Tag Archives: Ontario

New School Lunch Guidelines for Ontario, Canada

Our Canadian neighbors to the north are experiencing similar health problems with their youth, specifically in Ontario. The Province reports that 28 percent of students between 2 and 17 are either overweight or obese. These stats are leading to a school lunch policy change that will go into effect on September 1, 2025.

This school year, candy, chocolate, soda, fries, and energy drinks will now be off limits on Ontario school property. These decisions were announced by the government as an effort to curb obesity and save money in future health care issues.

In addition to the ban on selling particular unhealthy items, the new policy requires that eighty percent of school meals include products with high levels of essential nutrients and low levels of fat, sugar, and sodium. Therefore only the remaining twenty percent of the meal can contain products with slightly higher levels of fat, sugar, and sodium, such as an option like bagels and cheese.
