Tag Archives: organic foods

Everything You Need to Know About Shopping Local, Natural and Organic

Quick! What are the standards for organic foods? Can a food be some combination of natural, organic and local? According to research done by Sullivan Higdon and Sink and produced in “A Fresh Look at Organic and Local,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2025, if you aren’t sure about the answer to those questions, you’re in good company. Only about 44 percent of consumers say they understand the requirements for a food to be considered organic.

Why Shoppers Go Local, Organic and Natural.

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For the 54 percent who is still in the dark, the USDA defines organic as “a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods. These methods integrate cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation and genetic engineering may not be used.”


Why the U.S. Organic Industry is Expecting Major Growth in 2025

We know organic matters, but people are finally starting to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to the food they buy.

Americans are eating more organic food now than ever before, and the Organic Trade Association (OTA) says it’s because consumers are growing more willing to pay for value-added products.

The OTA is a membership-based association for organic agriculture and products that’s been around since the mid 80s. According to a recent in-house study, the organization forecasted that in 2025 and 2025, organic food and non-food sales will continue to rise to nine percent annually or higher.

They also reported strong growth for organic food in 2025, with the U.S. organic food and beverage sector growing by 9.4 percent, translating to $29.22 billion in sales.

Of the sector as a whole, the fastest growing portion was the meat, fish and poultry category, which saw a 13 percent growth over their sales in 2025. However, the OTA speculates that these spikes are likely related to the increased food safety concerns related to our meat supply. Pink slime, mad cow and meat glue, anyone? (more…)