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The Plant-Powered Diet

The Plant-Powered Diet

A book explaining how a plant-based diet could provide optimal health.

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Sharon Palmer, RD, has written a very informative book about the positive results of a plant-based diet. Her research and years of experience have culminated into a guide for super-charging your health by making plants the majority of your diet.

The Plant-Powered Diet does not call for complete vegetarianism, yet it always focuses on the main staples of ones diet being from plants. This type of eating is endorsed by Palmer because her research states it can offer the rewards of a longer life, weighing less, drive down conditions like oxidative stress and inflammation, create heart health, ward off diabetes, protect against cancer, protect your brain, support healthy immunity, cut back the risk of metabolic syndrome, and make significant reduction in our carbon footprints. The list of positives is powerful and definitely worth hearing Palmer out.

She continues through several chapters of how to change your diet for the better and to understand how eating the whole plant, when possible, is best. As plants have a great natural defense against the harsh UV radiation, insects, and many diseases, those properties can be transferred to humans when eaten and allow the human to gain self-protective benefits. The book contains several charts to see the levels of proteins, fibers, and various other nutrients in many plant-based foods. Palmer explains the value in eating whole foods, as simply avoiding meat and living off of processed foods is not the diet of optimal health she endorses.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Palmer explains all topics thoroughly and informatively
  • Several charts break down concepts in an easy-to-read format
  • Complete with a food journal and exercise journal
  • Many recipes are included to make the new diet easier
  • No unique foods are required, all things are found in the grocery store
  • There are four categories for the user to choose from, two do not require giving up meat
  • Author provides calculations for each user to understand their protein needs
  • First-hand testimonials are abundant
  • Endorses fitness
  • Diet could be a major shift for those eating a highly meat-based, processed foods diet
  • Those who dislike vegetables will have a major adjustment to make

Dietitian Sharon Palmer has written a guide for how to eat while making plants the center of your meals, always. There is no strict plan for how to eat, but she does include meal plans for examples of how one might choose to plan their diets.

First, the reader must decide if they want to be a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or an omnivore. From there they can use the many guides to pick their meals and make certain they get the protein they need. Palmer has readers convert their weight to kilograms and then divide that number by 0.8 to determine the grams of protein they need daily. The diet is not intended for significant weight loss, however, Palmer explains how one can use The Plant-Powered Diet to lose weight at a very moderate pace.

An example of a day on the Plant-Powered diet may look like this:

  • Breakfast: pumpkin pecan spice pancakes, fresh orange wedges, soy latte
  • Morning Snack: plant-based yogurt with fruit
  • Lunch: tomato spinach soup, grilled vegetable and pesto panini - - Afternoon Snack: nuts and dried berries
  • Dinner: baked tofu, roasted lemon asparagus with red peppers, sweet potato pumpkin seed casserole, and ginger pear crisp
  • Evening Snack: whole grain crackers with carrot sticks

Palmer puts a great emphasis on moving every day. She endorses the science that exercise also helps one live longer, feel better, weigh less, and lowers the risk of many ailments. Palmer highly emphasizes making your daily activity part of your exercise. For example, take walk breaks at work, avoid sitting when possible, and use chores as exercise.

While these are extras, Palmer encourages aerobic activity, strengthening activities, and stretching activities. Depending on your level, she gives examples of light, moderate, and vigorous activity. The same goes for the strength training. Activities vary from lifting weights to doing sit-ups.

Palmer recommends people work up to 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate or 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise. Palmer suggest strength training twice a week.


Sharon Palmer, RD has written The Plant-Powered Diet, a compelling and interesting book on health and nutrition. The diet seems suitable for anyone looking to really change their habits and give the power of plants a chance. The book is full of great research and reasons for choosing the diet. The book also contains many resources to start eating a plant-powered diet.

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The Plant Power Diet, Power Plant Diet, Plant Diet, Plant Power Diet

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Alan Hattle


Just finished reading Sharon Palmer's Plant-Powered Diet and will now start again, highlighter in hand. Can't fault it even though I avidly read health and nutrition literature very critically and Google all sides to every argument. Well written with logic and reasoning that makes sense to my scientific mind. Since starting the book I now examine nutrition data on food packaging and have been surprised and alarmed at the contents of some foods. Sharon's highly informative tables are a great plus and appeal to the mathematician in me. I have lost weight at a comfortable pace and am now back to what I was 30 years ago (now 64) and attribute this to plant-powered principles, which I suspect have played a positive role in bringing my post-prostatectomy climbing PSA levels back down to virtually zero (0.01). What I like is that Sharon's "diet" is not dogmatic or prescriptive - she gives you the info and the facts that are difficult to dispute, and encourages you to jump in at any level you feel comfortable with, knowing that having made a start in the right direction, you are likely to get more and more on board. I certainly encourage everyone to do just that. By the way, I still enjoy an very occasional red meat dish, but living in Southern Africa that's not surprising.

posted Oct 24th, 2014 11:59 am


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