Tag Archives: swine flu

Fastest Rising Health Searches in 2025

google Zeitgeist“Based on the aggregation of billions of search queries people typed into Google this year, Zeitgeist captures the spirit of 2025,” announced Google last week.

At DietsInReview, we make it our business to keep our readers up-to-date with the latest diet, nutrition and health trends. Here’s our rundown on 2025 in health searches.

1. HGC Diet

HCG is a pregnancy hormone that recently has been incorporated into one of the hottest fad diets of the year. Our review of the dangerous and controversial diet has remained one of the most popular articles on our site for many months.

Related Article: HCG: Look Elsewhere for Weight Loss

2. Dr. Oz

Once a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Oz has become a celebrity in his own right, with The Dr. Oz Show. He is also the author of many books, including YOU: On a Diet, YOU: Being Beautiful and You: The Smart Patient.

Related Articles: Dr. Oz Fights Teen Obesity, The Skinny on Cellulite from Dr. Oz

3. Aspergers

Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that does not typically affect linguistic and cognitive abilities, but rather inhibits normal social interaction.

Related Article: Can Asperger’s Syndrome Be Helped by a Gluten-Free Diet?


Fitness Can Save Your Life

This is a guest post by Roxane Dover of Silicon Valley, California. Rox chronicles her family’s antics, her fitness journey, and a whole lot of other fun stuff on her blog, Rox and Roll.

There’s nothing like getting really sick to make one appreciate healthy living. For me, my wake-up call came in the form of H1N1, which became pneumonia, which became a year of grappling with incapacitating lung issues, some of which will never abate. When I asked my doctor what to do to prevent matters from worsening, he insisted that a strengthening, rigorous exercise program was as important as the mounds of medication I now take. I was no stranger to fitness before getting sick, having played tennis avidly and attended gym classes regularly, but the year off, while necessary, had taken its toll – and the end-game had changed. (more…)

Obese at Higher Risk for Swine Flu

As if obesity doesn’t come with enough collateral health damage – heart disease, diabetes, cancer, to name a few – now the obese may be more susceptible to the H1N1 swine flu virus.overweight man

Researchers in the U.S., including Dr. Lena Napolitano of the University of Michigan Medical Center, studied 10 patients admitted to the university’s intensive care unit with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by infection with H1N1.

“Of the 10 patients, nine were obese (body mass index more than 30), including seven who were extremely obese (BMI more than 40),” the experts wrote in the report published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s weekly report on death and disease. (more…)

Swine Flu Facts and a Little Fun

Decorated Swine Flu mask in Mexico City. (via Telegraph.co.uk)

Decorated Swine Flu mask in Mexico City. (via Telegraph.co.uk)

Is there any possible way to have some lighthearted fun when faced with a deadly flu, even with the threat that it could turn into a pandemic? Well, some people in Mexico have decided to laugh in the face of danger with decorated flu masks.

If you’re busy like me, and haven’t had the time to fully understand the mystery that is the swine flu threat (now called H1N1 by WHO), CNN has a handy Q&A to get you up to speed. Here are a couple of important highlights:

  1. You shouldn’t be panicking. Yet. (more…)