Tag Archives: fast diet

The 5:2 Fast Diet Cookbook Makes Up for Lack of Credentials and Calories with Inspired Recipe Ideas

The 5:2 Fast Diet CookbookThe 5:2 Fast Diet Cookbook by Samantha Logan is just that, a cookbook. If you’re not familiar with the popular 5:2 fasting diet craze, you won’t find much supporting information in this book to guide you, but you will find 150 low-calorie healthy recipes to supplement the program. The author created the cookbook after she adopted an intermittent fasting lifestyle and lost 30 pounds.

The 5:2 fasting diet mentioned in this book and countless others on the market is based on the principle that intermittent fasting, “actually helps you reset your metabolism and rev up your body’s fat-burning ability.” On the diet, men and women are asked to restrict their calorie consumption on two nonconsecutive days per week and then eat as they normally would on the other five. On non-fasting days if the dieter wants to eat high calorie foods the author advises them to, “Go for it,” but then later encourages people to, “Make smart food choices,” so the takeaway is a bit vague.

While the author bears no credentials, it’s disappointing that she didn’t go the extra mile to describe the diet in more detail or provide statements from a doctor, nutritionist or registered dietitian regarding the efficacy of the program or the scientific data behind it.


Fasting May Reduce Risk of Coronary Disease and Diabetes

white plate with fork and knifeNew research from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found several interesting heart-health benefits linked to periodic fasting. The research adds to a 2025 survey that suggested fasting may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The new study further found that fasting can potentially lower the risk of diabetes.

The new research involved two studies. The first was a second survey of over 200 individuals. “We found that patients who responded that they fasted routinely had an approximately 45 percent lower risk of coronary disease than those who didn’t fast routinely,” said lead researcher Dr. Benjamin D. Horne, PhD, MPH. “The primary thing that did was show that it wasn’t a chance finding.”
