegrown snow peas. Plump, sweet and crunchy, bugs could seem to care less about them, and my then seven-year old would make any excuse to go outside and devour his own body weight in green vegetables.

Yes, you read that right- a seven-year old eating green vegetables!

Gardening is not just a hobby. For those of you following the Peak Oil Crisis and the resulting Cuban diet, soon enough, gardening will be a means of survival. A very real scenario in the next forty years is that oil prices will make transportation of food economically unviable. Pressure on local farmers will outstrip supply, and only those who grow their own foods will have readily available access to fruits and vegetables. Meat will become scarce in urban areas, and dairy will become a luxury few can afford. We are already seeing nearly $5.00 for a gallon of milk, and the cost of gas, to transport that milk, is nearly the same.

In Italy, the term “risorgimento” refers to a re-birth or re-unification, now a way of life for most Italians. Roughly translated, they live on the same land with which they source the things they need to live. The first step is learning to live on less. Isn’t that what a diet is all about?

Recipes go Green for St. Patrick’s Day

If you wear a shirt that says “Feed me, I’m Irish” on March 17, then you need to read this post! Just like4 leaf clover any other holiday, St. Patrick’s has its fair share of calorie- and fat-laden foods that everyone can’t wait to get their hands on. Namely, of course, is the beer. Pubs and bars will use more green food dye Monday than any other time of year. If you feel you must indulge in the green-tinted libations, opt for a light beer and save some calories.

As far as meals go, we’ve selected some Irish favorites that are “lucky” enough to have a healthy variation, either low-carb or low Weight Watchers Points.

Corned Beef and Cabbage

Irish Stovetop Skillet

Potato Soup

Irish Cream Caramels

Biggest Loser’s Bernie talks about sharing a room with Brittany and his lesson for Jillian

Update: Bernie won the Biggest Loser at-home prize during the 4/15/08 finale. See the interview with Biggest Loser’s Bernie live from the LA finale.

As I mentioned in my Biggest Loser Week 10 post, my heart was broken when Bernie was eliminated from the show for two reasons- I thought he was a great contender for the winning spot and I might kind of have a crush on him. If it weren’t for his leaving the ranch and returning to his hometown of Chicago, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to talk with him this morning. So at least I got something out of the deal!Bernie during Biggest Loser Challenge

They say that the TV producers can cut the film to make you look as nice or as nasty as they want to- of course adding to the show’s drama. From day one, I always thought Bernie came across as the nicest person you could ever meet, full of personality and very funny. And that’s exactly what he is. I so enjoyed talking with Bernie and learning more about his Biggest Loser experience- during and after- and I’m thrilled to be able to share that interview with you.

Thanks again for taking time out of your busy gym schedule, Bernie! And good luck at the finale on April 15!

What’s the deal with the guys not taking their shirts off now during weigh in?
I’m not completely sure, in the past seasons the same thing happens. The more weight the guys lose, it effects the body in different ways. Sagging here and there, looking a little bit funny. Plus, any opportunity to showcase the guns is a good thing. Having the shirt off in the early part of the show, it’s a wake up call incentive to get going, seeing yourself like that. I used to shower with my shirt on- I’m joking! It’s true though, definitely one of those things that’s very necessary and one of those uncomfortable type things. Going shirtless on that scale was the hardest thing on that show. I hadn’t taken my shirt off in public for years.

Do you do a pre weigh in?
Yes, the morning of the weigh in, we are weighed on a precise scale. When you wake up you get the most accurate, clearest weight. Our weigh-in was not shared with us or anyone.

We know meeting Brittany you thought she was gorgeous and it kind of shook you at the beginning to have to go through this proces with a stranger. What was that like at first sleeping in the same room with a complete stranger, especially a female? I’m sure toward the end it was more like a slumber party. Bernie and Brittany
You know it was definitely one of those experiences that caught me off guard. We were strangers. She is gorgeous, that’s the first thing I saw running up to her. It was a really different situation, the whole thing was nerve wracking in general. I was concerned especially since the whole process would be really hard. But because she’s so beautiful I knew my girlfriend was going to be “Oh my gosh what’s going on?”. We actually slept with the door open for the first month. The room has one dresser, one closet. I ended up scooting the dresser to her side and I took the closet. We drew clear lines before we got to know each other. Brittany said I was the first guy she ever had to room with.

