Diet and Nutrition

5 Steps to Automatically Burn Fat Like a Naturally Thin Person

By Jonathan Bailor

In part one of this article, we covered why the traditional calorie counting approach to weight loss fails for more than 95 percent of us. Now let’s cover the simple scientific alternative: Enabling our body to automatically balance calories for us around a slimmer set-point.

Too Good To Be True?

To get started, it sounds like I’m saying that our body can keep us slimmer much like it currently keeps us heavier, and that sounds too good to be true, right? Maybe not. We all know people who eat a lot and exercise a little and stay slim. They’re called naturally thin people, and they prove that the human body is capable of keeping us slim as reliably as it keeps us heavy. So the question is not: “Can the body burn fat automatically?” The question is: “How do we get our body to burn fat automatically like a naturally thin person?” Science shows us that the answer is surprisingly simple.

How Burning Fat Is Like Running Fast

Before we dig into the specifics of getting our bodies to work more like a naturally thin person’s body, let’s quickly set expectations by comparing our ability to burn fat with our ability to run fast. Everyone can run faster if they put a little effort in, but only a few of us will achieve world-class results no matter how much effort we put in. Why? Our genetics play a big role in how fast we are. Back to burning fat. Everyone can be slimmer if they put a little effort in, but only a few of us will achieve world-class results no matter how much effort we put in. Why? Our genetics play a big role in how slim we are.

The Good and Bad News of Burning Body Fat

So there’s good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news. For all intents and purposes we’re as likely to look like a fitness magazine cover model as we are to get on the cover of Sports Illustrated. On to the good news. I used the term “a little effort” earlier on purpose. Once we have access to simple and proven science instead of complex and profit-driven myths, getting and staying as slim as our genetics allow is much easier than we’ve been lead to believe.

For example, here’s are five simple steps to enable your body to work more like the body of a naturally thin person: (more…)

Niftyfare Serves Allergy Friendly Foods with Artisan Flare

If you’ve ever known someone who had food allergies or you’ve suffered from food intolerances yourself, you know how much of a task it can be to find allergy-friendly foods that you can feel good about eating.

It seems the number of people with food allergies has been on the rise in recent years. According to a recent story from Care2, the number of people in the U.S. alone with gluten intolerances is close to 18 million with nearly 3 million of those having celiac disease. When it comes to dairy the news is even worse as an estimated 30 to 50 million adults have a lactose intolerance.

These numbers have clearly been on the rise and food manufactures have struggled to keep up with the demand for products that cater to this growing demographic. In addition to just vegan products or those that are gluten free, there’s also an increasing need for products that cater to several dietary needs, such as a person that is intolerant of peanuts, dairy and gluten. The number of these types of convenience products that cover numerous intolerances is slim. It was for this reason that Portland, Oregon resident Jennifer “Nif” Lindsay developed her own food company that did just that.

Lindsay’s company is called Niftyfare – after her nickname “Nif” –  and unlike most specialty food producers it’s an artisan food manufacturer that seeks to simplify special diets.  (more…)

Unreal Candy Cookies Are a Healthier Halloween Treat

If you haven’t decided what kind of candy to hand out this year for Halloween, might we suggest Unreal candy? Unreal products are about as healthy and natural as they come, made free of corn syrup, artificial flavoring or colors, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, GMOs, and with less sugar, more protein and more fiber than traditional candy.

is based in Boston, Massachusetts, its candy is produced in the U.S. and Canada, and the ingredients are sourced from all over the world to ensure quality and freshness. Since its launch within the last year or so, it’s already been making waves as the better candy choice. Even celebrities like Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen, Matt Damon and John Legend are jumping on board to support and endorse the Unreal cause, with a mission to “unjunk the world” with its all-natural products. (more…)

How to Cook with Leeks

To be honest, I don’t know that I’ve ever cooked with leeks myself – I find them somewhat bizarre and intimidating, so this lesson in all-things leeks is actually quite beneficial for me! Some of my favorite bloggers utilize leeks in their everyday cooking – one being Sara from Sprouted Kitchen whose two gorgeous recipes I’ve featured below. Feeling inspired and curious all at the same time, I’m ready to dive in and find out what this peculiar little vegetable is all about.

Leeks are a member of the onion family, and are similar in texture and appearance to garlic and chive. The leek itself exudes a sweet flavor that isn’t overpowering or nearly as strong as an onion. However, it inserts an amazing bright, earthy flavor when seasoned appropriately and paired well with other ingredients in dishes.

