Tag Archives: The American Heart Association

Wear Red Day for Women’s Heart Health is February 1: Help Stop the Leading Killer of Women

  • Friday, February 1, 2025 is National Wear Red Day. It occurs on the first Friday of February, recognized as Heart Health Month, for the past 10 years.
  • Since the Go Red for Women awareness campaign started 10 years ago, more than 600,000 womens’ lives have been saved.
  • Symptoms for heart disease are very different in women than in men, and thus special awareness and care should be taken. (more…)

Avoid the ‘Salty Six’ For a Healthy Heart

Do you know how much sodium is safe to consume on a daily basis? And perhaps more importantly, do you know how much sodium is actually in the foods you eat?  If you answered ‘no’ to either of these questions, the American Heart Association is here to help. The organization is seeking to provide some clarity on the topic of sodium with the introduction of its “Salty Six” – a list of six popular foods that are likely adding the highest levels of sodium to your diet.

It’s no secret that foods like canned soup and salty pizza made the list for their outrageous levels of sodium. But would you be surprised to know that bread and rolls ranked number one on the Salty Six and poultry and sandwiches followed not far behind?


Cutting Back on Sugar Isn’t a Guarantee for Weight Loss

Between 2001 to 2004, according a study done by the American Heart Association (AHA), Americans on average were consuming 22.2 teaspoons of sugar per day, that is equivalent to 355 calories a day. Over one year that is equal to 37 pounds!

Experts say the consumption of sugar is a large contributor to the obesity epidemic and the AHA recommends women consume only 100 calories of sugar a day (6 teaspoons) and men limit it to 150 calories (9 teaspoon).

In order to cut back on the sugar, it’s important for people to understand where they consume most of the sugar. The biggest sources are soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages.

A good tool to use when it comes to cutting down on sugar is to use alternative-sweeteners.

“Artificial sweeteners are very useful for people with diabetes and other disorders of glucose metabolism,” says DietsInReview.com’s resident dietician Mary Hartley, RD. “For others, they can be a waste of time or not. It depends on how committed an individual is to using artificial sweeteners as a tool.”

She agrees that non-nutritive sweeteners can be useful for limiting added sugars but this will not guarantee weight loss.

She explains further, “Obesity is much too complicated for such a simplistic solution. In fact, chronic ‘dieters’ are more likely to use artificial sweeteners and statistics show that most dieters regain lost weight.” (more…)

Simple Steps to Healthy Cholesterol Levels

September is National Cholesterol Awareness Month. And while you should be aware of your cholesterol levels and what affects them every month, it doesn’t hurt to give it a little extra attention now and again.

First, it’s a good idea to know what constitutes healthy and unhealthy cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association has an established range for your daily cholesterol intake:

– Less than 200 mg/dL is considered healthy.

– 200 to 239 mg/dL is borderline high cholesterol.

– 240 mg/dL and above is an unhealthy cholesterol level.

Many foods can contribute to an increase in your unhealthy cholesterol levels, but what you may not know is that some foods actually have the opposite effect. Yes, instead of medications and supplements, sometimes actual natural nourishment is the solution. (more…)

Join Ruby in the Hourglass Weight Loss and Fitness program

While getting educated in nutrition, learning how to eat and cook healthy, and learning portion control, Ruby’s diet consists of three meals and two snack daily provided by Hourglass Weight Loss and Fitness program (I’m going to call it HWLF for short).

This program is only available in Georgia, with two locations in Savannah and one in Pooler. HWLF provides a great approach to weight loss, offering fully prepared, never-frozen, preservative-free, calorie-conscious meals (the website claims to feed you for $7/day). The meals from this program are in line with the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society to improve your health and help you lose weight. (more…)

Experts Want Label Overhaul for Energy Drinks

I’ve been doing a lot of driving the last few weeks. With my brother visiting from out of town, I’ve taken a couple of road trips to show him around Northern California. And when the eyes started to get heavy after a few hours on the highway, I made a B-line for the next gas station to pick up an energy drink or coffee.

I usually prefer the perks of coffee, but once in a while when I need a little pick-me-up to avoid nodding off behind the wheel, I’ll hit the energy drink section of the gas station’s freezers to peruse the colorfully packaged legalized uppers.

While energy drinks are largely unregulated and safe for most people, that doesn’t mean they are harmless.

A study by the American Heart Association found that healthy participants who drank two energy drinks daily experienced blood pressure and heart rate increases. That alone isn’t necessarily alarming, as healthy adults can usually handle a momentary spike in blood pressure. But, for people with cardiac issues, or if normally healthy people drink too much, there could be dangers.energy drinks

A moderate amount of caffeine, about 2-3 cups of coffee a day, isn’t dangerous for healthy adults. But when you start creeping up to about 500-600 mg of caffeine, or between 4-7 cups, you run the risk of side effects such as anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and abnormal heart rhythms.

So, experts at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are calling for regulations requiring energy drink makers to label their products with a list of its caffeine levels, and to warn of the potential for caffeine intoxication.

The American Beverage Association objects, stating that a 16oz. brewed cup of coffee contains 320 mg of caffeine, compared to 160 mg for a “mainstream energy drink.”

The key sticking point is that energy drinks are marketed as supplements, which don’t have caffeine limits enforced by the FDA. Experts would like to at least have the drinks labeled to show how much caffeine people are going to ingest if they purchase the product.

“It is a striking inconsistency that, in the U.S., an over-the-counter stimulant medication containing 100 mg. of caffeine per tablet must include [labeling]… whereas a 500 mg. energy drink can be marketed with no such warnings and no information on caffeine dose amount in the product,” wrote researchers.

What we’d like to see is a label clearly stating how much caffeine is in fact in one of these energy drinks, perhaps a warning label,” said Dr. Chad Reissig of Johns Hopkins.