Are you receiving the support at home that you’d requested and hoped for?
Definitely! My family and friends and everyone is just super, super supportive. My god, the entire city of Chicago is supportive. There’s not a 24-Hour Fitness here, but a local gym gave me a membership and is hooking me up with a trainer. Everyone at the club is super nice and lending support. Definitely.

It’s not realistic to workout six hours a day at home- what is your plan?
My plan is to get in as much exercise time as possible. I’m getting about 4-5 hours a day by breaking it up, couple hours in the morning, couple hours in the afternoon and 1-2 at night if I’m lucky. It’s really not too different from the ranch. One thing I’m doing more precisely is eating. I’m trying to stick closely to my diet. If I don’t get extra hours at the gym, then I’m still not gaining.

How are you managing your diet at home? When I spoke with Julie Haddon from Season 4, she said you eat very organic, low-sodium at the ranch, and it just wasn’t that affordable to do at home.

It’s expensive- very expensive. Especially to continue eating healthy. I’m taking time to shop around and compare prices. I buy some things at Whole Foods, some at Trader Joe’s, there’s a great produce store by my house for fruits and vegetables. I buy a lot of chicken breast or fish, like tilapia, in bulk from Costco. Just shop around, see how you can make it work within your budget. It’s doable with shopping around.

Bernie's Chocolate TemptationIs there really a cupcake named after you?
Yes there is. I’ve been to the bakery a couple times and refrained from the cupcake. I’ve stopped in to say hi and just gotten a small cup of coffee.

What’s in it?
It’s like an angle food cake, and in between the layers is homemade custard, not the gloopy, get on your shirt kind, and then they dip the entire top half in chocolate ganache. It’s definitely calling to me, but I told it to go away. The baker is getting requests from around the country, and people stopping in to see it. I’m going to talk to them about a cut of the sales. (laughing)

What happened Tuesday night? I couldn’t believe there wasn’t an elimination!
I know! People at the gym in spin class stopped me to say “my Tivo cut it off- who is gone?”

If you’d had an extra week off like Mark, would you have come back on Tuesday?
I try not to play the whole “what-if, would-have, this-that.” I’d love to be back at the ranch. But I don’t know how things would have been. I was hoping to have lost enough weight to come back and not go home. I don’t know, maybe, maybe not. Mark is one of those people who is completely driven, competitive and motivated.

What did you think of the spin to bring back two contestants?
You know what? Oh gosh, I sound so neutral. I applaud the people who went home to lose that weight. Ali was an inspiration to me, one of the people who inspired me the most. She was eliminated in week 4 and continued to do a terrific job at home. They threw a twist in the game. Everyone’s thinking we already survived these competitors, and for them to come back was a small punch to the gut. Seeing that it’s possible outside the ranch was inspiring for me. Ali, even Mark, definitely deserve the opportunity. It threw everyone for a loop.

Especially for the girls, the seemed really taken back.
For women to stay in the game is hard. They’re really struggling with some of the numbers. To think they’d already passed these competitors is a blow.

You said you were going to spend the $2500 from the vending machine on a gold chain for your dog- have you done that?
I haven’t gotten the gold chain ordered yet, but I’m getting a “Berndana” coat for him. I thought about it- no dog should be wearing gold. I don’t want him to get jumped by other dogs!

Any plans to use that to propose to your girlfriend?
Oh gosh- you know what? That’s something we’d have to talk a little more about. Having the extra money around is pretty nice. I can definitely get a very healthy meal.

St. Patrick’s Day is Monday and a big deal in Chicago- How do you plan to celebrate differently this year?
It’s Huge! I Know! I’m going to go ahead and watch everyone else celebrate, make sure I’m taking in the day and not the beverages consumed on that day. Friends are already calling to go out. And I’m like, “Remember, I’m on that show?”.

Do you have plans for the $100,000 when you win the At-Home Biggest Loser?
What I would really love to do is pay off my student loans. I just finished graduate school. I’d put some toward, oh gosh, sounds like a beauty pageant response. My mom’s house in Crown Heights, Indiana, the flooding hit hard this year. I’d like to help by rebuilding her basement, new carpet and tile, things like that.

Who do you see being competition for you or anyone with the at-home prize? Curtis wasn’t slacking at all with the 100 pounds.
You know, it’s funny how everyone initially has the same goal to lose weight and get healthy. The more you lose, the more you realize you can be a competitor in this game. Curtis is incredible, to see how he did at home. It takes me back. Curtis is definitely a huge competitor. Trent is another one. He has the drive of no one I know and the personality to go with it. Jackie is definitely a competitor. I fear everyone at this point.

