Tag Archives: demi moore

20 Celebrity Men and Women Who Practice Meditation in Hollywood

When we think of alone time, we often picture ourselves shopping without chasing children, having a quiet pedicure, or simply lying in the bathtub uninterrupted. For some truly quality alone time, you don’t have to go much further than inside your own mind. Meditation is a contemplative state where by you silently remove yourself from the physical and the present to reflect, increase clarity, and find a more serene or deeper state of consciousness.

It’s an ancient practice, often associated with yoga, that’s becoming increasingly popular in our scattered, harried, pressure-cooked society. Business professionals use it to decompress after a tough meeting or even find their center before heading in to the bull pen. Men and women alike use meditation to strengthen their minds, reduce stress, and even attain that “me time” that is so necessary.

It’s something Julia Roberts’ character in Eat Pray Love grappled with during the pray portion of her journey at an Indian ashram. But in real life, celebrities are embracing it seemingly with ease for a vast many reasons.

For instance, Richard Gere says a meditation practice helps him to stay grounded amongst the excess of Hollywood life. Eva Mendes credits meditation for helping her mine her best creativity, according to Well and Good. And Gisele Bundchen, who delivered her second child at home this month, has called meditation the source for her post-baby weight loss.

“A regular meditation practice creates mindfulness. Being mindful helps keep us from feeling distracted and impatient with life when things don’t go our way,” said Jill Lawson, our resident yogi expert. “When we are fully aware of our feelings through the practice of meditation, we can move toward being more proactive, instead of reactive. Taking action versus being frustrated is the first step in living a joyful life.”

We found 20 famous men and women who have dedicated themselves to the art and practice of meditation. If this group can make Power Bracelets, veganism, and the Master Cleanse a storming success, maybe they can serve as models to make us all a bit more mindful out here in the real world. (more…)

Raw Food Diet Praised for its Disease-Curing Benefits

There are many famous and ordinary promoters of the raw food diet, an eating plan that encourages eating uncooked, unprocessed foods including fruits, vegetables, and some grains, nuts, and seeds. Raw food dieters say that cooking food destroys a lot of its nutritional content, and instead use juicers, dehydrators, and minimal heating of foods.

One recent inspiring story about the benefits of a raw food diet comes from a story in the August 27 issue of the Winnipeg Free Press. Truck driver Dave Conrardy went from 430 to 200 pounds after switching to raw foods, losing 100 pounds in just three months. His kidney condition and type 2 diabetes disappeared, and he stopped needing 18 of the 19 prescriptions he had been taking. Conrardy calls the raw food diet “the most healing diet on the planet” and now no longer drives trucks but gives motivational talks about his new lifestyle. (more…)

Yes, Divorce Can Make You Sick. Demi Moore’s Health Concerns Likely Due to Stress

This week I read an article at Yahoo! Shine titled Demi Moore: Hospitalized: Can Divorce Make You Sick? Of course, divorce can make you sick! Stress plays a major role in our physical health, and divorce is the second most stressful life event one can experience after the death of a spouse, according to the Homes and Rahe Stress Scale. On the other hand, I have talked with many clients who find the stress from a break up longer lasting because it includes rejection and the possibility of running into that person again. Loss of appetite and not eating are common after any break up. Many find sleep evasive as well. The strong emotional reaction can be physically exhausting, too.

Any time that we are stressed our immune system takes a hit, our digestion takes a hit, and our body is flooded with adrenaline which can have a variety of dangerous results. It was when I learned how adrenaline impacts our veins and arteries and increases the risk for blockage and heart attack that I stubbornly determined to control my stress. Perhaps it is because I am a therapist, but it seems that many people focus on the mental and emotional impact of stress, more than the physical impact of stress, which can have long term consequences. When dealing with daily stressors, it is essential to recover from the adrenaline response because most of the time “fight or flight” is not a helpful option whether you have a deadline, a complaining customer, or an argument with a spouse. (more…)

Demi Moore Health Crisis Gets Worse with Whippit Use

Oh Demi! Has a series of bad or questionable decisions put her on the edge? Demi Moore, who put herself solidly into pop culture history with her appearance on the 1991 Vanity Fair Cover naked and very pregnant, has seemingly hit rock bottom.Demi Moore

Demi’s health has been in question for months now, as she appears to have been steadily losing weight since claims emerged of her estranged husband’s cheating ways.

