Tag Archives: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarznegger Crashes Reddit Feed and Defends Variety in Fitness Approaches

Redditors got a larger than life surprise while casually scrolling through the fitness feeds today. Celebrities aren’t uncommon on the social site, as their “Ask Me Anything” threads are incredibly popular, but it was a shock to see former California governor and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger show up to chastise the bickering and defend that everyone gets fit differently.


The hubbub started when a Reddit user posted a link to a cardio workout developed by fitness site Fitocracy. The 15 minute workout—aptly dubbed “the best cardio routine humanly possible“—was released in conjunction with The Governator’s 1% Challenge, a crusade that encourages people to devote one percent of their day to fitness. After the posting, hordes of Reddit users did what Reddit users d0: verbally spar in the comment section. (more…)

20 Celebrity Men and Women Who Practice Meditation in Hollywood

When we think of alone time, we often picture ourselves shopping without chasing children, having a quiet pedicure, or simply lying in the bathtub uninterrupted. For some truly quality alone time, you don’t have to go much further than inside your own mind. Meditation is a contemplative state where by you silently remove yourself from the physical and the present to reflect, increase clarity, and find a more serene or deeper state of consciousness.

It’s an ancient practice, often associated with yoga, that’s becoming increasingly popular in our scattered, harried, pressure-cooked society. Business professionals use it to decompress after a tough meeting or even find their center before heading in to the bull pen. Men and women alike use meditation to strengthen their minds, reduce stress, and even attain that “me time” that is so necessary.

It’s something Julia Roberts’ character in Eat Pray Love grappled with during the pray portion of her journey at an Indian ashram. But in real life, celebrities are embracing it seemingly with ease for a vast many reasons.

For instance, Richard Gere says a meditation practice helps him to stay grounded amongst the excess of Hollywood life. Eva Mendes credits meditation for helping her mine her best creativity, according to Well and Good. And Gisele Bundchen, who delivered her second child at home this month, has called meditation the source for her post-baby weight loss.

“A regular meditation practice creates mindfulness. Being mindful helps keep us from feeling distracted and impatient with life when things don’t go our way,” said Jill Lawson, our resident yogi expert. “When we are fully aware of our feelings through the practice of meditation, we can move toward being more proactive, instead of reactive. Taking action versus being frustrated is the first step in living a joyful life.”

We found 20 famous men and women who have dedicated themselves to the art and practice of meditation. If this group can make Power Bracelets, veganism, and the Master Cleanse a storming success, maybe they can serve as models to make us all a bit more mindful out here in the real world. (more…)

Top 100 Fittest Men of All Time Inspire Health and Fitness Greatness

This week, Men’s Health announced its list of “100 Fittest Men of All-Time,” including such fitness greats as Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the man deemed the “godfather of fitness,” Jack LaLanne.

While it must’ve been a difficult process to select only 100 bodies out of hundreds of thousands of elite athletes who’ve walked the Earth, the final cut boasts some of the most amazingly fit men of all time who will continue to inspire greatness well beyond their peak years of health. Here we review the top five picks with a brief snapshot of each, starting with the athlete who came it at number five: College Football Hall of Fame member Herschel Walker.

For those not familiar with Walker (we certainly weren’t), he’s a former NFL player who made a triumphant return to sports as an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter 13 years after retiring from football. At age 40, not only was his comeback commendable but impressive, as he performed quite well winning two pro MMA bouts to date.

Perhaps more impressive is Walker’s daily workout regimen which includes up to 3,500 sit-ups, 1,500 push-ups, and an 8 mile run. Can you imagine the amount of calories it would take to sustain such a grueling routine? Men’s Health also pointed out that the athlete is considering making a return to the gridiron at the ripe age of 50, which leads us to ask “Is there anything Herschel Walker can’t do?”   (more…)

Sylvester Stallone’s Expendables Workout

It’s been a while since Sylvester Stallone has had a hit movie. But it looks like the streak is up. In its first week or so in release, The Expendables has already brought in more than $48 million, passing the worldwide gross of 2025’s Rambo, according to BoxOfficeMojo.com.

While I wouldn’t call myself much of a Sly fan, I can see why this time around people gave a hoot. The Expendables is an old-fashioned shoot-em-up popcorn movie for guys. And it was marketed as such. Not to mention that it rounded up most of the big names in the genre (Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Terry Crews, and with small appearance from Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger).

It was a stroll down memory lane for many fans of the ‘80s action films, and a reminder that you’re never too old to be fit! (more…)

Top 7 Protein Sources

Proteins, which are made up of amino acids, are the building blocks for your body. Protein helps children grow and helps build and maintain muscle mass in adults.

If you want to build muscle, a substantial level of protein intake is important. Ladies often wrongly worry that they will bulk up and lose their feminine look. Not true. Plus, avoiding weight training makes losing unwanted pounds more difficult, because even moderate toning will up your metabolism 24 hours a day (muscle burns more calories).

With the help of eDiets.com‘s Chief Fitness Pro Raphael Calzadilla, I’ve put together seven high protein sources that will ensure you get your daily dose in a healthy manner:

1. Egg whites – They may not be as tasty as the whole egg, but they are an efficient protein source.

“Egg whites are an excellent source of protein, because the protein is instantly absorbed by your body,” says Raphael. “They also have no fat and no cholesterol.”

2. Whole egg – For years, fear of the cholesterol in egg yolk has made people shy away from this wonderful source of protein. But in moderation, you have nothing to worry about.

Even though the yolk is high in cholesterol, it is also higher in protein than the egg whites. One of the best sources of protein is the yolk in the egg. A Harvard study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed eating an egg a day did not raise the risk of heart disease.

3. Steak – Beef… it’s what’s for dinner… and it’s what’s for muscles if you want more of them. And not just protein, but creatine and iron and iron as well.

4. Chicken – Prefer something a little leaner? Chicken is a mainstay in bodybuilder’s diets. Lean cuts of chicken breast have 28 grams of protein, no carbs and only 2 grams of fat.

5. Tuna – Have you ever seen those dedicated gym rats eating tuna right out of the can? It may seem a little crude, but tuna is a hit for muscle gain, and the convenience outweighs the “lack of decorum.” Higher consumption of fish is associated with a reduced risk of some types of stroke among middle-aged women, according to an article in the January 17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

6. Cottage cheese – Guys, don’t let your egos get in the way. This may be a staple of women’s diets, but there’s nothing wimpy about eating this high-protein food.

“Protein in cottage cheese is of extremely high quality and contains all of the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) in the amounts proportional to the body’s needs,” says Raphael.

7. Salmon – If you get sick of tuna, but still want to get your protein from the sea, salmon is a great alternative. Postpone your appointment with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates by consuming this omega-3-rich fish.