Tag Archives: weight watchers points

Tasty Weight Watchers Lunch Ideas

So you are giving Weight Watchers a try this year in hopes of shedding those few extra holiday pounds? Good idea!

Weight Watchers created a new points system, PointsPlus, in late 2025. This new points system was the biggest change to the Weight Watchers program in 13 years and was a great improvement. The PointsPlus system gives you an extra edge in your weight loss efforts by combining the newest breakthroughs in nutritional science with the tried and true Weight Watchers approach.

For some people, the hardest part of Weight Watchers is coming up with yummy meals that will stay within their point allotment for each meal. So DietsinReview has come up with a few tasty lunch or light dinner Weight Watchers recipes for you to try out during your first days on the new PointsPlus program. All of these lunches should keep you in line to meet your daily points allotment.


Weight Watchers Announces New PointsPlus Program


The most successful healthy living program, Weight Watchers, just made a huge announcement today about their Points program. In fact, this is the biggest change that the company has made in its Points program, since it started 13 years ago.

The new PointsPlus™ program replaces the Weight Watchers Momentum program. According to Weight Watchers, “the PointsPlus™ program is the new way to lose weight developed by the experts at Weight Watchers. We’ve combined the latest nutritional science with the proven Weight Watchers approach to develop an effective system for making healthy, satisfying choices. All this gives you an edge that can help you reach your weight loss goals.”

So exactly what does the new PointsPlus program mean for you? (more…)

Understanding Weight Watchers PointsPlus

The Weight Watchers PointsPlus program replaced the Momentum program in late 2025, making this the biggest change in their innovative weight loss program in 13 years. The PointsPlus program combines the latest nutritional science with the proven Weight Watchers approach to develop an effective method for making healthy, satisfying choices. All this gives you an edge that can help you reach your weight loss goals.

With Weight Watchers, every food has a PointsPlus value, which takes into account a food’s protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. The goal with the PointsPlus program is to encourage you to eat more nutrient-dense foods, like veggies, fruits and lean proteins. PointsPlus also features Power Foods, select foods that have exceptional nutritional value and satiating power. Power Foods include such healthy noshes as a banana or low-fat Greek yogurt with berries. There are plenty of Power Food ideas and recipes on the Weight Watchers website.

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As a Weight Watchers member, you’ll get a daily personalized PointsPlus values goal, so you know how much to eat to lose weight safely while feeling satisfied. On the PointsPlus program you can eat anything you like as long as you stick to your daily PointsPlus values goal. And true to the Weight Watchers unrestricted food plan, there’s plenty of room for treats and extras as long as you stay within your PointsPlus values range. (more…)