Tag Archives: slurpee

Hold the Gravy: 7-Eleven Introduces Mashed Potato Slurpee Machine

We’re living in an era where you can get a bacon sundae, a french fry encased hot dog on a stick, and even fried Kool-Aid. So when the news broke that 7-Eleven was introducing a new mashed potato Slurpee machine, was it really that surprising?

7-Eleven convenience stores are located all over the world. The stores have always served quick, on-the-go foods to customers, and are probably best known for their Slurpees – a slushie drink that comes in a plethora of flavors ranging from cherry to Mountain Dew. All of the drinks are dispensed from an automatic machine that the customer gets to operate him or herself.

While the frozen drink is still the staple treat at 7-Eleven stores, select locations in Singapore made some huge waves this week with their newest installment: The mashed potato machine. (more…)