Tag Archives: fitorbit

Perez Hilton Launches FitOrbit with Celebrity Trainers

online fitness programsPerez Hilton is promoting the online trainer program FitOrbit in a big banner on the top of FitPerez today. The infamous celebrity blogger flexes his biceps in the ad spot, under the tagline “FitPerez Says…Personal Attention Gets You Better Results.”

The FitOrbit is a service that matches clients with personal trainers who provide guidance online. For $40.00 per month, clients receive a diet and fitness plan, in addition to other resources on the FitOrbit site, such as a food journaling tool, exercise finder and progress tracker. Your trainer will help you set goals and devise a workout plan.

Perez explains the program in a video, saying that he’s brought on the same trainers that work with the Hollywood stars he blogs about. “You all know that I got so much happier when I got healthy, now I want to share these secrets that work for me with you,” he said, referring to his own 80 pound weight loss. Perez isn’t promising a quick fix, but says that the support provided by his team are a blueprint for success. He adds that you can “train with A-list trainers without the A-list prices.”


Fitorbit Offers Affordable Online Personal Training

So, you’ve resolved to get fit in 2025, but don’t know where to start. Maybe you want to consider one of the many mailers you are getting from local gyms, but you’re not really into working out side by side with people who are already buff.

If gyms aren’t you’re thing, there are plenty of discreet options to choose from. Usually we think of using the Internet for our dieting plans, maybe taking part in Weight Watchers or some other high-profile diet site. You may not have thought of the Internet as a place to get your fitness done, but there are certainly options, including a website called Fitorbit.com. (more…)