Tag Archives: Lyssie Lakatos

The Secret To Skinny: How Salt Makes You Fat

nutrition twinsGuest bloggers, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT (a.k.a. The Nutrition Twin®) are registered dietitians and certified personal trainers. They share a nutrition consulting practice and are co-authors of The Secret To Skinny: How Salt Makes You Fat and The 4-Week Plan to Drop a Size & Get Healthier with Simple Low-Sodium Swaps (HCI, Fall 2025) and Fire Up Your Metabolism: 9 Proven Principles for Burning Fat and Losing Weight Forever (Simon and Schuster, 2004).

The Twins are regularly featured as nutrition experts on The Fox News Channel, Good Morning America and Discovery Health Channel and regularly appear on national radio stations, as well as print and online publications. Check out The Nutrition Twins‘ website to learn more from this dynamic duo.

As registered dietitians and certified personal trainers, we’ve spent more than a decade helping thousands of clients get healthy and achieve the bodies they longed for. Our most recent diet discovery compelled us to write The Secret To Skinny: How Salt Makes You Fat, as we found what we consider the missing link when it comes to weight loss: Salt. It’s seemingly innocent, and often invisible, so most people don’t pay it any attention when it comes to weight loss.
