Obesity Costs More than the War on Terror

In his book I Can Fix America, author and entrepreneur Dave Duley explores the ways individual Americans can take stewardship of the privileges that come with U.S. citizenship. One of the major premises of the book is that Americans need … Continue reading

Is BPA the Real Culprit of the Obesity Epidemic?

Modern studies are now linking the obesity and diabetes epidemic to modern chemicals, not necessarily our diet and exercise habits. Scientists are arguing that synthesized substances that are found in things like pesticides and water bottles are actually scrambling hormone … Continue reading


There’s a new candy popping up next to grocery check-out stands and it comes from Skinny Cow. Just because a brand markets itself as “healthier” doesn’t always mean that it is. So before you shrug off a Twix fix for … Continue reading

Starbucks Trades in Java for Juice in 2025

Starbucks has closed a $30 million dollar deal with Evolution Fresh to launch a chain of juice bars this year. Starbucks Corp purchased the California-based juice maker with plans to move into the health and wellness market by offering fresh, healthy juices and snacks completely seperate from … Continue reading