Tag Archives: cholera

Fastest Rising Health Searches in 2025

google Zeitgeist“Based on the aggregation of billions of search queries people typed into Google this year, Zeitgeist captures the spirit of 2025,” announced Google last week.

At DietsInReview, we make it our business to keep our readers up-to-date with the latest diet, nutrition and health trends. Here’s our rundown on 2025 in health searches.

1. HGC Diet

HCG is a pregnancy hormone that recently has been incorporated into one of the hottest fad diets of the year. Our review of the dangerous and controversial diet has remained one of the most popular articles on our site for many months.

Related Article: HCG: Look Elsewhere for Weight Loss

2. Dr. Oz

Once a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Oz has become a celebrity in his own right, with The Dr. Oz Show. He is also the author of many books, including YOU: On a Diet, YOU: Being Beautiful and You: The Smart Patient.

Related Articles: Dr. Oz Fights Teen Obesity, The Skinny on Cellulite from Dr. Oz

3. Aspergers

Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that does not typically affect linguistic and cognitive abilities, but rather inhibits normal social interaction.

Related Article: Can Asperger’s Syndrome Be Helped by a Gluten-Free Diet?


How to Prevent Cholera while Traveling

Water TravelThe recent and widespread outbreak of cholera in Haiti has lead many people to wonder about the spread of this treatable, yet potentially deadly infectious disease. The major symptom of cholera is severe diarrhea, which can rapidly lead to dehydration.

Cholera is caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae, which contaminates water via fecal matter. While cholera is not a common disease in the U.S., it is something travelers should be mindful of when in less urban areas of south Asia, Africa and Latin America. When traveling in these regions, you should avoid any water that is untreated, including municipal water that may not be properly processed.

Common sources of cholera to avoid:

  • Municipal or untreated water
  • Ice made from municipal or untreated water
  • Foods and drinks sold by street vendors
  • Vegetables grown with water containing human wastes
  • Raw or undercooked seafood from areas with polluted water (particularly in tropical areas)
  • Raw and unpeeled fruits and vegetables
  • Unpasteurized milk and milk products