Health benefits: Like most vegetables, leeks are extremely low in calories  and have a high fiber content. They’re also high in vitamin A, which promotes healthy function of the mucosal lining of the throat, nose, and urinary and digestive tracts, according to

Leeks are also an excellent source of folic acid, potassium, calcium, and vitamin C and provide laxative, antiseptic, diuretic and anti-arthritic benefits. And among other perks, leeks are also a great source of flavonoid antioxidants, which help fight various types of cancer in the body. (more…)

HealthBuzz October 26: DIR Releases First eCookbook, 57 Types of Sugar, and Halloween Party Food Recipes

It’s the final Friday of the month! The weekend is approaching in a few hours and that means it is time for a dose of healthy news from DIR and our friends. So take some time out of your schedule to read the headlines from this week!

Announcing Baker’s Dozen: Our First eCookbook with 13 Healthier Breakfast and Brunch Recipes

We have launched our first ever eCookbook with 13 different recipes! The eCookbook is filled with healthy and delicious breakfast and brunch recipes and it only costs $1.99! Each dish is fresh, flavorful, and pretty easy to make! Download the eCookbook now because the first 100 get some cool prizes!

John Thompson’s 202 Pound Weight Loss Story

Imagine losing 200 pounds! John Thompson did just that after two years of exercising and eating a healthy diet. A few weeks ago John finished his first half marathon, too! Read more to learn about the small steps John took to achieve a healthy life.

7 Facts About GMOs to Convince You to Vote Yes on 37

Earlier this week I had to explain what a GMO is to 90 college students. It shocked me to see how many people didn’t understand what GMO is and the health risks it poses. If you do not know the facts about GMO then check out our list of 7 things you need to know. Read why voting yes to Prop 37 can help Americans see what they are putting into their bodies. (more…)

Obie the Obese Dachshund Falls Into Custody Battle

Obie, America’s famous obese dachshund, has found himself in the middle of a custody battle between his foster care provider, Nora Vanatta, and the Oregon Dachshund Rescue group, which claims to be his rightful owners.

This pudgy pooch recently weighed in at 77 pounds and is now required to wear a harness so his body doesn’t drag the ground. It’s only a matter of steps before the poor thing is worn to pieces. Obie has made several TV appearances, including one last month on the TODAY Show. He’s also currently on the top of the Yahoo search list.

Nora Vanatta is a former veterinarian technician from Portland, Oregon and is currently taking care of Obie, doing what she can to reach him to the goal weight of 40 pounds.

According to Vanatta, he’s already lost 15 pounds. It wasn’t long after taking Obie into her care that Vanatta fell into puppy love with the pooch. She even created a Facebook page that tracks his weight loss, which now has more than 66,000 fans. (more…)

‘Soup Can Make You Thin’ Promises Weight Loss in a Bowl

As winter approaches and the weather cools down our bodies naturally start craving soul-warming comfort foods like chili, apple crisp and hot cider. Another fall and wintertime favorite? Soup.

For years throughout college, soup was my dinner of choice. If I was at home I’d make up a batch that would feed me for several days. If I had night classes or evening social events, I’d grab a canned, low sodium variety to take on the go and call it a meal. Soup never seemed to fail me, but I never thought of it as a diet approach.

While some don’t find soup to be a substantial meal, Fiona Kirk, author of the new book, “Soup Can Make You Thin,” would argue otherwise. Kirk’s theory is pretty straight forward: Eat more soup and weigh less, which is why she firmly believes that skinny people know that a bowl of soup can fill you up, banish cravings, keep you energized, and provide all-around nourishment. For these reasons, she says that sticking to a soup eating regiment for just 10 days can produce noticeable weight loss results.

It’s no secret that soup is a diet-friendly food. It has a high water content thanks to low-calorie broths and vegetables, which helps us feel more satisfied initially. And the other more hearty ingredients, such as starches like noodles or potatoes and proteins like beans and chicken, keep us full for the long haul.

“Soup is simply a miracle in a bowl for fat loss,” says Kirk. “The combination of water and solid fills you up more effectively and for longer than if you eat exactly the same food but drink the water separately – plus the water and water content of the vegetables in soup allows for efficient exchange of nutrients into body cells, greatly reducing the possibility of bloating.’ (more…)

4 Healthier Halloween Treats to Give Them Something Good to Eat

“Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to Eat!” is the anthem sung by children everywhere on Halloween. We’re not advocating the smelling of feet because, eww yuck. But, giving them something good to eat? Let’s get on that already! Children have been asking for years, so why don’t we listen?

