Tag Archives: moringa extract

Congress Slaps Dr. Oz, Saying His Medical Advice Harms Consumers

After more than a decade of using colorful language such as “miracle pill,” silver bullet,” and personally endorsing diet supplements and plans, Dr. Oz was taken to task by Senator Claire McCaskill during a Commerce subcommittee meeting telling him frankly, “You have an amazing megaphone. Why would you cheapen your show when you say things like that?”

dr oz mccaskill

Speaking in front of the Senate as part of a hearing on false claims made in advertisements for weight loss supplements, the popular television host defended his position saying that although his “passion” may have led him to use language he now regrets. He also feels his “enthusiastic” descriptions have been used, “out of context.”

The doctor admitted that the products he touts don’t pass “scientific muster.” You think?

Doctor Jazz Hands

Dr. Oz is a TV personality with a penchant for the absurd, often sharing the stage with life size body parts and organs to illustrate his point. First and foremost, however, he is a licensed physician, which is why he was asked to join supplement manufacturers, advertisers, nutrition advocates, and other entities who make up the $2.4 billion diet supplement industry. McCaskill spoke about his responsibility as a doctor saying, “It is hard to tell sometimes with Dr. Oz where the doctor begins and ends, and where the entertainer begins and ends.”


The 6 Miracle Diets Dr. Oz Tried to Sell Us in 2025

Many of us will never live to see a true miracle. Dr. Oz apparently found six this year alone!

Dr. Oz had another banner year on his talk show as he brought the latest and greatest health news to our living rooms each afternoon. The only rub is that some of us are questioning the good doctor and what he’s calling healthy advice these days. It seems Dr. Oz may have become more of a talk show host than a well-intentioned physician. This year, especially, the show constantly doled out miracle diet advice. While weight loss is at the top of our health concerns, it seemed the doctor derailed from prescribing trustworthy weight loss guidance to endorsements for every fad that would ultimately yield no life change, just money spent and potential side-effects.

These are the miracle diet cures (his words, not ours) that Dr. Oz unleashed on us this year. It might be more accurate to call them scams.

Raspberry Ketones

These little supplements were touted as a revolutionary metabolism booster and the compounds, typically used as food flavorings, have been purposed for weight loss supplements in Japan. Dr. Oz endorsed raspberry ketones as an effective weight loss tool as well. The theory behind the ketones is that that they alter lipid metabolism, claims found from a study in mice. The mouse with the high fat diet and the supplement gained less body fat than expected. Raspberry ketones have not yet been tested on humans. (more…)

Moringa Extract is Not a Miracle Weight Loss Supplement

There’s another “miracle” weight loss supplement on the market and some are claiming it may be the new solution to our nation’s obesity epidemic. It’s called Moringa Extract and has been sold in other forms such as Moringa Oleifera, and it’s derived from the Moringa tree that’s grown in remote areas in Kenya, Ethiopia and the Hemilayas. This natural supplement is being praised by many for its amazing weight loss results without side effects.

Moringa is beneficial for humans because it stands heads and shoulders above the competition when compared to other dietary supplements. Some even claim it has the ability to help prevent more than 300 health conditions as it contains an extremely high amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

According to a news release at PR Web, it contains seven times the amount of vitamin C in oranges, four times the amount of calcium in milk, four times the amount of vitamin A in carrots, and two times the protein in yogurt. Dr. Oz even featured Moringa Oleifera on his show earlier this year saying it contains three times more iron than spinach and helped naturally boost energy.

Moringa is also thought to cause weight loss as it’s been found to slow the rate at which sugar is released into the bloodstream. This is beneficial because excess sugar turns into fat in the body which can lead to weight gain. In this way Moringa is able to naturally boost energy levels while simultaneously burning fat and promoting weight loss. (more…)