Weight Loss News in Review

Each week, DietsInReview.com will recap the hottest headlines in weight loss, diet and health news to keep you informed of news you can really use. Interview with Jillian Michaels The Biggest Loser’s Jillian Michaels gave us a sneak peek into … Continue reading

Do Electronic Ab Belts Work?

Who doesn’t long for a lean and toned core that produces a feeling of excitement rather than dread at the thought of donning a bathing suit? Anyone who has stayed up past 11 p.m. or has risen before 6 a.m. has most likely seen infomercials … Continue reading

Oprah Says “No More Dieting”

Perhaps you saw Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, on the Oprah Show. If you didn’t and you’re someone who has ever dieted or battled with their weight, then please, do your body, mind and soul a favor and … Continue reading