Tag Archives: jessica alba

Jessica Alba Used Controversial Double Corset to Lose Baby Weight

  • In an interview with Net-A-Porter magazine, 31-year-old actress and mother of two Jessica Alba admitted to using a corset to achieve her sleek and toned body after babies. The star was quoted as saying “After birth I wore a double corset for three months. It was sweaty but worth it.”jessica-alba-corset-weight-loss
  • While corsets can serve many purposes, some rely on them for weight loss because of their supposed ability to create thermal heat through the midsection, causing users to lose inches “through the science of compression,” according to hourglassangel.com.
  • Many garments from hourglassangel.com also include latex, which is designed to compress the midsection, increase perspiration – as Alba noted – and flush toxins from the area, collectively speeding weight loss.
  • In an experimental report for ABC News, journalist Deborah Roberts wore a corset for two weeks. On day two she admitted being “starving and feeling a bit squeezed…After four or five bites [of salad], I can’t eat anymore. I feel full.” (more…)

Jessica Alba Admits She Hates Exercise

Jessica Alba is known for having a terrific body, sometimes more so than for her acting talent. She works hard to stay in shape and successfully lost her baby weight giving birth to her daughter Honor Marie in 2025. Jessica opened up about some of the techniques she used to lose that weight in a recent interview with Lucky magazine.

One thing I admire about Alba is that she is honest about how she feels about fitness and dieting. When speaking about her diet, she stated, “I have a hard time with portion control, so I have 1,200 calorie meals delivered. But I also work out, so I’m basically starving – it sucks. I drink a lot of water.”

Jessica used the NutriFit meal delivery system for her meals after her daughter was born. Jessica also spoke candidly about working out. She said, “Working out everyday for even just 45 minutes is good for my mental state. But getting dressed and actually doing it is the worst. It’s hard to get motivated.” Lack of motivation may be why Alba likes the distractions of going to the gym. She says, “In the gym, I have like five things to distract me: TV, iPod, magazines. Working partners are good too so you can chat and not just drown in your own misery. Sorry, does that sound bad? I just hate working out.”


Jessica Alba’s Brutal Post-Baby Weight Loss

jessica albaIn the upcoming March issue of ELLE magazine, Jessica Alba opens up about her new life as a mom.

She talks about trying to get back into shape unhumanly fast after giving birth to her daughter, Honor. In the story, Alba describes workouts so horrible and strenuous, they made her cry.

Another trial she endured for beauty’s sake? “I wore a girdle,” she says. “Eight weeks after my girlfriend had her baby, you could see her six-pack. She told me to put an elastic band around my waist—any kind of band or girdle works. She was like, ‘I slept in it.’ I didn’t recover as fast as she did. I [still] don’t have a six-pack.”

Catch the rest of the story at Yahoo Shine.

How Hollywood Moms Get Into Shape After Baby

Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba – the list goes on of A-list moms-to-be who immediately transform their post-baby bodies into their pre-pregnant shapes. How do they do it so quick?

The overwhelming pressure to be thin in Hollywood is a massive driving impetus for these new moms to whip their bodies back into svelte shape. But all of them work hard to do it. They may have the money for personal trainers, baby-sitters and personal chefs but when it comes down to it, each of these new moms have to put in the work.

Health experts recommend pregnant women gain anywhere between 20 to 40 pounds for a single pregnancy. For those moms-to-be who are underweight to begin with, they are encouraged to fall on the weightier end of this spectrum. For those ladies carrying multiples like Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie, the weight recommendations are a bit more generous.

A few weeks after Jolie gave birth to twins, Vivienne and Knox, it didn’t even look like she had ever been pregnant: Her slender physique showed very little, if any, hint of her pregnant self. (more…)

Wii Fit – want to get in shape?

Like just about every other house in the U.S., mine was filled the joyous sounds of opening a new Wii for Christmas. I haven’t played a video game since I was 12, so imagine my surprise when I was instantly drawn to the simplicity. After my husband beat me in two back-to-back tennis matches, I realized I was breaking a sweat, and a little out of breath. On my walk to the fridge to grab a glass a water, a little light bulb dinged inside my head. Could I use the Wii as a fitness tool?

Jumped on Google and found that I wasn’t the only one thinking this way. In fact,Wii Fit Nintendo is thinking about it, too. And celebrities like Jessica Alba have said they’ve started supplementing their usual workout with extra Wii time. In Japan, they’ve already released the Wii Fit. This small board, temporarily named the Wii Balance Board, comes with the game Wii Fit- together they can replace your home gym (and possibly your membership).

The workouts concentrate on core strengthening via yoga, muscle stretches, aerobics, lunges, squats, dancing and more. The game will also keep track of calories burned, BMI and how your strength is increasing. It’s recommended you do about 30-45 minutes each day to get the most out of the Wii Fit.

While Wii Fit is currently only available in Japan, retailing for about $180, you can get started now. Once the kids head to school or fall asleep at night, fire up the Wii Sports. You stand to lose at least 100 calories for playing even 15 minutes.
Boxing 15 minutes ~121 calories
Tennis 25 minutes ~110 calories
Bowling 30 minutes ~104 calories
Baseball 35 minutes ~102 calories
Golf 45 minutes ~99 calories

Some reports say that serious gamers spending 12 hours a day on their video games can burn about 1800 calories.

The Wii is definitely changing the way we all look at video games and now it looks as though it might change the way our bodies look while playing them.