Tag Archives: glycemic index

Retrain Your Brain to Actually Enjoy Eating Healthy Food


We all know eating salad is better than eating candy bars, but you can’t control which foods you actually enjoy eating…or can you? This new study brings new meaning to brain food.

Shape Magazine recapped a recent study published by Nutrition & Diabetes explaining that it may be possible to neurologically reprogram your brain to prefer healthier foods. The study took 13 people and gave the first group a structured high protein, low glycemic index, low calorie diet while the second group could continue eating “normal” foods like pizza and potato chips. They took MRI scans of all participants before the study, then again six months later.

Both times, all participants were shown images of healthy foods and unhealthy foods, then they tracked and compared the neurological responses.

What did they find?  (more…)

Eat Your Way to Better Eye Sight

By Janis Jibrin, M.S., RD, Best Life lead nutritionist

Which of your five senses is most important to you? If you said “sight,” you’d be in the majority—four out of five baby boomers chose sight in a survey by the Ocular Nutrition Society.

eye health

So be proactive about protecting your sight: Eating to ensure your eyes stay healthy is as easy as following these three steps:

Choose antioxidant-rich foods. Antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E protect your eyes from free radicals, damaging compounds that can cause cataracts and macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the U.S. A recent study of Swedish women found that those who consumed a diet with the most antioxidant power (one that featured antioxidants that worked best together to protect health) were 13 percent less likely to develop cataracts. Fruits and vegetables topped the list of main sources of antioxidants with 44 percent, followed by whole grains (17 percent) and coffee (15 percent).


Jessica Crow Shed 160 Pounds When She Stopped Being the Victim of Her Story and Became the Author

On the Facebook page, Full Length Mirror, where she chronicles her weight loss journey, Jessica Crow recently posted this: Stop being the victim of your story and start being the hero. After all, you are the author. Jessica knows a little something about self-blame. At one time she weighed just shy of 300 pounds and was very hard on herself because of it. That is until she realized she was worthy, of happiness, true love and good health.

Jessica Crow Before After

More from Jessica in her own words –

Tell me when your weight struggles began: Later in life, triggered by depression and extremely low self-esteem with little to no self-awareness. This had a lot of causes including rejection issues from childhood, not being good enough and finally, a very abusive marriage. I felt worthless, alone and never good enough. In the end, it didn’t matter what the “cause” was that I was blaming it on; I was the one that truly controlled what I did and how I reacted. I gained 100 pounds within a year’s time.

What habits specifically led you to gain weight? Eating junk food like candy bars, ice cream and soda. Not eating very often, but when I did, it was horrible food. I was lazy and depressed and wanted nothing to do with activities that might make me face the reality that I was obese, or worse, show myself in public. It was a vicious cycle that quickly took hold of my life.


Illuminutri Takes the Guesswork Out of Supplements and Nutrition

With the hundreds of supplements on the market today, it can be confusing to pick the right ones for you and to know that they are safely manufactured with the best ingredients. The FDA does not evaluate supplements before they reach the market so it is up to the consumer to know if what they are taking is healthful and beneficial.

Dr. Stephen Barkow began to see this as a problem in his practice when many patients would come in asking about a particular supplement. He noticed that most people don’t have a direction when taking supplements.

Out of those experiences, the idea for Illuminutri was conceived. Dr. Stephen Barkow and his wife, certified clinical nutritionist Pamina Barkow, decided to combine their expertise to create their own line of supplements to use with their patients as part of a comprehensive health plan.

“Patients come in with a variety of pain, from inflammation to complications from surgeries to chronic pain. I ask myself, ‘What can I do more naturally to reduce pain?’ and then I come up with recommendations for patients. It’s more of a lifestyle change than easy fixes,” said Dr. Barkow. (more…)

A Low Glycemic Diet May be the Best Way to Slim Down

If there’s one thing we know about losing weight, it’s that simply cutting calories isn’t always the answer. Those who have tried the Baby Food Diet and the Beyonce Diet can attest to this fact. This is because when we over-restrict calories, especially for extended periods of time, the pounds end up coming back and usually sticking around for good. 

However, one researcher, David Ludwig of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, argues that there’s one way to lose weight more efficiently and keep it off: a low glycemic diet.

DietsInReview.com’s registered dietitian Mary Hartley, RD, explains that a low glycemic index diet is touted as beneficial because it helps avert hunger and blood sugar dips by discouraging the rapid release release of insulin.

