Tag Archives: green coffee bean

Trouble in Oz: Study Supporting Oz-Promoted Diet Pills Formally Retracted

dr. oz

Dr. Oz is making headlines again for products he’s promoted not passing “scientific muster.” Four months ago, the well-known doctor was skewered in a Senate hearing on false claims made in advertising for weight loss products; in part due to a lack of scientific evidence supporting those claims. Now, a study supporting diet pills containing green coffee bean extract (GCBE) and promoted by Dr. Oz has been retracted.

The study was one our own Mary Hartley, R.D. came out against, and now it seems the study’s lead researchers want to take it all back.

“The sponsors of the study cannot assure the validity of the data so we, Joe Vinson and Bryan Burnham, are retracting the paper,” the scientists posted in a statement online.


Jillian Michaels Overtakes Weight Watchers on the 2025 Most Popular Diets of the Year List

The most popular diet of the year is none other than the incomparable Jillian Michaels. It’s not entirely surprising when you consider she’s been one of the most consistent players on our list since 2025, with her online brand, detox product, and earliest workout DVD ranking each year. In fact, the latter two were both on last year’s top ten list. We expect to see Curves, ranking for the first time since 2025, as the Biggest Loser trainer just announced a new partnership with Curves.

jillian michaels

What is most surprising is how Jillian Michaels knocked the giant that is Weight Watchers out of the number one position. That’s only been done once before, by 17 Day Diet in 2025. Even that year Weight Watchers held on to number two, but this year they slipped in to the fifth most popular spot.

And 17 Day Diet grabbed ranking number four, hardly losing any ground since its overwhelmingly popular release in late 2025. Its position on our annual Most Popular lists, ahead of Weight Watchers once again, will no doubt help with the release of 17 Day Diet: Breakthrough Edition on the 31st.

The only constant between last year’s list and this – Medifast. They’ve got number 3 on lock, with the meal delivery diet staying strong in the top ten since 2025.

Another staple of our list fell pretty hard this year, with hCG falling down to number 14. No, the supplement boom isn’t over, as its disappearance only made room for brands like Skinny Fiber (a shocking number 2) and Plexus Slim (at number 6) to move on up the list. Dr. Oz-endorsed Raspberry Ketones (17) and Green Coffee Bean Extract (20) were other weight-loss-by-pill categories that did especially well this year.

Check out the 25 Most Popular Diets of 2025* as determined by you, our readers.best diets 2013

1. Jillian Michaels

2. Skinny Fiber

3. Medifast

4. 17 Day Diet

5. Weight Watchers (more…)

The 6 Miracle Diets Dr. Oz Tried to Sell Us in 2025

Many of us will never live to see a true miracle. Dr. Oz apparently found six this year alone!

Dr. Oz had another banner year on his talk show as he brought the latest and greatest health news to our living rooms each afternoon. The only rub is that some of us are questioning the good doctor and what he’s calling healthy advice these days. It seems Dr. Oz may have become more of a talk show host than a well-intentioned physician. This year, especially, the show constantly doled out miracle diet advice. While weight loss is at the top of our health concerns, it seemed the doctor derailed from prescribing trustworthy weight loss guidance to endorsements for every fad that would ultimately yield no life change, just money spent and potential side-effects.

These are the miracle diet cures (his words, not ours) that Dr. Oz unleashed on us this year. It might be more accurate to call them scams.

Raspberry Ketones

These little supplements were touted as a revolutionary metabolism booster and the compounds, typically used as food flavorings, have been purposed for weight loss supplements in Japan. Dr. Oz endorsed raspberry ketones as an effective weight loss tool as well. The theory behind the ketones is that that they alter lipid metabolism, claims found from a study in mice. The mouse with the high fat diet and the supplement gained less body fat than expected. Raspberry ketones have not yet been tested on humans. (more…)

HealthBuzz August 24: Green Coffee Bean Fad, Worst Movie Snacks, and Healthier Mexican Recipes

It’s the start of the weekend, and that means it’s time for a dose healthy news. This week’s HealthBuzz features a story about Dr. Oz and his over-hyped recommendation of Green Coffee Bean Extract, the worst snacks at the movie theater, and savory Mexican recipes that are actually good for you. Don’t wait until the end of the week to hear from us! Follow us on Twitter and Pinterest, and like us on Facebook.

