Tag Archives: organic farming

Predicting the Future: We Need More Food and We Need Better Ways to Get It

We often talk (and post) about the upcoming food trends, but usually aren’t looking much farther than the next year. An exciting new project from National Geographic is taking the future of food to a whole new level. They’re taking a look at what the world’s food needs will be nearly 40 years in the future, and what we can do today to maybe ease any future burdens.

  • The projected population of the world in 2050 is more than 9 billion people. It was 7.158 billion as of March 26 according to the United States Census Bureau.
  • It is speculated that we will need to double food production numbers to not only keep up with the growing population, but the increasingly rich diets of countries with growing economies. (more…)

Is a GMO-Free Oregon a Real Possibility?

The people of Oregon have been adamantly anti-GMO for some time, but their resolve has recently gained more national attention. A GMO beet crop became the victim of “agro-terrorism” when the fields, owned by Syngenta, were set on fire. There have also been two major lawsuits to come out of Oregon against Monsanto. When farmers discovered genetically engineered wheat crops in their fields, they were understandably confused and concerned.

oregon farm

“He [the farmer] discovered it when he was spraying and figured out that this particular wheat plant didn’t die. This has alerted local farmers and consumers to the reality that you can’t really control where these seeds end up, and people are very concerned about the integrity of the food we produce, consume and export,” said GMO-labeling advocate and blogger Karen Mares. The concern about the GMO crops caused several countries, including Japan, to ban the crop potentially creating economic trouble for Oregon.
