Tag Archives: mamavation

Rachel Habegger Lost 85 Pounds in Spite Of Medical Setbacks

When Rachel Habegger made the decision to lose weight by starting an online fitness campaign, she didn’t realize she would be doing it with the added stress of a serious medical diagnosis, debilitating headaches, and a spinal tap. Some people might’ve used the circumstance as an excuse (a valid one) to push back the start of a new rigorous exercise routine but Rachel didn’t. Once she made the commitment to herself, as well as the online trainer, she fought through the pain and forged ahead, eventually losing 85 pounds.

Rachel Habegger Before/After

As a former cross country and long distance runner, Rachel had once been fit and healthy, but after the birth of her first child, Rachel failed to lose the additional weight, then gained more with her second, and her third. Eventually, Rachel stopped running on the pavement altogether, but she was still running away from something in her past. “I was an emotional eater,” she said, “and also trying to hide behind my weight as a sexual assault survivor.”


Greta Funk Lost Over 50 Lbs With Running and Portion Control

Greta Funk is a mother of four who runs multiple 5K races each year and stays busy chasing her brood across the plains of Kansas. To look at this busy mama, all feisty 5 foot 3 of her, you’d never know that at one time, she weighed just shy of 200 pounds. Through portion control, food tracking and consistent cardio workouts, Greta has managed to shed 51 pounds and keep it off.

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Through high school, Greta remembers being thin but said she noticed the pounds start to creep on when she started college. She gained the classic Freshman 15 and then once she started having babies, the pounds refused to budge. Poor eating habits added to the weight gain. “I was terrible about watching portion sizes or stopping when my brain was full,” she said.


Twitter’s Most Popular Fitness Memes Help Millions Lose Weight

Support systems are nice to have when you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle. For the past few years, the Twitter world has offered information and a support network for people who may not have found it IRL (in real life). By adding a certain hashtag to your tweet, you can instantly join with the most supportive and trusted weight loss resources online.

We’ve found a few Twitter super memes, or communities, that have really grown to be the go-to resources for socially supported weight loss, fitness, and health. Not only do you get a virtual support group, but accountability, guidance, and access to resources are part of the package, or rather hashtag.


The running community is brought together on #runchat, organized by @RunningBecause and @iRunnerBlog. Whether a beginner or marathoner, there is a place for you at #RunChat. About one million people unite on this trending topic on Twitter. Followers benefit from a sense of a community that cares deeply about the sport of running and are willing to share information with each other. Join this Twitter community on #RunChat on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 8pm EST. (more…)

HealthBuzz November 16: Meatless Monday in LA, Mammogram Parties, and Holiday Appetizer Recipes

We’re just hours away from the weekend! That means it is time for a dose of healthy news from DIR and our friends. This week’s headliners from our team include People Magazines’ Sexiest Man Alive, our partnership with The Best Life Diet for a Holiday Survival Guide, and Los Angeles adoption of Meatless Monday. Also, we have headliners from Mamavation, ABC News, and Shape Magazine. Don’t forget to check out this week’s holiday appetizer recipes including a pumpkin hummus recipe found only on HelloGiggles.

5-Week Holiday Survival Guide with $5000 in Prizes from The Best Life and DietsInReview

The holidays officially starts next week on Thanksgiving. We know how hard it is to resist overeating during these festivities and to maintain a fitness routine. This is why we have partnered with The Best Life for a five-week Holiday Survival Guide. Together, we are offering more than $5000 in prizes to help you stay healthy and fit. The Holiday Survival Guide kicks off on November 20, 2025.

Channing Tatum’s Workouts Earn Him Title of Sexiest Man Alive

Every year People Magazine dubs one fine representative from the male half of Hollywood as the Sexiest Man Alive. This year’s Sexiest Man Alive is Channing Tatum, an actor in the limelight for quite some time, but 2025 was definitely his year. Check out the fitness moves that made Channing Tatum this year’s Sexiest Man Alive.

Los Angeles Adopts Meatless Monday for the Health of its Citizens

Thinking about going vegetarian for one day? Well in Los Angeles, you can go meatless on Mondays! LA City Council has approved to adopt Meatless Monday for the city, which can help with LA’s obesity problem and environmental issues as well. Do you think Meatless Mondays in LA will be successful? (more…)