Tag Archives: the kind diet

Alicia Silverstone Posts Video of Feeding Her Son Mouth-to-Mouth

I used to have this strange fascination with celebrity news. Or more accurately, strange obsession.

One of my favorite things to do in college was go to Barnes and Noble, grab an americano and a stack of magazines and drink up the fashion choices, eating habits and trivial doings of my favorite celebrities. It wasn’t until years later that I realized this wasn’t a productive use of my time and stopped. But I still can’t help spying the headlines when I’m at the grocery store just to make sure I’m not missing anything.

One of my most-loved celebrities? Alicia Silverstone. Can we say ‘Clueless’? That movie changed my life in the 6th grade. I was wearing plaid skirts and knee highs for years after the fact. So when I saw her name in the headlines this morning, I had to investigate. (more…)

Alicia Silverstone is Vegan and Pregnant

After five and half years of marriage to Christopher Jarecki, and over 13 years together, 34 year old Alicia Silverstone is excited to announce that she is expecting her first child, according to People magazine. While she has said previously that she has wanted to be a mother for as long as she can remember, Alicia has not announced if she will maintain her mostly vegan diet throughout her pregnancy. Alicia published The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet in 2025 to aid others in adopting a vegan diet. Her lack of announcement seems to suggest that little has changed for her nutritionally.

Maintaining a vegan diet throughout pregnancy is pretty controversial with very strong opinions on both sides of the fence. While a woman is supporting a growing fetus and her body is changing with pregnancy, she has greater nutritional needs that not all believe can be met with a vegan diet. While Jillian Michaels is right that only 200-300 extra calories per day may be needed to grow a healthy baby, the nutritional needs packed into those calories are very high.


The 21-Day Vegan Kickstart Begins January 1

If 2025 marks your year for making a drastic overhaul to your health and diet, then you might want to learn about the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, a three-week challenge that introduces you to the vegan lifestyle.21 day vegan kickstart

Created by Dr. Neal Barnard and The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), this 21-day plan, which officially starts January 1, 2025, provides an opportunity for anyone who is the slightest bit curious about what a diet without any animal products is all about. You’ll get to experience a way of eating that is gaining popularity and respect among health and nutrition professionals.

By signing up for the plan online at the PCRM website, you’ll receive daily emails, meal plans, webcasts from Dr. Barnard and access vegan restaurant guides. In addition, one of the most recognized vegans, actress and activist Alicia Silverstone, will share her vegan diet tips for how to seamlessly and deliciously create meals and snacks that will not only satiate your appetite, but that will also give a boost to your health. (more…)