What about Paul?
Paul, you know, I really actually ended up voting for Paul because I see how competitive he can be. If he gets in his karate outfit there’s no stopping him! At this point, I see everyone as competition.

Anything behind the scenes at the ranch you’d like to share?
People actually get along more than they portray on TV. Everyone really does come together and talk about the fact that there is that common goal to get healthy for your loved ones and family. Another thing people would be interested to know – the trainers are there all the time. They really do care about how we’re doing with our diet and exercise. Jillian especially puts in tons of hours on and off the camera.

Have you been able to keep in touch with Jillian or planning to do so afterward?
I definitely hope to. I feel like she’s given me my life back. Since I’ve left I’ve contacted her via email a couple of times and once by phone. She’s extremely busy and makes time to respond to those emails with words of encouragement. We’ll definitely have a friendship for the rest of my life.

As you will with Brittany?
Brittany is someone I will invite to a wedding I might have or be in a wedding I might have. Or, I might just marry her! My relationship with Brittany is very much a big brother/little sister type thing. I couldn’t have gone through this without her. She’s inspirational in her own right. That’s definitely the truth. Chef Bernie

Jillian freaked out on Allison Tuesday night- what was your reaction?
I caught just a little of that. It goes back to what I shared earlier- she cares about all aspects of our health, even the mental/emotional. It’s an emotional experience being on the show. Our entire lives we’ve been picked on in some capacity. Kids make fun of our weight, even our parents would say “You’d look so much better if…”.

The host is incredible and wonderful, but brings up some of those issues, “Do you feel like you stand a chance?”. Brittany didn’t need that at that point. I applaud Jillian for standing up to the bombardment of questions Alli was putting out there. Jillian uses her own vocabulary and made the point hammer across. Maybe I’ll talk to her about some adjectives she can use that can be aired. She’ll probably end up using her adjectives on me!

Can you sum up in just a couple of sentences what this instant celebrity has been like?
It’s just been flattering. completely flattering. I’m honored that I’m in some way an inspiration to fellow Chicagoans, family and friends. I’m an educator, so sharing this experience, it is my honor. I’m thrilled that people come up to me, I love to talk. It’s great to have an opportunity to meet them and have them be comfortable enough to approach me. I want to always look back and have no regrets.

Biggest Loser: Episode 11

Barely able to catch my breath from Biggest Loser’s Episode 10, in which Bernie was eliminated, and the show’s producers sucker-punch us again. Personally, I’m exhausted from all the twists- I can’t imagine what it’s like for the contestants on the ranch. I’ll grant you, tonight’s episode was one of the best yet. Except for that one part. What was it again? Oh yeah- where they didn’t show the elimination! What the heck was that?

The show began with a weigh in and elimination, but failed to end with one. How’s that you say? The biggest shocker for one of the biggest firsts in Biggest Loser history. They brought back all 14 of the eliminated players. This segment was apparently taped the night after Bernie was eliminated, so I can’t imagine they took him too far from the ranch. The stage doors split open and there they all were, staring down those who had sent them home. The catch this time was that the men would weigh in and the women would weigh in- the highest percentage of weight loss would keep one of each. For some, like Jenni and Lynn who were sent home the first night, they had to work off each pound for themselves. Dan was not too pleased with the return. His reaction was “I’ve already beat out all these people. I gotta do it all over again?”

It was exciting to see Ali and Bette-Sue back on campus. And we’ll continue to see the Ali half of that team as she had the highest weight loss of any other woman. For the guys, only gone one week and Mark is back. Believe it or not, he cried and shared an emotional reunion with Jay. Like I said in the episode 9 post, it’s bittersweet for me with Mark. Of everyone eliminated, he’s the one person who has said he felt wrongly portrayed. I hope in addition to having a second chance at the Biggest Loser title, he appreciates the second chance to prove that he’s possibly a nice guy.

The final six quickly became the final eight tonight. While the team-formerly-known-as-blue anxiously welcomed Mark back into their huddled mass, former-black was a little nervous. Not only did they just lose Bernie the night before, who Jillian called the team’s “glue”, but they were now trying to wrap their brains around beating the fierce competitor that Ali will prove to be. Ali made it clear that she’s playing a bi-partisan game, at least for now. She’s continuing to sport her original pink shirt, not going out of her way to form alliances with the all-woman team and even bypassing the breakfast table with the girls to sit with the boys. It will certainly be interesting to see how things unfold with Ali.

