Tag Archives: paul ryan

Creative Halloween Costumes Inspired by This Year’s Health and Fitness Trends

Halloween is next week and if you’re like many of us you haven’t gotten your costume yet. Fear not, we’ve got some great ideas for you. The world of fitness and health serves as creative inspiration for some of the most relevant and unique costumes. Check out some of our best ideas for “healthy” costumes this year.  We fully expect you to take home the costume prize with these ideas!

Weight Loss Before and After

We’ve all seen the pictures of a former overweight person standing in their old pants, pulling out the gaps in amazement at their former size. If that’s your reality too, flaunt it this year.  Show the world what you accomplished and have some fun with it. Stick some advertising bursts on your clothes stating your weight loss or even a before picture. You did the hard work, get some extra credit at your party this year. Need some inspiration to achieve your own real-life before and after? Check out our True Weight Loss Stories.

Extreme Marathoner

2025 saw a continual growth in marathoning, and the sport got some political notice as well. Dressing as a marathoner could be really fun when you go over the top with sweatbands, water bottles, a lap watch, and of course the big finishers medal. You could also take a poke at vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan in your marathoner costume. Runners may never forgive him for saying he ran a sub-3 marathon, when in fact is was over 4 hours. Maybe throw on some Romney/Ryan campaign flare in the midst of the running garb and add a bib with Ryan’s name on it. But it seems like having a clock an hour or so off might really be the clincher. (more…)

Future of Health Care Divided During Biden’s and Ryan’s Spirited Vice Presidential Debate

During Friday night’s campaign debate, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan squared off to discuss the nation’s problems and how their administration will solve them. Between focusing on complicated foreign policy issues, moderator Martha Raddatz asked about the future of health care in America: “Both Medicare and Social Security are going broke and taking a larger share of the budget in the process. Will benefits for Americans under these programs have to change for the programs to survive?”

The debate got very heated as each candidate has completely different views about how Medicare should be funded. Ryan began his answer with a strong statement, “Medicare and Social Security are going bankrupt. These are indisputable facts.” He went on to say how the program has helped his family and how he will honor his promise to keep it funded for future generations. He differs from the Obama administration in that he and Romney want to reform Medicare and take $716 billion currently going to Obamacare and give it back to Medicare. Ryan criticized Obama’s plan to have a board overseeing the health care programs.

Biden shot back by appealing directly to seniors to ask themselves if they have more benefits than before Obama came into office. While avoiding major political gaffes during the debate, Biden delivered clear messages about his views, like when he spoke about Republicans, saying, “Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad, and they eliminate the guarantee of Medicare.” (more…)

HealthBuzz October 12: Organic Companies Anti-Prop 37, Sarah Palin’s Diet, and Healthy Caramel Apple Recipes

We’re just hours away from the weekend! So that means it’s time for a dose of healthy news from DIR and our friends. This week’s headlines include a story about major organic companies funding against GMO labeling, a lunch lady told to stop making healthier food, and caramel apple-inspired recipes for fall.

Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue by Writing a Diet and Fitness Book

If you can’t get enough of Sarah Palin then you’ll want to pick up her diet and fitness book when (and if) it is for sale, which she announced is in the works. It will be interesting to read and hear about the things in her book because the former Alaskan governor once bashed the idea of serving healthy snacks in schools. Do you think people will take the book seriously? Tell us what you think!

Paul Ryan Would Leave Joe Biden in the Dust if Politics Was Gym Class

Thursday’s presidential debate probably left some questions relating to America’s future answered and others unanswered. So we were questioning who would win the election depending on who has the best physical fitness and personal diet? Take a look at Congressman Paul Ryan’s and Vice President Joe Biden’s fitness routine and diet habits and tell us what you think!

Major Organic Brands, Like Kashi and Naked, Funding Anti-GMO Labeling Campaigns

The vote for California’s Prop 37 is next month and if it is passed it will radically change the processed food industry. Many Californians and organic brands like Clif Bar, Annie’s and Uncle Matt’s are in favor of Prop 37. However, other organic brands like Kashi, Naked, and Silk are donating thousands-to-millions of dollars to fund anti-GMO labeling campaigns. Do you think the organic companies shouldn’t be donating against GMO labeling and practice what they preach? (more…)

Paul Ryan Would Leave Joe Biden in the Dust if Politics Was Gym Class

As vice presidential candidates Paul Ryan and Joe Biden battle for the country’s vote, we are looking at the politicians in a different light – that of their physical fitness and personal diets. Will the person who can do the most pushups be the best as second-in-command? Maybe not, but it does say something about them, however you may interpret it.

Congressman Ryan, 42, is well-known for his love of exercise. He is a devotee of P90X workouts, the high intensity DVD program developed by Tony Horton, frequently leading sessions in the capitol’s gym. The grueling sessions range from 60 to 90 minutes, combining cardio workouts, weight training, yoga, and stretching for an extensive training routine that really pushes your body.

Ryan’s rumored six-pack abs have had their own set of scrutiny, with more Google searches of “Paul Ryan shirtless” than “Paul Ryan budget” after the announcement in August that he was running alongside Romney. Out of college, he worked as a personal trainer and enjoys as sport skiing and hiking. If catfish noodling counts as a sport, he does that, too. (more…)

Battle of the Biceps: Between Obama and Romney, Who’s Healthier?

With the presidential election just around the corner, President Barack Obama and his opponent Mitt Romney have come under intense scrutiny regarding their policies, beliefs and respective plans for the future of our nation. But political issues aside, we can’t help but wonder about the health of the presidential hopefuls. If it came down to it, which candidate is healthier?

Barack Obama

First up, President Obama who is dedicated to his fitness regimen with a particular fondness of the basketball court. Whenever he has time, he enjoys a fast-paced game of basketball, always playing a game on election days.

In an interview with Men’s Health Magazine, Obama divulged his workout routine as a mixture of 45 minutes of cardiac-strengthening, weight lifting, and running on the treadmill six days a week.

When it comes to vacation time, Obama doesn’t slack off on his workouts and neither does his family. While vacationing in Hawaii recently, the Obamas enjoyed hiking, swimming and golf, all in addition to President Obama’s early-morning workouts at a fitness center. (more…)

Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan Stays Fit with P90X

When news broke Sunday that Mitt Romney had chosen his vice presidential running mate, Paul Ryan, no one expected the focus of the campaign to shift toward Ryan’s extreme fitness routine. But as with most things in politics, we should always expect the unexpected.

Ryan has been a member of Congress since 1999, and has made somewhat of a name for himself by becoming the ‘fitness buff’ of the political world. The vice presidential hopeful eagerly wakes up at 6 a.m. to meet several members of Congress in the Congressional gym where he leads them through intense P90X workouts.

P90X was created by fitness expert Tony Horton, and is no walk in the park no matter what level of fitness you’re at. The at-home workout DVDs demand extreme physical effort on behalf of the participant, sometimes requiring hundreds of push ups or pull ups in a single session.

This likely explains why Ryan, who stands at 6’2”, weighs just 163 pounds and claims his body fat is  between 6 and 8 percent. (more…)