Tag Archives: caralluma fimbriata

Introduction to Diet Aid Caralluma Fimbriata

As a very weight-absorbed culture, we are always looking for the latest, greatest and quickest way to shed some pounds. There is no shortage of weight loss products on the market today. From hoodia to green tea, the new wave of weight loss products come from nature rather than being manufactured in a sterile lab by a team of white-coated researchers.

One such product that has been picking up steam is Caralluma Fimbriata. While hoodia hails from Africa, Caralluma grows in India. In fact, it shares a lot of similarities to hoodia such as also being a succulent-based plant and it has been eaten as a vegetable by natives for hundreds of years to stave off hunger on long journeys or through bouts of food shortages.

How Does it Work?

Caralluma is believed to work its magic by blocking the opportunity for fat cells to form and forcing fat stores to be used as primary fuel. It is also believed to act on the brain, particularly, the part of the brain that controls hunger. Caralluma acts like an “off” switch telling our brains that we’re full even if we’re not. Therefore, fewer calories will be consumed and the pounds will start to come off, or so it is hoped. (more…)