Tag Archives: Jazzercise

Jazzercise vs. Zumba: Which Is Right for You?

Dance-based group exercise classes can be a blast. If you’re someone who loves to dance but hates to “go to the gym,” these classes can be fun, high-energy and, really, not feel like a workout at all. Now there are a number of dance-based classes and DVDs out there, but two of the most popular types of classes are Jazzercise and Zumba. Both types of workouts have similarities yet also they have their differences. Not sure which one is right for you? Read on to see which class is best!


This is a tricky question because both Zumba and Jazzercise classes are run by independent contractors, meaning that the price can vary widely depending on where you live and who you are taking the class from. Both kinds of classes are sometimes offered for free or for a small additional cost with a health-club membership. Other times, you can pay as little as $10 a class to take them at a facility without a membership. Many times you can also take classes at dance studios and although they charge a little bit more ($15+), the instruction is usually at a bit higher level. Both also offer workout DVDs.

Who wins this one? Because prices vary so widely according to location and facility, it’s a tie when it comes to classes! However, when it comes to buying workout DVDs, Jazzercise is considerably cheaper at just $16.99 for a DVD, compared with $89.95 for a set of Zumba DVDs (while the price per DVD is cheaper with the Zumba DVD set, generally the workouts on the Zumba DVDs are shorter, thereby giving you less workout time for your money).
