Tag Archives: seth rogen

Seth Rogen Gains Weight Back

Seth Rogen’s weight loss has become just as much a part of the comic star’s persona as his everyman appeal on the big screen. While he’s made news for his valiant efforts to slim down, this time around, it may not be good news.

A few years back, Rogen got down to business and lost a bunch of weight in preparation for a role for the lead in The Green Hornet. It was a success, and he slimmed down to the almost unrecognizable person that we’ve finally gotten used to seeing now. However, he may now be going in the wrong direction.

“I’m slowly outgrowing all the clothes I bought last year,” he says. “It’s a sad thing. I gave away all my fat clothes, thinking ‘I won’t need these anymore,’ but I do!” (more…)

Seth Rogen Uses Diet and Exercise to Lose Weight and Live Longer

Remember when Seth Rogen, everyone’s lovable chubby stoner, was actually chubby? It’s getting more and more difficult to remember. It’s now to the point where his new look is no longer new and the old Seth is a distant memory.

Not only has Rogen kept the weight off for a couple years now, he’s beaten even tougher odds and become a super hero action star in “The Green Hornet”! The unlikely role has been a hit so far, making over $40 million in its first week of release. All of this from someone who can barely take anything seriously.

He certainly doesn’t make much of a motivational speaker.

“Uh, stay fat, people. That’s my motto. It’s no picnic,” says Rogen in an interview with The Long Island Press. (more…)

Why We Obsess Over Celebrity Weight

celebritiesRecently names like  Oprah, Kathy Ireland, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Love Hewitt and even Seth Rogen have made headlines for their struggles with weight, and in some cases, the “struggle” seems a little far-fetched. Why are we so obsessed with celebrity weight changes, even minor shifts? Why do we judge them so harshly for even a five pound weight gain or loss? Do we believe it is a job requirement of fame to maintain a personal peak condition? On one hand, we want to believe that it is so “easy” for celebrities to lose weight and stay in shape because they don’t have “real jobs” and can afford to hire professionals to help them out all day every day. On the other hand, do we feel better about ourselves when celebrities are not perfect?

So much has been written about the dangers of exposure to extreme images, accepting those as the norm, as well as of being focused on your own weight, excluding BMI and health as measures. Yet we continue to analyze paparazzi photos for even the hint of a change. A shift in fabric, poor posture, normal bloating, or ill-fitting clothing could all explain a less than flattering photo more than a body change. Focusing on someone else’s weight and making comparisons is just as damaging as criticizing yourself. (more…)

Seth Rogen Slims Down, Angers Some

seth_rogenIt’s quite possible that comedic actor Seth Rogen is getting more air time than any person on the planet right now. He would appear to be one of the least likely candidates for such exposure, what with his regular-guy pudgy physique and all.

Could you have imagined that he’d be one of the biggest stars on the planet if you were watching him on his cult TV show Freaks and Geeks way back at the turn of the millennium? But alas, he is… however, now he’s big only in the figurative sense. The normally stout star has slimmed down a waist size or five to play the Green Hornet. You would think this is a totally positive experience. But apparently he has “let down” some of his fans.

“I think for chubby guys, I was their guy, so they were like, ‘I can be chubby. Seth Rogen’s chubby, so who cares.’ But now I’m not so chubby anymore. So now they’re like, ‘I have to lose weight.’ I’ve let them down. I’ve blatantly sold out. It’s only for money.” (more…)

Hollywood’s 2025 Weight Loss Winners

These celebrities went to heavy and back in 2025, and have started 2025 looking like the fabulous hotties we love.

Britney’s spending three days in the gym with her trainer doing aerobics and weights.

Jennifer Love Hewitt was the talk of the town last year with accusations that she was too fat, and then her subsequent weight loss.

Seth Rogen shucked his overweight, slacker-dude look for a fit and trim look that’s quite attractive.

See the other celebrity weight loss success stories, and find out what they’re doing to stay in shape.