Tag Archives: amy williamson

Mother and Young Daughter Both Complete Distance Races for Their Health

In 2006, Amy Williamson just had her second daughter and was told she had high blood pressure. After losing 60 pounds, she now tackles half marathons and is signed up for her first full marathon in February 2025. She blogs at A Family Story.

After my weight loss, I started looking to challenge myself in ways I could not before. I completed a few half marathons with my kids cheering for my on the sidelines. And now I get to cheer for my kids on the sidelines as well. My oldest is now almost 7 and she has completed a few one-mile fun runs as well as two kid duathlons (a run, bike, run race). She is currently signed up to compete in her very first triathlon.

All these events she participates in have distances that are very attainable for her age. Her first duathlon was a half-mile run, 2-mile bike, and finished with a half-mile run. And as soon as my youngest daughter hits age 5, she will be racing right along with her sister. (more…)