Tag Archives: women food and god

Never Diet Again Follow Up on the Oprah Show

Image via: Oprah.com

Tune in this Monday, July 12, 2025 to the Oprah Show when Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, returns to discuss the nitty gritty of ending the battle with food.

With books flying off the shelves since Oprah first had Roth on the show in May, Oprah put anyone who has ever battled with their weight or dieting up to a 60-day challenge to apply Roth’s Seven Rules of Eating and see where it takes them.


Oprah Says “No More Dieting”

Perhaps you saw Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, on the Oprah Show. If you didn’t and you’re someone who has ever dieted or battled with their weight, then please, do your body, mind and soul a favor and track down the already-aired episode online.

Roth’s appearance and more notably, her message to women and men, has already created a small movement as women all over the country are waking up this morning, thinking just a bit more thoughtfully about why they are reaching for a second blueberry muffin or polishing off their kid’s unfinished mac & cheese.

In reference to Women, Food and God and from the words of Oprah herself, whose own battle with her weight has created as much media awareness as global warming, “This book is an opportunity to finally end the war with weight and unlock the door to freedom.”


Tune in: Stop Dieting for Good on the Oprah Show

Image via: Oprah.com

Tune in this Wednesday, May 12 to the Oprah Show to discover how you can get rid of every diet book and weight loss pill you’ve ever purchased.

On the show, Oprah welcomes author of Women, Food and God, Geneen Roth, a writer and speaker whose battle with her own weight has inspired her to discover her own pathway to freedom.