The Glycemic Index (GI) ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on how they affect blood glucose,” she said. “Foods with a low GI produce a gradual rise, while high GI foods bring about a sharp increase.”

Highly processed foods like potato chips and Twinkies are considered high GI foods. But there are also naturally-occurring foods like potatoes and corn that are considered high GI because they cause a spike in blood sugar as well. (more…)

Mediterranean Diet More Likely to Keep Weight Off Than Other Diets

Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital have dubbed the low-glycemic index, similar to the Mediterranean Diet, as the best diet to keep off weight without causing harmful side effects. The study was lead by Cara Ebbeling who tested three different diets. The low-fat, low-carb, and low-glycemic index diet were test by 21 participants who are overweight or obese.

Overview of Calories per Diet

Low Fat: 60% of calories are carbohydrates, 20% of calories are protein, and 20% of calories are fat. The foods included in the diet are whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The low-fat diet reduces the amount of fatty meats, oils, nuts, and other fat products.

Low Carb (Atkins Diet): 10% of calories are carbs, 30% of calories are protein, and 60% of calories are from protein. Types foods included in the diet are little to no carbohydrates, high amounts of beef, chicken, eggs, cheese, and there are some fruits and vegetables in the diet plan.

Low-Glycemic Index Diet (Mediterranean Diet): 40% of calories are carbs, 40% of calories are fat, 20% of calories are from protein. The foods in the diet are whole grains, low fat meats, fruits, vegetables, beans, and healthy fats from olive oil and nuts. (more…)

Go Nuts to Control Your Diabetes

An international study has revealed that 350 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. The new estimate is tens of millions higher than the previous estimate. Scientists blame the growing epidemic on the spread of Western-style nutrition. By “Western” they mean too much fatty meats and processed foods.

If you already suffer from diabetes, what you need to do is make wiser choices within our so-called Western diet. One easy way to combat diabetes is having a daily snack that includes nuts.

According to new research from St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto, eating nuts on a daily basis can help control type 2 diabetes and even prevent complications associated with it. Researchers have found that eating two ounces of nuts every day was effective at glycemic and serum lipid control for people who already have type 2 diabetes. (more…)

The Confusing Glycemic Index Diet Explained

For years, diet researchers have suggested that a high-protein,  low glycemic index diet may work best for losing pounds and maintaining a healthy body weight. Last week, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that while many people attempt a high protein, low glycemic diet, they may not understand exactly how the diet actually works.

The glycemic index is a diet plan meant to lower insulin levels and insulin resistance, increase energy and lower stress. Initially developed to help diabetes patients maintain stable insulin levels, a high glycemic index food is above 70, while a medium food is from 55 to 70 and a low glycemic index food is below 55. Overall, the glycemic index refers to how fast carbohydrates are broken down in the body.


Potatoes are a Smart Food Choice for Weight Loss

Potatoes get a bit of a bad rap. Lately, I’ve come to realize how much I love a baked potato now and again as a satisfying side dish to a lean protein and tossed salad. But, in a post-Atkins world, that would seem like a diet taboo. Not so, says a new study.

“When it comes to weight loss, it is not about eliminating a certain food or food groups. Rather, it is reducing calories that count,” said study leader Britt Burton-Freeman of the University of California, Davis.

The study’s leader went on to say that not only is there no evidence that a healthfully prepared potato is bad for your diet, it can actually be a part of your weight loss plan. (more…)

White Rice Increases Diabetes Risk

When you eat rice, it’s likely that you are ingesting the white variety. While there is no reason to panic about eating white rice in moderation, if it’s a diet staple there could be something to be concerned about.

Harvard researchers are pointing to the considerable benefits of switching from white to brown rice, particularly how it relates to preventing diabetes. They are saying by making the easy switch to brown rice, you can cut your diabetes risk by a third.


High Glycemic Foods Spike Heart Risks in Women

If a new study is correct, women have a new reason to minimize their intake of certain carbohydrates: heart disease. According to the study, women who eat more high glycemic foods, such as white bread, white rice, and other foods that cause blood sugar to spike, are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease than other women. Foods that spike blood sugar are also referred to as high glycemic.

The women in the upper 25th percentile of high glycemic food eating in the study had double the heart attack risk of those in the lower 25th percentile.

The researchers found that men who also eat excessive amounts of high glycemic foods don’t have the same increased risk. It’s thought that maybe men’s bodies process the carbs differently.
