Tag Archives: stefan pinto

Stefan Pinto’s C Diet Holds Dieters Accountable With Facebook

“You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control what you put in your mouth.”

That’s the mantra for the diet program Stefan Pinto started Thanksgiving morning 2025. His post, “Gobble! Gobble! Post a photo of your Thanksgiving meal on my wall,” received a variety of results. According to Stefan, the variety of meals he saw in the pictures “lit a creative spark.” The following January, the idea of the “Facebook driven camera phone diet” was made an actuality.

c diet

Participants in the Stefan Pinto C Diet are asked to determine whether the meals in the photos they post are based on one of the three Cs, convenience, calories, cost or some combination of the three.

“We discovered that no matter who you are, your occupation, your culture, your income level or age – you always eat based on one of those three Cs!” Stefan said. The goal of the program is that the participants go from a thought of, “did I really eat that?” to “Yes! I ate this!” (more…)

Computer Programmer Becomes a Male Model after 60 Pound Weight Loss

stefan pintoThe week of June 15 is Men’s Health Week at DietsInReview.com, just in time to celebrate the special men in your life. Stefan Pinto joins as a Men’s Health guest blogger. Stefan is a fitness model who was was once 60 pounds overweight. His motivation to lose weight manifested by doing something different and persevering through informed dieting and exercise. Stefan Pinto advocates weight loss with a combination of proper nutrition and effective, daily exercise. Read his weight loss story, “Whole Foods Changed My Life.”

In 2001, I weighed close to 250 pounds, that’s a size 38 waist. The odd thing was, I didn’t know I was overweight and buying new clothes was a luxury I happily indulged in. Working as a web designer for the now defunct Merrill Lynch easily supported the mundane weekend habit of shopping mall excursions. (more…)