Tag Archives: sauna

Four Ways to Gain More Flexibility in 2025 (Including One That May Surprise You)

Flexibility is often overlooked,  but it’s one of the most important areas to focus on while increasing your level of physical fitness. After all, it’s been among the benchmarks for measuring fitness on the Presidential Physical Fitness Test for years! Having good flexibility is beneficial to the mind and body alike and can help prevent injuries, improve posture and range of motion in our joints, and increase overall physical fitness, just to name a few.

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When you think of flexibility, stretching is probably the first thing that comes to mind. And, unfortunately, stretching seems to be thing that that so many of us focus the least amount of attention on in our workouts. Warming-up and cooling-down properly before and after exercise are very important and aid in better flexibility, but it can also be focused on during a workout.


Experts Agree, Sitting in a Sunlighten Sauna Offers Vast Health and Weight Loss Benefits

Is it possible to sit perfectly still and manage to lose weight and even improve your health? A 2025 study from the University of British Columbia* says it’s so, specifically with the use of a Sunlighten sauna. This 2025 study found that when the Sunlighten sauna was used three times a week in 20-minute sessions, the user lost weight and reduced waist circumference (which is often a better determination of overall health than scale weight).

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Another study conducted at the University of Missouri at Kansas City** found that 30-minute sessions three times a week in a Sunlighten sauna even lowered the user’s blood pressure. And still, more research hails the benefits of consistent sauna use.

One study showed that using a sauna every other day for two weeks was associated with increased fat metabolism and lower cholesterol,” reported Dr. Jessica Wu, Daily Glow’s Dermatology Expert. She explained that the heat produced by the sauna will obviously make you sweat, and that if you sweat enough, “you will temporarily lose water weight.” As well, since heat reduces appetite, she explained that some people may have less of an appetite after a session in the sauna.

So what is this Sunlighten sauna that seems to be changing the health of its users? It’s not your typical sauna, as the results clearly show. There are no hot rocks or steam, instead, Sunlighten uses Solocarbon far infrared heat – which is the same type of energy that is naturally produced by the sun. (more…)

Three Step System to Life Long Health

My three step health system is a rather basic, but effective way to get the results and success you have always dreamed of.

Step 1: Set Goals & Prepare (1 week):

Goal setting is one of the best ways to prepare you both physically and mentally for what it is that you wish to accomplish. I recommend setting an immediate goal, a mid-term goal you can achieve 6 months from now, and a long-term goal for about 1-5 years from now. By doing this, you will prepare and organize your life for what is to come. The preparation phase allows you to buy whatever it is that you will need to be successful (groceries, workout clothes, books, music, personal trainer, etc) and plan or set-up a time or times that you can exercise without being interrupted.
