Tag Archives: michael scholtz

Do You Really HAVE to Exercise? 3 Ways to Find Natural Movement

By Michael Scholtz, MA, co-author of Coach Yourself Thin and co-founder of NOVO Wellness.

Exercise has gotten complicated. There are guidelines and “prescriptions” regarding how much to do and how hard to do it. We are bombarded by information about heart rate, fat burning, VO2 max and sets and reps. But, despite all of the knowledge we’ve accumulated about how and why to exercise, we’re less fit than ever and increasingly overweight.

Our ancestors a century ago may not have lived as long as we do now, but they were very likely stronger and more fit than most of us. And they did it with a “routine” of squatting to milk the cow, lifting bales of hay, and kicking up their heels at the Saturday night dance; never thinking of target heart rate or fat burning.

What if you could be more like them? What if you didn’t have to “exercise”? I believe there are three key mistakes we’re making when it comes to modern day physical movement. Change these three things and you’ll be more likely to fit movement naturally into your life. (more…)