Tag Archives: tart

Fall 2025 Tasty Movie Sneak Preview

I’m giddy. It’s time. The fall movie season is officially in full swing. In addition to caramel apples, pumpkin anything and apple cider mixed with Butterscotch Schnapps, movie-going is my favorite part of the season. To get you excited for all those new fall flicks, I’ve gathered up a few that I’m looking forward to and then paired them with healthy “themed” recipes you can eat afterward while you discuss the plot and shake off your buttery popcorn/candy hangover. Remember, no texting, talking or putting your feet on the seats in front of you. You ready? Raise the curtain. Let’s do this!

Fall 2025 Tasty Movie Sneak Preview

Hunger Games

Hunger Games – Catching Fire

In the second installment of the series, based on the books by Suzanne Collins, Katniss and Peeta find themselves in trouble with the Capitol again when the districts of Panem begin to rebel. Before they go back to the arena for another battle, TO THE DEATH, they can’t resist the decadent and often outlandish food prepared by eclectic Capitol chefs.

Tomato and Goat Cheese Tart

The “colorful” citizens of District One sure do love their Goat Cheese Tarts but the odds are definitely in your favor that these are better for you. A simple savory dish that can be served for brunch, lunch or dinner.