Once known for her toned physique, she now looks like a shadow of her former self. To add insult to injury, she was recently hospitalized after a 911 caller reported she was semi-conscious after doing whippits.

Whippit is the street name for nitrous oxide contained in a small metal canister and usually used for recharging whipping cream cans in restaurants. The whippit charger is sold separately and users inhale it from the canister to receive a quick high.

The 911 caller, reportedly a friend, said that Demi has been going through a lot lately. On November 17 2025, she announced that after six years of marriage she was filing for divorce from her boytoy husband, Ashton Kutcher. In a statement she said: “It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton. As a woman, a mother and a wife there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life.”


Demi Moore’s Raw Diet Prepares Her for Role in Lovelace

By Arleigh Aldrich

Demi Moore, set to turn 50 in 2025, will play the role of feminist and activist Gloria Steinem in the upcoming film Lovelace.

Moore is most notably recognized for her roles in Ghost (1990) and G.I. Jane (1997), among many other films. Most recently she’s made headlines for her divorce from Ashton Kutcher. One question you might ask yourself if you were to watch all her movies back to back: Does this woman not age?

Having almost completed half a century of life with three kids and a successful film career, Moore doesn’t look a day over 30. So what’s her secret?

Moore has been outspoken about following a strict raw food diet and practices Bikram Yoga, more commonly known as hot yoga. With the raw food diet, she eliminates preservatives and many toxins. Some of the benefits include little (or no) cellulite and she can still enjoy a bowl of pasta!


Celebrity Diet Tweets Make Unhealthy Habits Mainstream

Americans are unarguably obsessed with three (at the very least) things: Social networking, body image and celebrities. So when you create a cauldron comprised of this trio of addictions, you have a potion that is as lethal as a malevolent sorcerer’s concoction.

And that is exactly what an article by a Global Shift writer is suggesting when non-famous Americans start following celebrities and their diet chronicles via Twitter. From Megan Fox’s apple cider vinegar shots to Demi Moore’s bikini photos, celebrities have taken to documenting their diet rituals and their effects in 140 characters or less and, unfortunately, many young and impressionable Americans are reading.

Many follow reading these tweets with a trip to the store to pick up the ingredients for a fad-diet juice blend that likely will not cure their weight issues.  (more…)

7 Celebrity Fad Diets

Oh, Hollywood celebrities… their lifestyles are just as wild as their eating habits. And, all of us who closely follow their lives in the pages of Us Magazine and TMZ are just as wacky, especially when we copy their dieting practices.

Recently, Yahoo! Shine asked the health experts at Mayo Clinic to evaluate seven fad celebrity diets. Here is the skinny on everything from baby food to eating nothing but purple-colored foods.

The Cooler Cleanse

  • Description: A three- or five-day juice detox diet where you replace meals and snacks with Cooler Cleanse juices that are delivered fresh to your door. Hayek is one of the co-creators of the Cooler Cleanse and swears by it as a way to keep her looking young, svelte and beautiful.
  • Benefits: Quick and short-term weight loss; Promotes a feeling of lightness; Contains healthy and natural ingredients; Liberates you from eating processed and refined foods, even if just for a few days.
  • Cost: $58 per day


Ashton and Demi do the Master Cleanse for their Health

The Hollywood elite are at it again. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, the cutest of all cougar couples, have started the Master Cleanse. Ashton tweeted the intentions of he and his wife letting the masses know about their new regimen.

Some health food stores sell Master Cleanse kits, but most followers of the strict liquid diet prepare their own, using a simple recipe of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Also known as the Lemonade Diet and the Maple Syrup Diet, Beyonce Knowles has long been linked with this detox cleanse to help her maintain those svelte curves.

Six to 12 glasses of the concoction are drank throughout the day for up seven to ten days. Ashton’s tweet said that he and Demi would do it for ten. A restrictive diet like this can lend itself to binges. Ashton probably didn’t follow through, but his tummy was definitely craving something more than the Master Cleanse drink when he tweeted “9 hrs into the master cleanse. I want a steak, a beer, and a blow-pop. Hmmm this is gonna be rough.” (more…)