Tag Archives: friendlys

Friendly’s Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt Another Fast-Food Calorie Bomb

Has anyone in the test kitchens at American fast-food restaurants heard that we’re all fat? Anyone else tired of the shock-and-awe creations they keep spewing out? Probably not because they keep making them because we keep eating them.

The newest nightmare is Friendly’s Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt. Seems harmless until you look at it.

That’s two grilled cheese sandwiches filling the role of buns. Inside, a beef burger, tomato, lettuce and mayo. “Tasting is believing,” according to Friendly’s.

What are we supposed to be believing?

I’m all for all things in moderation, it’s something I practice in my own life. There is nothing moderate about this. Imagine if you will sitting down to lunch and consuming two grilled cheese sandwiches and a burger, plus the fries and soda that will no doubt come along with this. And, since you’re at Friendly’s “where ice cream makes the meal”, apparently, you’ll probably have some frozen treat from their menu. Who can eat that much food? Why would you want to?

Aside from the visual glisten of grease, what else does this burger bomb have in store for us? Look at the nutrition facts. (more…)