Tag Archives: mind and body

Setting Intentions in Yoga

It is likely you will hear your yoga teacher ask you at the start of each class to set your intention before you begin the session. It may be explained to you that your intention can be large or small, or about giving or receiving. But why does this matter and is it even necessary?

To intend literally means to mentally have in mind something to be brought about into reality. When we intend to do something, it means we want to embark on a task or attain a goal. In theory, when we put our mind to it, we will have the power that will give us everything we need to forge ahead.

That is not always the case. The old adage, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but heaven is full of good works” means that unless we actually do something with our good intentions, they just lie dormant inside of our minds, as great ideas or wishful thinking.

But, there is hope after all. By setting an intention before yoga, (which is highly influential on the mind), we gain an advantage over the average rate of “good intentions gone by the wayside” and find ourselves moving above and beyond our loftiest aspirations.
