Tag Archives: andrea hough

Andrea Hough’s Biggest Loser Elimination Interview

This past week, Biggest Loser 9 contestant Andrea Hough was eliminated. Returning home after her elimination, her saddened mood was quickly uplifted once she was greeted by her family and friends, who had not seen her since her stay on the Biggest Loser Ranch. It was here that she fully realized just how far she has come on her transformative weight loss journey.

Her elimination did not come as a surprise to her. She knew it was coming and as she packed up her things from the Ranch, she harbored no hard feelings towards any of her fellow contestants who collectively decided to vote her off.

Andrea started the Biggest Loser 9 series at 298 pounds. Now back at home in Ann Arbor, Michigan cruising around in her new 2025 Mazda, which she won on the show, Andrea is now at 206 pounds, but she is not stopping there.  

Since she has been home, she has learned that her hometown of Ann Arbor is actually a very healthy town with numerous outdoor areas that Andrea takes advantage of to stay in shape. Despite her new wheels, she is quick to lace up her running shoes and walk to the grocery store to do her weekly shopping for healthy eats.

Listen here to learn how Andrea plans to inspire others with her weight loss story in her home state, Michigan, which has one of the highest obesity rates in the country. She also discusses her future plans for her having a family of her own one day.



Interview with Darrell Hough and Andrea Hough: Biggest Loser Season 9

darrell and andrea biggest loser“There’s only so much you can expect about something you’ve never experienced,” says one of Biggest Loser’s newest contestants during week one at the ranch. Andrea Hough is joined by her father Darrell Hough, who says just a few short days on the show has totally blown his mind!

It’s a big change for the daughter-father team, weighing 298 and 413 pounds respectively. Darrell says he had an idea of where his weight was, since he often steps on shipping scales at work. It was Darrell’s idea for the two to apply to the show, stating his motivation was to improve his quality of life and no longer be a prisoner in his home.

Listen now as Andrea and Darrell tells about the journey that lead them to Biggest Loser and how their first week on the ranch has been so far.


Andrea Hough: Biggest Loser 9 Contestant

Eliminated Week 13

Keep up with Andrea Hough’s journey in Biggest Loser season nine. Each week DietsInReview.com will update each contestant’s weight loss, as well as accomplishments, videos, and more.

Learn more about Andrea Hough now!

andrea biggest loserAge 24

Hometown Ann Arbor, MI

Occupation Executive Assistant

Team Color Black

Teammate Darrell Hough, Father

Starting Weight 298

Finale Weight 214

Total Loss -84

Family Single (more…)