Men Sweat, Women Really Do Glow

You know the saying “women don’t sweat, they glow”? Turns out it’s more than just a cute phrase. It’s kind of true. A recent study published in the journal Experimental Physiology found that men are more effective sweaters during exercise. … Continue reading

Does Supportive Gear Do More Harm Than Good?

Are wrist straps or ankle braces necessary for your workouts? There has been a lot of controversy over the years about wearing supportive gear during exercise. If you have an injury or are trying to prevent further injury, then it’s a “no brainer” … Continue reading

Top 5 Cancer Fighting Foods

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Melanoma. I have had several areas removed from my body and I’ve been rewarded with clean borders and no need for chemotherapy. I am vigilant in my use of sunscreen as … Continue reading

The Rich Spending More at Fast Food Restaurants

When discussing the demographics of the fast food customer, the discussion is usually centered around the problem being in poor neighborhoods, and that restaurants are largely patronized by middle or working class people. However, a recent study conducted by American … Continue reading