The challenge was pretty intense. The calories they burned on stationary bicycles would immediately convert to electrical energy to power light bulbs. The person to light up a full strip of 10 bulbs would move to the next of four rounds. While Mark cleared his 10 lights first in each round, Dan pulled through as the winner, earning him a second vote at the elimination.

How does Dan use that vote? Sighhhh- tune in next week! Seriously, of all the sneaky things the producers have pulled, this one irked me! You can’t leave us hanging like that. It took a week for the Bernie knot to untie in my stomach, now I’ve got to anticipate Brittany or Maggie leaving. Probably not the same knot Maggie had leaving a zero-pounds-lost weigh in. I felt terrible for her and while I’m a constant Brittany fan, I hope that doesn’t factor in to people possibly voting for her.

Quote of the Week- honestly, another toss-up. First place goes to Maggie for “If you’re not gonna vote for me, I’ll tattoo my ass,” in reference to the Blue team’s “Pride” tattoos and band of brothers attitude.

Second Quote goes to Trainer Jillian and that sharp tongue that could make a sailor’s mother cry. “Have a heart! Leave the *** girl alone,” followed by “*&*&%%!!!!! &*&^*&^!!!!!” a good 10 seconds of beeping the expletives being shouted at Allison. It was a rare Biggest Loser moment in which Jillian stood up for the apparent picking-on of Brittany by Allison.

Cry of the Week: Realizing Brittany might go home.

You are what you chew

We’ve all taken the food quizzes that determine what kind of personality we have based upon the kinds of snacks and foods we gravitate towards, but more and more studies show that what our bodies are designed to eat are the foods found in nature which are crunchy and chewy. I know – this doesn’t bode well for all of us ice cream lovers out there or mac and cheese fans where the creaminess and smoothness doesn’t make our teeth work too hard but it does make us appreciate how evolution has worked for both our ancestors and for us to keep us fit and healthy. Crunchy apples, crisp broccoli, hearty almonds are foods low in calories, high in fiber and low in unhealthy fats. It’s no wonder that diets are packed with fruits and vegetables which take longer to eat and make us feel full.

Add a twist with your green tea

According to a recent study on green tea, the catechins, a kind of antioxidant, have a better absorption rate if you squeeze a bit of citrus juice in your cup of the healthy brew. Most of the catechins are never absorbed so even though you think you are getting a hefty slug of some disease-preventing antioxidants, you aren’t getting nearly as many you thought. The study found that lemon juice seemed to have the best boosting effect followed by orange, lime and then grapefruit juice. To get the most antioxidant punch for your tea, opt for a 50/50 split between green tea and the citrus juice of your choice.

Acai is Brazil’s Super Food

As our lives grow increasingly busy and the stress and pressures from our jobs continues to build, our health typically takes the brunt of the blow. We’re sleeping less and spending more time in stressful circumstances. This invariably leads to poor dietary habits which deprives our bodies of nutrients and ultimately intensifies the health impacts we suffer. These dynamics are the primary reason for the popularity of acai, a berry that has been called a “super food.”

acaiThose who have used acai claim that it helps to alleviate many common ailments that have stymied doctors and other medical experts for years. But, what is acai? Where does it come from and what are its inherent benefits? Below, we’ll discuss the origins of this “super food,” the benefits of eating it and whether choosing it is the right dietary choice for you.

Where Does Acai Come From?
The acai berry comes from trees that are native to the rain forests of Brazil. Rich in antioxidants and other nutrients, the berry has been consumed by the tribes and communities within the rain forests for years. Today, the pulp is extracted from the acai berry and used as a staple in these communities for a variety of dishes. Having been discovered by explorers years ago, the acai berry is harvested and exported to countries around the world. Companies that wish to leverage acai’s growing popularity in developed nations produce smoothies, juices and sorbets using acai.

Benefits Of Using Acai
There’s a long list of benefits that proponents (and marketers) of acai claim is inherent in the berry. Many of these benefits are likely due to the high level of antioxidants (specifically, anthocyanins) found within. These anthocyanins help prevent heart disease. In fact, it’s estimated that the acai berry has several times the level of anthocyanins as red wine (also known to help prevent heart disease).

