Tag Archives: prostate cancer

Movember Raises Prostate Cancer Awareness

Sporting my mo for the cause.

For the last eight years, November has been hijacked by the folks from “Movember,” a mustache-themed not-for profit that uses the month to raise awareness for prostate cancer and other men’s health issues.

What started out with humble beginnings in 2003 has blossomed into an amazingly powerful fund raising campaign. According to Movember’s CEO Adam Garone, his organization managed to raise $81 million in 2025, which makes it the largest prostate cancer fund raiser in the world. All by the power of the flavor savor.

Since Movember is all about raising awareness about health issues that affect men, let’s take a look at some of the most concerning and what we can do to prevent or minimize our chances of suffering from them. (more…)

Cancer Survivor and War Veteran to Run Boston Marathon

Clarence Hartley has lived a full life. He is 81-years old and has fought in both the Korean and Vietnam wars as a member of the United States Air Force and served in the military for 24 years. He also fought and overcame non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is a form of cancer, and later, battled prostate cancer.

Hartley has a passion for running and when he was originally diagnosed, he thought of the obstacles that Lance Armstrong overcame for inspiration to keep going. Surprisingly, he didn’t start running until he was retired, and ran his first race at the age of 68. This year, at 81-years old, Hartley was the oldest entrant into the Boston Marathon. Hartley’s desire for running shows us all that you should never give up on your fitness goals.


Exercise Can Reduce Risk of Dying from Prostate Cancer

If you or someone in your life has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, listen up. New research has found that prostate cancer patients who regularly workout at a vigorous intensity may lower their risk of dying from the disease.

The study appears in the Jan. 4 online issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology and is the first of its kind to look at exercise’s effect on men with prostate cancer after diagnosis. The men in the study who got three hours or more a week of high intensity biking, tennis, jogging or swimming had a 33 percent lower risk for dying from any cause and a 35 percent lower risk for dying from prostate cancer than men who worked out less than nine hours per week.


The Dangers of Water Bottles

Do you refill your water bottles and use them over and over? Well, it is definitely better for the earth to reuse water bottles, but what about your health?

There have been several studies done on the dangers of reusing plastic water bottles. According to the Canadian Bottled Water Association, bottles are made for single use and should be recycled after that use. The CBWA advises against reusing bottles or containers as a whole. (more…)

Flax and Chia Seeds Pack Nutritional Punch

Flax seed oil and chia seeds are filled with nutritional benefits that are essential to your overall health. They are filled with both omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot make, so we have to get them from food sources.

There are some cautions to consider with flax seed oil, however. Because it is a fat, it can go rancid, and you must take the necessary precautions to avoid that. You need to make sure that exposure to heat, air and light are all minimal or avoided.


Pomegranate Juice May Slow Prostate Cancer

A few years back, pomegranate juice stole the spotlight as the latest exotic healthy drink. But this time, we have a product with real evidence backing its efficacy, particularly for men’s health.pom

A new study has shown that drinking eight ounces of pomegranate juice on a daily basis may slow down the progress of localized prostate cancer (prostate cancer that hasn’t spread).

The study included 48 men who had surgery or radiation therapy to treat localized prostate cancer. When the study started in 2003, the men’s PSA levels (prostate specific antigen) were doubling every 15 months. In prostate cancer patients, PSA is used to monitor their cancer. (more…)