Tag Archives: nutrisystem d

Nutrisystem 5-Day Jumpstart Kits Now Available at Walmart

Nutrisystem has just announced the availability of their 5-Day Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Kits in more than 2,000 Walmart locations.

The kit contains 15 entrees, five desserts, a meal planner, and access to free weight loss counseling for just $44.98. All of the food is low on the glycemic index, and contains a balanced proportion of quality carbs, good fats, and proteins. For instance, the Jumpstart Kit begins your week with granola cereal for breakfast, red beans and rice for lunch, lasagna with meat sauce for dinner, and a chocolatey nougat bar with peanuts and caramel for dessert. Not bad.

nutrisystem 5 day kit

In addition to the new Jumpstart Kit, Nutrisystem is also rolling out another 5-Day Kit for their specifically designed diabetic diet, Nutrisystem D. The kit is geared toward the sensitive dietary needs of diabetes sufferers attempting to lose weight.

Nutrisystem—traditionally a meal delivery system available for order over the phone or web—widened its retail scope when they began offering their products at Costco stores in 2025. The typical Nutrisystem program is 28 days long, and the new 5-Day Jumpstart Kit is designed to ease dieters in with a simple and easy plan. (more…)

Nutrisystem D Now Offers Certified Diabetes Counseling as a Free Service to its Customers

Nutrisystem announced a new addition to their Nutrsisytem D program this week. The diet company is now offering the expertise of certified diabetes educators for its current and future Nutrisystem D customers.

Nutrisystem D is an arm of Nutisystem that provides delivered, pre-portioned meals specifically designed for those living with diabetes. All of the meals have been formatted to help control and reduce diabetes symptoms, and are congruent with the nutritional standards set forth by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

This announcement comes just weeks after Nutrisystem was named a National Strategic Partner of the ADA for its effort in fighting the disease.


Nutrisystem Named National Strategic Partner of the American Diabetes Association

Nutrisystem – one of the most recognizable names in the weight loss industry for its healthy, delivered, portion-controlled meals – has been named a National Strategic Partner of the American Diabetes Association.

The company is being recognized for its commitment to supporting the mission to treat and eradicate diabetes through such efforts as clinical research and involvement with the ADA’s diabetes-focused movements.

Nutrisystem has also helped make significant strides in the fight against the disease with its Nutrisystem D program, which provides delivered, pre-portioned meals specifically designed for those living with diabetes.

Anthony Fabricatore, Nutrisystem’s Senior Director of Research and Development, spoke with Diets in Review recently to share what this strategic partnerships means for the diet company as a whole. (more…)

NutriSystem Gift Cards Make Gift Giving Healthy and Simple

Gift cards for clothing or iTunes is nothing new in the world of holiday presents, but gift cards for healthy living? Now that’s a novel and refreshing gift idea.

Weight loss giant NutriSystem has just launched NutriSystem gift cards, a perfect and healthy way to encourage someone you love to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Here is how NutriSystem gift cards work: Purchase a gift card in any dollar amount from $10 to $500 and give it to someone who is new to NutriSystem, an existing member or someone who simply wants to sample the NutriSystem line of portion-controlled meals and snacks. Unlike most gift cards, which expire after a certain amount of time, these gift cards have no expiration date and they don’t contain any hidden fees or service charges. Chances are, when you give the gift of health, especially around the New Year, a NutriSystem gift card is likely to get cashed in pretty quickly. (more…)