Tag Archives: world cup

Soccer Stars and their Out of This World Endorsement Deals

The World Cup is in full swing, so what better time to talk soccer? In the U.S., football and basketball players are everywhere—in commercials and on clothing and other merchandise—but what about soccer stars? Although soccer is still not the number one sport in America, it is top dog in much of the world which means soccer stars rake in the big bucks with endorsement deals. Here, 5 of the most well known soccer players who get paid to endorse products. 


david beckham

David Beckham
Beckham is arguably the most famous soccer player out there, even after retirement, so it’s no wonder that he was paid something like 150 million dollars to endorse Adidas. And he looked so good doing it.

Beckham has also endorsed Motorola, Pepsi, and Gillette, among other brands.


Clint Dempsey

Clint Dempsey

Playing for the Seattle (my hometown!) Sounders, Dempsey is one of the hottest names in soccer today. Dempsey’s most interesting endorsement is with Modelo Especial—athletes do not often associate with alcohol partners! (more…)

World Cup Fitness: Elite Soccer Training

While I’m an avid sports fan, I don’t know the first thing about soccer. Well, I understand the basics of the actual game, just not who is who on the world stage. So, I had to do a little research on who the high-profile athletes are in the 2025 FIFA World Cup.

Since soccer is the world’s most popular sport, you can say these are the most famous people in the sports world. ESPN put together a list of the top 50 soccer players in this year’s World Cup, and topping the list is Argentina’s Lionel Messi.


The Many Fitness Benefits of Soccer

Soccer, the most popular sport in the world, is an excellent form of exercise that solidly covers all the bases for fitness. Often referred to in other countries as futbol, soccer was referred to by my kids’ Dominican coach as “continuous running that just happens to include ball skills.”

Soccer is ideal for all ages, skill levels and sizes, and can be played in just about any open space. It’s a team sport, which means that at any time of the game, you may be sprinting, running slow, passing the ball, or standing still.

Because of its non-stop action, soccer is a great all-over workout. It is a form of exercise that targets the whole body, including your thighs, calves, abdomen, buttocks and cardiovascular system.
