Tag Archives: similac

Big Food’s Deep Pockets Have Infiltrated the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and RDs Won’t Stand for It

The Lorax isn’t directly connected with the dietetic field, but if he speaks for the trees then they are speaking for the health of humanity. The Lorax’s sage words, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not,” could be the motto of a recently formed group called Dietitians for Professional Integrity.

For now their presence is largely on Facebook and they’re working together, with both dietitians and concerned citizens, to make sure the field’s largest trade organization, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), hears not just their complaints but their calls to action.

apple and money

See, the AND accepts sponsorship dollars to keep their organization rolling. But Andy Bellatti, creator of Dietitians for Professional Integrity, and his colleagues are calling bull – these sponsorships are paid for by the very brands these professionals are working hard against.

“Our main initiative is to have the Academy cut ties with its current sponsors,” noted Bellatti.

When you take a look at their on-going corporate sponsors, that’s where you can see how these dietitians are saying the AND “soils the good name of registered dietitians,” according to our Mary Hartley, RD.

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Hershey, Abbott Nutrition (which produces Similac), General Mills, and Kellogg’s are some of the organization’s major sponsors. It’s cause for red flags amongst the organization’s members and the citizens who support this movement.

“The big picture issue is how Coca-Cola teaches webinars to RDs, how McDonald’s serves lunch at the California Dietetic Association conference, and how PepsiCo and Coca-Cola are financial contributors to the Academy’s Evidence Analysis Library,” declared Bellatti. To that, Monsanto sponsored the New York State Dietetic Association’s annual meeting.

“The organization chooses to align itself with these brands. It’s misguided,” he said. “It makes us look tone deaf during a public health crisis.” (more…)

Moms Petition Similac to Remove GMOs in Infant Formula

“They say that moms with children with food allergies do more research than the CIA, and I think that’s true,” quips Leah Segedie at the opening of a three-minute video she’s using to get the attention of moms and and baby formula giant Similac. She wants the company to get rid of the GMOs they put in their line of formulas, something Similac (Abbott Laboratories) decided not to do at their recent annual shareholder meeting.

To join Leah’s fight and let Similac and its competitors know you won’t stand for this, sign this petition at Change.org. Also, join us on the #SimilacNoGMO Twitter party Wednesday, May 22nd from 8-9:30pm EST, where you’ll join host Leah @BookieBoo and @DietsInReview as a panelist. (more…)

Similac Recall Affects Millions

Similac Recall

UPDATE: If you’re still having trouble contacting Similac, join the rest of us. Luckily, we’ve tracked down the following lot numbers that seem to be on the recall list: 66128RB6, 61251 RB6,
61347RB, 84314 RB, 85454 T2, 86580 T20, 88137T20, 90372T20, 87932T20, 88136T20, 91433t20

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2025 Abbott Laboratories, Inc. has issued a voluntary recall of nearly 5 million Similac products. Have you been affected by this recall? For most of us, there’s still no way of knowing for sure. Similac has setup a website and a phone number (800-986-8850) dedicated to helping consumers find out if their product has been recalled.

That’s a great place to start, right? Unfortunately, their communication lines haven’t been able to hold up to the increasing number of concerned parents; the website is down and the phone line has been busy since three o’clock yesterday afternoon. In my opinion, if Similac wants to keep parents loyal, then perhaps they should keep us more informed. Instead of publishing a list of recalled lot numbers, they’ve provided elusive tools where parents can go and enter their lot numbers into a database. That idea could have worked, but it didn’t and I can’t help but think that someone should have anticipated that.
