Tag Archives: Gwenyth Paltrow

Celebs Go Gluten Free, but is it a Fad or for Health?

Going gluten-free is a huge trend right now with tons of gluten-free products on the market and numerous celebrities trying it. While gluten insensitivity does seem to be on the rise with an estimated 20 million sufferers, the National Institutes of Health report that 3 million Americans have celiac disease. But is going gluten-free really necessary? And is it good for overall health or is it just a way to lose weight because it’s such a restrictive diet?

We recently spoke to Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT, Lifestyle and Wellness Consultant Specializing in Gluten Free Living and Women’s Health, and Co-Manager for Gluten Intolerance Group of Greater Chicago about the pros and cons of this new way of eating. She says that while going gluten-free is costly and can have quite the learning curve (gluten is in so many things!), the benefits are enormous including finding relief from the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, rhuematoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and even infertility. Not to mention that eating a diet without gluten in it can be incredibly nutritious in that most gluten-free foods are nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables and proteins.


Tracy Anderson 30 Day Method Interview and Free Giveaway

Tracy Anderson is one of the hottest fitness trainers around. With a client roster of Gwyneth Paltrow, Courteney Cox and Shakira, this pint-sized former ballet dancer is famous for her specific training method, which she devised all by herself after years of researching the anatomy of the human body, exercise physiology and nutrition.

Her latest creation, Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method, makes her amazing system accessible to anyone who is willing to commit 30 days to her tough but result-getting program.

DietsInReview.com had a chance to talk to Tracy about her new book. At the end of the interview, don’t forget to enter your chance to win a free copy of Tracy’s highly coveted release. (more…)