The acai berry is also thought to contain a high level of important vitamins and Phytosterols. Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E are found in great supply in the berry which helps your immune system battle illnesses and injuries. The Phytosterols in acai are believed to help your cardiovascular system function effectively. In addition, acai contains an assortment of fatty and amino acids that help your muscles regenerate while providing a significant boost of endurance and stamina.

There have even been links between acai and insomnia. Many people who use acai claim that the nutrients and antioxidants within the berry help to regulate the hormones and chemicals within the brain that cause sleeping disorders. Though much is unknown about acai, many nutritionists suggest that people begin taking it to help resolve many illnesses that conventional medicine seems unable to remedy.

Is Acai Right For You?
Researchers continue to test the potency of acai. But, despite how much still remains unknown about the fruit, many people have claimed that their problems with insomnia, weight loss and lack of stamina have largely been remedied by consuming acai on a daily basis. If you have been battling any of the symptoms or conditions mentioned above, consider adding acai to your daily diet.

Article by Damon Zahariades

Even dieters can enjoy comfort foods

For anyone who has started a diet, on a diet, been on a diet, or just trying to eat healthier, there’s nothing harder than saying goodbye to your favorite comfort foods. They’re like good friends- always there when you need them. Unfortunately, unlike a good friend, these unhealthy food friends are sabotaging our waist lines.

Joy Bauer, Yahoo’s resident nutritionist, shows ten foods that most people cringe at the thought of giving up and healthy ways to not cut them loose. She calls them Diet-Friendly Comfort Foods. Here, we show you her recommended replacement foods along side our recommendations.

Just two slices at a restaurant can have nearly a full day’s worth of calories. She suggests making your own at home or buying the Lean Cuisine brand, both options for less than 320 calories. We recommend the Weight Watchers Deep Dish Pizza Casserole, with 6 points and 277 calories.

Ice Cream
A pint of the popular Ben & Jerry’s has more than 1,000 calories. Look for lighter options that pack just as much irresistible flavor. She recommends the Turkey Hill Low-Fat brand, we recommend Bob Greene’s favorite Skinny Cow brand.

Yes, you can still satisfy that crunchy-salty munchy attack without the calories and fat of potato chips. Yahoo’s Joy recommends soy crisps- and that’s exactly what we recommend. Glenny’s Soy Crisps come in 100 calorie packs, dozens of cravable flavors- plus offer protein!

One of the biggest dieter demons out there- two slices of this carb-packed favorite topped with butter can have upward of 260 calories. Joy recommends light english muffins with peanut butter to save 100 calories. We recommed Bob Greene’s Best Life Flat Out Wraps. They come in nearly 20 flavors, make great sandwiches and many varieties have between 70 and 100 calories.

Taco Bell
This fast-food favorite can cost you nearly a day’s worth of calories for some menu items. Satisfy your craving for spicy Mexican food with these Weight Watchers Baked Chimichangas. They are 6 points, 276 calories and a delicious alternative to greasy fast food.

When the grills start blazing this spring, know that your usual bacon cheeseburger isn’t doing you any favors with more than 1,000 calories. Joy recommends a turkey burger with only half a bun for 334 calories. We recommend these hearty Weight Watchers Veggie Burgers with only 2 points and 129 calories.

French Fries
Along side a burger, nothing is better, or worse for you. Skip the 600 calories a large fry offers for Joy’s recommended baked sweet potato fries for 220 calories. We recommend Weight Watchers Roasted Potatoes with Garlic, with only 1 point and 64 calories.

Chicken Wings
Joy says fried chicken wings can have more than 700 calories! She replaces those with baked chicken tenderloins with hot sauce for 120 calories. We recommend Glazed Chicken Bits with only 4 Weight Watchers points.

Why is it so darn irresistible? A serving of regular mac ‘n cheese can pack 800 calories or more. Joy recommends a whole wheat elbow noodle with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese for half the calories. We recommend lightening any pasta dish with Barilla Plus whole grain pastas- they’re a part of Bob Greene’s Best Life plan and have Omega-3s.

It’s OK to have your hand caught in the cookie jar if you’re not reaching for those pre-made cookie dough squares with 200 calories and 10 grams of fat! Joy says grab South Beach Diet’s Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies instead for exactly half the fat and calories. We recommend the Nabisco 100 calorie pack cookies.