Tag Archives: protein powder

16 New Ways to Put Protein Powder in Your Recipes

Nary a gym exists without an ample supply of protein powder. For the seriously dedicated gym goer, protein powder is as important to their regimen as a good pair of shoes and a full water bottle. It’s necessary for post-workout recovery as much as it is pre-workout fuel. During a weight lifting workout, the muscle fibers are torn. Without proper recovery nutrition, rich in protein, the muscles aren’t able to rebuild. But, when you do consume a high-protein snack, the muscles repair properly, that’s when you start to see more defined muscle tone.

It’s not always convenient to eat a meal right after a workout, but a quick shake or other snack can be noshed on the go to ensure you get that shot of protein as soon as possible. Plenty of protein in your diet offers a sense of satiation too, meaning you feel fuller for longer after you’ve eaten.

Protein powders are one of the go-to sources for this nutrient, and shakes are the most popular use. In a vast variety of choices, from type, like whey or soy protein, to flavor, like chocolate and vanilla, the brands and options available are boundless. And outside of shakes, the uses are pretty wide open, too! Break free of the blender and try one of these protein-infused ideas.

1. Muffins

You can healthify your baked goods with a scoop of protein powder added to the batter. For instance, in these Cinnamon Pecan Muffins use a 3/4 cup of protein powder to make them more satisfying and give you a protein boost to start you morning or on the way to the gym.

2. Oatmeal

You already know that oatmeal is a powerhouse food, but a little protein can take this morning meal to the next level. “A scoop of vanilla [protein powder] with a big ol’ scoop of pumpkin puree and cinnamon is pretty awesome in oatmeal,” suggested Jenn from FitBottomedGirl.com. We’ll try not to get too excited about all the favor it offers, not to mention fiber, protein and other important nutrients. (more…)