Dr. Oz’s Green Coffee Bean: Conflicts of Interest and Flawed Studies Abound

Dr. Oz’s new magic pill of the month is Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE). According to a study, a mere 16 men and women in India who took GCBE lost a tremendous amount of weight in 22 weeks. However, there are some flaws to the study and Dr. Oz failed to mention to his audience the conflict with his guest expert. Find out why Dr. Oz is promoting GCBE on his show.

Reggie L. Smith Leads Retired NFL Players Losing Weight With Retrofit

After retiring from the NFL, Reggie Smith gained 70 pounds of unhealthy weight. Last year, Mr. Smith started shedding pounds with Retrofit. The program helped Reggie gain control of his weight and life, and career! He was named the new Vice President of Business Development for Retrofit Weight Loss this week. Reggie is excited to spread the benefits to other fellow retired NFL players and the rest of the country.

Michael Strahan Named Ripa’s New ‘Live’ Co-Host: IS He Fit Enough for the Job?

Since Regis Philbin retired from the show months ago, many people wondered if Kelly would ever get a new co-host. Well earlier this week the network announced that Michael Strahan, another retired NFL star, will be the new face of Live, co-hosting with Kelly Ripa. The fit host will begin appearing on the show September 4, and we can’t wait! (more…)

For Dr. Oz’s Green Coffee Bean, Conflicts of Interest and Flawed Studies Abound

Health Tips from Yahoo! Reluctantly Healthy

When Starbucks adds Green Coffee Bean Extract for a “boost of natural energy” in Starbucks Refreshers™, I understand it. But when Dr. Oz calls Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE) the “Miracle Pill to Burn Fat,” I don’t get it so much. During the last week of April, (aka bathing suit week), Dr. Oz featured GCBE on his show. From the looks of my inbox, I see another push for Labor Day, second only to January 1st as the best day to start a diet.

Dr. Oz laid it on thick for Green Coffee Bean Extract. “Breaking news: The coffee bean, in its purest raw form, may hold the secret to weight loss. Women and men who took GCBE lost an astounding amount of fat and weight – 17 pounds in 22 weeks – by doing absolutely nothing extra in their day.” It’s “the magic you’ve been waiting for.”

The segment reported one very small study of 16 healthy adults living in India. The subjects took two different doses of GCBE and a placebo, all in capsule form over four-week intervals for 22 weeks, which is when they lost the 17 pounds. The study wasn’t tight: the subjects weren’t blinded, diet and exercise information was gathered by recall, and side-effects weren’t measured, and so any safety claims are false. The analysis didn’t hold up because, regardless of dosage or even placebo, the subjects all lost weight in the beginning before leveling off just like every other diet. The website Science-based Medicine analyzed the study nicely in Dr. Oz and Green Coffee Beans – More Weight Loss Pseudoscience. (more…)

Green Coffee Bean Supplement Equals Weight Loss Without Diet or Exercise

When weight loss is the goal, most professionals will only recommend two prescriptions: diet and exercise. There is no magic pill that will create healthy and lasting weight loss, or at least there wasn’t. Even health professionals are surprised by the findings that green coffee beans are having on weight loss.

The baffling research is showing that individuals who take green coffee bean supplements are losing weight despite exercising or even dieting.

The recent green coffee bean study was published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal. The research followed 16 adults who supplemented their diet with green coffee bean for 12 weeks. Throughout the study, the subjects lost an average of 17 pounds each. These individuals changed nothing about their lifestyle other than taking the supplement and ended up losing 10.5% of their overall body weight and 16% of their overall body fat.

Another perk? No side effects were reported during the study. In a country where obesity is literally an epidemic, this news about green coffee beans is amazing. (more…)