This year, fill the jack-o-lantern pails with a treat that’s good for them and that they’ll actually enjoy eating. Yeah, we think kids should have more fruits and vegetables too. But, if you put an orange in those tubs, it’s not likely to make it to their bellies.

We scoped out some of the healthier treats available this year in cute Halloween packaging so you can feel good about giving them something less scary this year!

Angie’s Kettlecorn

We were skeptical when we got a big bag, and then thankful that we got a big bag! This stuff is so darn good the biggest and smallest of goblins and ghouls will enjoy.

What’s In It: Four things – popcorn, corn oil, sugar, sea salt. That’s it!

The Numbers: The individual half-ounce bags have 70 calories and 4 grams of sugar.

Comparison: 1 roll of Smarties has 6 grams of sugar.

Where Is It: We found them at Target in a 24-pack for $7.99 (more…)

Raw Food Dieters are Starving Their Brains

Certain diets can change a person’s lifestyle. For examples, vegans live by a moral code that they will not have any animal product in or on their body. A popular diet that has made headlines in the past years is the raw food diet, which is the process of eating only raw fruits, vegetables, and some meats. Raw food dieters can cook the fruits, vegetables, and meats but at temperatures below 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

The raw food diet has received praise for being an effective weight-loss diet. It is not very hard to understand why the raw food diet is an effective diet. Dieters are eating foods with few calories yet they are getting plenty of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. But, sometimes cooking raw food can boost the number of nutrients in foods.

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that those on a raw food diet could be starving their brain from much needed calories. Our resident dietitian, Mary Hartley, RD, shared her opinion on the study, saying it “was done to add support to the theory that speculates that the shift to cooked foods was responsible for the evolution of primitive creatures into modern humans.” (more…)

The 7 Best Gluten-Free Brands in this Booming $4.2 Billion Food Industry

Whether it’s for an intolerance or simply to try out the latest diet fad, going gluten-free has become quite the money maker for brands this year. The Los Angeles Times reported this morning that the gluten-free industry looks to hit a value of $4.2 billion in 2024.

The report from Packaged Stats stated that the booming gluten-free industry has grown at a compound annual rate of 28% since 2024 and that it looks to be valued at $6.6 billion by 2024.

This growth in the popular diet choice translates to two out of every 10 adults in America going gluten free. That’s a lot of people shopping for those unique items in the grocery store. Even a few years ago these brands were obscure and hard to find on most shelves. Today, the options are plentiful. Now the only issue comes with finding the ones that taste the best and won’t break the bank.

Gluten-free foods, typically breads, crackers, and baking mixes, tend to be drier than their wheat flour counterparts and are usually more expensive. Thankfully, the boom has changed that. Many products are exceptional in taste and many are comparable in value as well.

Here are 7 of the best gluten-free brands that you should be able to find in most grocery stores.

1. Udi’s

One of the biggest challenges in going gluten-free is giving up bread. Even a few years ago, the typical gluten-free bread option was not very appetizing. Thanks to Udi’s there’s an option for those who just want a normal sandwich or toast. They sell some of the best bread in the GF market, in addition to great pizza crusts, buns, muffins, and even cookies. (more…)

7 Ways to Pimp Your Pancake

I’ve loved pancakes for what seems like forever and have held them in high esteem as my favorite breakfast ever since I was a kid. Perhaps that’s the reason they were the only item my mom could make – besides brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts – that was able to lure me out of bed in the morning for school. Somehow, 7 a.m. seemed a little more manageable if a stack of warm pancakes and maple syrup were greeting me at the breakfast table.

This love for flapjacks has led my friends to count me as the official “pancake queen” in our social circle, and they always seem to seek my expertise when they’re getting ready to cook up a batch of their own. While pancakes may have gained a bad reputation for being overly sweet and not the most nutritious breakfast dish on the block, it’s my conviction that they can actually be made quite healthy with a few simple tweaks.

In testing countless recipes and variations of pancakes myself, I’ve found that you can health-ify just about any pancake recipe out there and even make it vegan-friendly, gluten-free and far lower in calories, fat, and sugar than many would suspect while still maintaining amazing flavor and texture.

To help you get a leg up on the healthy pancake movement, I’ve compiled a list of seven simple says to “Pimp Your Pancake” and boost their healthy reputation on your breakfast table. With these easy-to-follow tips you’ll learn how to add more protein, flavor, and heartier texture to your pancakes without sacrificing an ounce of flavor. Click the slideshow to get started!

 Download Baker’s Dozen: 13 Healthier Breakfast & Brunch Recipes, our new e-cookbook including a recipe for Chocolate Covered Strawberry Pancakes!