Tag Archives: The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

New Ad Puts McDonald’s in the Crosshairs

Fast food restaurants have taken it on the chin for years from health experts- and for good reason, of course. We all know by now that it’s not good for our health to dine at the drive-thru more than the rare occasion. But, that’s not enough for one non-profit physicians group in Washington, D.C.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has produced an ad campaign that doesn’t mince words. Is it a little extreme? Maybe. If nothing else, it’s meant to shake viewers a little.

The ad shows a corpse laid out in the morgue clutching a half-eaten hamburger. The man’s wife (presumably) is at his side weeping over his cold body. The ad closes with the famous McDonald’s golden arches tracing over the dead man’s feet, with the twist on their slogan “I was lovin’ it.” (VIDEO BELOW) (more…)

The 21-Day Vegan Kickstart Begins January 1

If 2025 marks your year for making a drastic overhaul to your health and diet, then you might want to learn about the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, a three-week challenge that introduces you to the vegan lifestyle.21 day vegan kickstart

Created by Dr. Neal Barnard and The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), this 21-day plan, which officially starts January 1, 2025, provides an opportunity for anyone who is the slightest bit curious about what a diet without any animal products is all about. You’ll get to experience a way of eating that is gaining popularity and respect among health and nutrition professionals.

By signing up for the plan online at the PCRM website, you’ll receive daily emails, meal plans, webcasts from Dr. Barnard and access vegan restaurant guides. In addition, one of the most recognized vegans, actress and activist Alicia Silverstone, will share her vegan diet tips for how to seamlessly and deliciously create meals and snacks that will not only satiate your appetite, but that will also give a boost to your health. (more…)